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[BUG]Animal Companion has Inventory



[Description of the issue]

Animal Companion can pick up items on ground. This can be done until the companions inventory is full. items can not be accessed from bears inventory.


[DETAILED list of steps to reproduce the issue AND what to look for]

1) Create ranger

2) Kill something

3) Select animal companion

4) order animal companion to pick up loot

5) hit take all button


[Expected behaviour]

Animal companion should not be able to pick up items OR items picket up by animal companion are added to rangers inventory.


[Other remarks / Comments]

Checked stash/characters/quest items for where items went, could not find any trace.

output_log.txtFetching info...

4 answers to this question

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Hello all,


Thanks for your feedback. This is a known issue and it has already been resolved in our newer builds. Items looted by animal companions will be moved into the player's inventory instead.


Thanks for your support during the beta!  :thumbsup:

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