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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VI (The Old Menace)


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Since those patches usually run from 19:00 to 2:00 at night, I didn't really get to try it. Might give it a go when I get home today. Ultimately, I just worry that it'll end up as the "ordinary" PVP. A group that plays it to the exclusion of all else, a group (which I belong to) who try it out on casual basis for a while and then forget about it and the last group who couldn't care less. Only Bioware and their metric gathering guys knows the actual numbers if they monitor unique accounts participation in activities.


Trying to motivate myself to complete the Makeb story line, but honestly, I've forgotten why I'm there and what I needed those Isotope 5 mines for... :blush:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think it could become an issue.


The rewards you get for it (so far that I've seen) basically give you "ship money" that can only be used to improve the equipment on the various starships you can use, that and improve your "abilities" with them during those starship games.


So someone who's done a bunch of them will be able to have lasers that do more damage, recharge faster and can hit you from a longer distance, while not having to wait as long as you for other abilities to recharge.


Depending on what positions you assign various crew to, you get a couple of options of special abilities.. ranging from increased hit/critical chance to reducing an enemies recharge rates on their shields/weapons etc.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I like it... although I still have a limited (or in some cases, none) clue of what I'm actually doing or what all those upgrades are for...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I made a basic mistake at first thinking you simply changed the equipment. I didn't notice that each and every piece of gear has it's own "skill tree" on the right hand side of the screen when you select it under components. So the first rank costs 1,000 ship requisition, the next rank 2,500 and so on. around the 4th-6th ranks you have to make choices between X or Y improvement.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Only made a quick play through the tutorial. Controls are going to take some time getting used to. A shame there's no joystick/throttle support. Pilot suits were nice... No longer any need to save up a few thousand fleet commendations for the TIE Fighter suit ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Maybe you have it remapped to the ejection seat? :p


No, no idea really. It's supposed to turn into a missile lock type thingy if you hold it down and keep it locked (like the photon torpedo thing in the old space missions).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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It's because you're playing the gunship?


Your secondary weapon then is railshot that can be fired at greater range than other weapons and do awesome damage.


basically you're supposed to play more as a sniper.


Strike fighters are the only ones that have missile locks I think. Scouts just click right click (at least with the stock one) and it fires.

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Ok, got to actually fight a match. Won too. Ultimately, I see my interest in this going the way of ground based PVP though. 3 more matches and I've "had my fill" most likely. It should appeal to the PVP enthusiasts though, as it is very slick and very polished.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Like I said, they need to make FP's with that engine. 


Mate, you need to put that in the suggestions forum (because it's a good idea) ;)


Count me in as one of those who hope they do more than PVP with the work they've done so far on the space side of things. The old missions are getting *really* boring by now. It's just such a good source for credits and xp when you are not into PVP and can't be arsed to wait an hour or three when queuing as DPS for flashpoints.


From Gorth's diary... main character still stuck halfway through Makeb storyline, just can't motivate myself to finish it, one trooper almost done with Corellia (got Ilum to go to finish his class story, so I'll persevere with that one) and my smuggler girl is now level 53, so getting major gear and mods upgrade for herself and all her crew members. My Sith Warrior (DPS Juggernaut) just turned 50 (not at least thanks to the previous double XP weekend), so he'll start doing some of the late stuff too.


I figured I need to play either a consular or an inquisitor next? Might try the shadow or assassin tank. Just to try a different type of tank to my Powertech.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I ran my Agent through Act 1, and have partially sorted out Act 2. Finished off the class piece to Quesh, just trying to decide whether to jump on to Hoth, or actually do some of the Quesh planet missions.


Did some of the weekly clear out stuff with my Sith Inquisitor, cobbled together an outfit for Andronicus (ranged dps companion) from the assorted "Starpilot" outfit sets, threw on a Dark Blue/Black dye on it and then mixed spending planetary commendations and my 450 Artifice skill to mod it out with suitable Armour/Mods/Enhancements..


Think I'll focus on my Agent for a little bit more, then take my Trooper to Nar Shaddaa at some point in this Christmas season....

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I sort of like Quesh. Sure, there isn't a lot of variety there, but then it's fairly quick and you don't feel like it drags on forever. I guess we all have favourite *and* least favourite places :)


Edit: I've put together a "datacron spreadsheet" now with corresponding galactic history entries, so I suppose one of these days, I'll start taking my oldest characters through the checklist and make sure they at least get the class relevant ones.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I ran my Agent through Act 1, and have partially sorted out Act 2. Finished off the class piece to Quesh, just trying to decide whether to jump on to Hoth, or actually do some of the Quesh planet missions.


Did some of the weekly clear out stuff with my Sith Inquisitor, cobbled together an outfit for Andronicus (ranged dps companion) from the assorted "Starpilot" outfit sets, threw on a Dark Blue/Black dye on it and then mixed spending planetary commendations and my 450 Artifice skill to mod it out with suitable Armour/Mods/Enhancements..


Think I'll focus on my Agent for a little bit more, then take my Trooper to Nar Shaddaa at some point in this Christmas season....


Heh, I also gave Andro the pilot suit. 


He did say he's a pilot after all. 



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Heh, I also gave Andro the pilot suit. 


He did say he's a pilot after all.

Indeed. I merged elements from Republic and Imperial Flight suits, then threw on one of those Imperial style cap with Cobra Commander faceplate.. :shifty:


Took an hour to try running a Hard [50] fp for the first time with my Consular Healer type. Definitely a learning experience.

Edited by Raithe

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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So I got back into it during Thanksgiving and started a Jedi Knight, now Guardian. 


I found I enjoyed playing tank because I get to control combat encounters somewhat, keeping the heat on me and letting the healers and dps do their jobs. 


You guys told me the Jedi Knight story was epic but so far I'm a little bored. Still in chapter 1 going around trying to rescue two Jedi Masters. I'm actually over-leveled at this point because I grew tired of the story and just queue up for flashpoints and craft during the waiting period. While things are cooking I just read or watch some Netflix. 


Flashpoints are pretty enjoyable and I found out what happened to Revan and the Exile finally. I thought it was handled as well as it could have, though I still wished they had gotten a full fledged sequel. I always thought the leveling problem could have been solved through Revan/Exile posing as a different character class as he/she infiltrated the Sith empire, with the game allowing you to access your Jedi levels at key points in the game. But oh well, it'll never happen at this point. 


The lure of better loot has me pretty engaged and I do love the Star Wars feel when the music kicks up at the right time. I'm on the Bastion server if anyone wants to play together. 

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I think the Jedi Knight, while it has an Epic series of stories, isn't quite as tied together coherently through all 3 acts as the other class stories. It kind of feels more like 3 separate short stories linked by having your character, rather then flowing from one to another.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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My memory might be off here, but doesn't act 2 and 3 tie directly in to each other?



I thought act 3 started with you being brainwashed after failing to defeat the emperor the first time?



Most of the stories have one first act that is fairly self contained, then act 2 and 3 are basically two halves of the same story. Pretty much the same way the original Star Wars trilogy was structured when I think about it (and the prequel trilogy as well to a degree).

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Eh. Act II is all about setting things up to invade the Emperor's Space Station

which then goes horribly wrong and you become a brainwashed idjit, before deus ex hand wave wakes you up and sends you on.


Act III is you storming around to find the Emperor's weakness and slap him silly.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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