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SW: The Old Republic - Episode VI (The Old Menace)


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Yeah, got those for characters who progressed beyond simple experimenting with character concepts. Also the one that reduces wait time to 5 seconds when sending companions off to sell trash is a must. Made the mistake on my first two characters to invest in the one which adds 2% critical chance to crafting, not reading the fine print (only increases the chance slightly for an augment result for augmentable stuff). Oh, and those who made it past level 30 something also got the portable droid and mailbox, because messy inventory starts becoming a problem and I'm such a pack rat picking up everything, even if it's grey items worth 5 credits.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Everyone does that... especially since those grey items are easily sold with the sell thrash button or your teammates.

I got all my slots unlocked on all my chars (thank you CC-people putting that on the GTN :)), and even then I can easily get it filled up :p


The +gifts are really more useful than the +influence in conversation, since you spam the one more than the other. But for 10k (first tier) and 30k (second tier) I still get those 2 anyway. 3rd tier is too costly for it's effect, and I just use the gifts for that :).




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Made the mistake on my first two characters to invest in the one which adds 2% critical chance to crafting, not reading the fine print (only increases the chance slightly for an augment result for augmentable stuff).


Actually, the tooltip on that is confusing. It adds +3% crit chance (if you get all three tiers) to ALL crafting. So regardless if you're crafting gear that can augment slots, or things like mods, it increases your crit chance. This has been confirmed by devs a long time back.


It does nothing for Mission or gathering skills though.

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I have to admit, I grabbed the email and GTN kiosk on ship, just for saving all the running around at times.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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I do wish they added some more ship unlocks... a mission terminal would be sweet, and with GSF now, a pvp terminal...

The less time on the fleet the better.


Sadly one needs to spend a lot of time there to do operations *sad puppy*

Horrible design.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Made the mistake on my first two characters to invest in the one which adds 2% critical chance to crafting, not reading the fine print (only increases the chance slightly for an augment result for augmentable stuff).


Actually, the tooltip on that is confusing. It adds +3% crit chance (if you get all three tiers) to ALL crafting. So regardless if you're crafting gear that can augment slots, or things like mods, it increases your crit chance. This has been confirmed by devs a long time back.


It does nothing for Mission or gathering skills though.



Ah bit of googling gave some funny results. Apparently it confused the Bioware guys too on the official forums and they gave two official and contradicting answers :lol:


One guy later showed up and confirmed that the above is indeed correct and he would correct the wrong colleagues post.


I feel less bad about being confused :)


I think I'll invest in that one for the remaining toons I got that has crafting skills (some of them only have gathering/mission skills, so no point really).


@Raithe: Mailbox and GTN was amongst the first things I used the legacy thing for IIRC, checking out the global unlock perks. Personal perks had the 5 second companion return time as the first thing purchased for my main toons (my main guy was about level 20 something and had 40 or so inventory slots at the time, a single inventory unlock beating the above by a few days).

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Double post, yay (rather than editing the previous one with unrelated stuff).


I think we managed to act like a bunch of jerks towards some poor healer over the weekend. To be fair, he started it though, but we sure rammed the message home.


Together with two guild members, one being a new level 50 (other tank and me being 55), who we wanted to help level up and gain as much xp as possible, queued on GF. Being 3 tanks, we needed a healer and got one. Problem is just, he had no interest in other than rushing through Directive 7 as fast  as possible skipping all combat and bonuses. Needless to say, he was upset that we kept picking fights and got snarky about it. In the end, we had enough and in the big courtyard we charged in 3 different directions pulling and insane amount of mobs and eventually wiped. Instant disconnect from healer. Healer companion filled in the open spot and everything went more or less smoothly from there. A shame you can't advertise your "intent" in GF, to avoid that kinds of mismatches of interests.


Ran into a strange bug in Directive 7 too (after healer had quit). When you confront 3 droids and one of them has an "immunity" thing, after killing 2 of the bots, he didn't drop the immunity... ever. We kept bashing away for 15 minutes and he didn't lose a single HP.


Time to try some tricks. First, level 50 guy and I ran to other end of map, like several 100 meters away and remaining tank (assassin) did the force cloak/invisibility thing. Guess what, robot had GPS and ran all the way across to map to pick a fight with level 50 guy and me. Only option left was to deliberately die. Find big mob, aggro, don't hit back and die. After that, repeating the fight, everything went smoothly. We sure were nervous though when remaining bot had the immunity thing up the second time around, but at least it timed out this time.


Edit: Our "rookie" level 50 guy leveled up to 51 in the process of killing Mentor ;)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I think that's a know issue yeah, heard of it before.


Anyway, had a bunch of ops last week (first time ever 150/150 on ultimates) so not too fond this week to sit on the fleet and wait. I wanted to be somewhere not laggy, not ****-looking, where the general chat atleast tried to show some human dignity, and where I did not have to wait 30m doing nothing just waiting for a team.

And thus, the only ops I had was with the guild... :/


It really sucks after so long they still haven't devised a proper way to do operations without fleet-hugging. I hate that pile of junk. The less time I spend there the better. But that makes it impossible to ops :/. GF is no use, only 8 people and very few operations are on it. Is it too much to ask that at lvl 55 I can enjoy the old planets too instead of being a flee-junky? BW surely assumes so. But why they want us to spend so much time in an ugly location and so few in more aesthetically pleasing ones... I don't know.

And it bugged the hell out of me this week...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee

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Ran into a strange bug in Directive 7 too (after healer had quit). When you confront 3 droids and one of them has an "immunity" thing, after killing 2 of the bots, he didn't drop the immunity... ever. We kept bashing away for 15 minutes and he didn't lose a single HP.


Yeah, this still happens. I'd think they fix it. 



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Yeah, that's been an on/off bug for awhile. From what I've heard it doesn't always turn up, but by now so many people know of it's possibility, they tend to be careful of the attacks to not cause it to go active.  It's along the lines of if you attack one with immunity near the start, it sets something up so immunity never drops, so you have to be really careful about only attacking the ones without shields from the get go.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It really sucks after so long they still haven't devised a proper way to do operations without fleet-hugging. I hate that pile of junk. The less time I spend there the better. But that makes it impossible to ops :/. GF is no use, only 8 people and very few operations are on it. Is it too much to ask that at lvl 55 I can enjoy the old planets too instead of being a flee-junky? BW surely assumes so. But why they want us to spend so much time in an ugly location and so few in more aesthetically pleasing ones... I don't know.

And it bugged the hell out of me this week...


it's funny, when the game launched one of the major complaints against it was that there was no real reason to hang out on the fleet. There simply was no generl gathering point of each side's faction.


Not saying I disagree with you (personally I don't), it's just interesting how different people view things.


Game-wide LFG channel would be awesome, but possibly tricky to implement.

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I don't see the use of guildships. That functionality should be on your OWN ship.

And with most of our guild usually at widly different places (space, fp, operation, dailies, fleet, out questing, leveling)... it's very unlikely you wont walk around solo anyway.


I suppose it could be handy if all operations are a loadscreen away from the ship, rather than forcing you to travel to the fleet/oricon/makeb. But I somehow doubt BioWare would do something like that :(

Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I don't see the use of guildships. That functionality should be on your OWN ship.

And with most of our guild usually at widly different places (space, fp, operation, dailies, fleet, out questing, leveling)... it's very unlikely you wont walk around solo anyway.



I suppose it could be handy if all operations are a loadscreen away from the ship, rather than forcing you to travel to the fleet/oricon/makeb. But I somehow doubt BioWare would do something like that :(

I would probably agree on the guild ship thing. I really don't see the point and would think those developer resources much better invested elsewhere. I think I mentioned once in a previous thread (or thought about mentioning it, who knows?), the game has so many "empty" areas that could be get new purposes. If they actually have spare developer capacity for creating new assets, why not populate some of those areas with something, either event or quest related. Or just silly vanity stuff where designers can add things to show off a bit, where it wouldn't make sense elsewhere in the game. Guild ships is high on the do not need list ;)


@the edit: Ok, that's lazy. If fast travel vanguard vessel doesn't cut it... ;)


Completely unrelated, finished the short Oricon story line for both my trooper and bounty hunter. Didn't do the heroics yet though. Shouldn't be a problem for my bounty hunter as his guild members do them regularly.


Since commendation bought tank gear in general sucks (or rather, the enhancement mods in tank gear sucks, the rest is ok, so I ripped out the good bits and used), I started spending my basic coms on buying gear for my companions. Mako currently getting agent/operative gear (got most of the major pieces for her, jacket, pants and off hand blade, with boots, gloves and head gear coming up next) and Torian might get some DPS gear eventually. Blizz inherited most of my hand me downs when I upgraded my own equipment.


Edit: Yeah, a dedicated LFG channel would be very, very nice.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Well, there are the many loading screens (going from there to fleet to ops makes guild ship kinda painful a place to start rather than fleet no) and the fleet quicktravel has an 8 hour cooldown combined with other legacy travels (which, in my humble opinion is a mistake.)

It was simply the only thing I could think of that would make grouping on a ship for ops more useful rather than less useful on that ship.




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Did my first complete run of the Oricon daily/weekly. Sure was a lot easier doing it as a group with 3 guild mates (compared to when I unlocked them soloing it). Nice armour, but at this point in time... a bit pointless? I would expect most people would have better gear when they make it to that point. Maybe that's just my imagination. Speaking of armours found an alternative use for my coms after gearing up a few companions. Since I got the respec button on my skill tree, I guess I could start building a second armour set, geared for DPS rather than tanking. At least it would feel less wasteful than just having them sitting in your account and hitting the limit.


Decided to try this "Gree" thing. Last time it was around, I didn't have any toons of level 50 (or even close). Picked up the mission and this morning, spending 20 minutes before heading to work, made my way to Ilum. That was a bit of a surprise. Last time I was on Ilum, there was a total of 3 people on the imp side there. Me, a fellow guild member who helped me kill a certain ghost and a random stranger.


This time, this instance had close to 60 people all gathered on the platform on the western shelf, throwing music probes, party bombs and massive snowball fights. It looked for all the world like a crazy party in an open air night club :rolleyes:


Picked up the various types of missions and will have a look at them when I get home from work. I need to work on my snowball skills, only got 3 parcels so far :(

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Fleet travel has no cooldown...

but guild ships isn't necessarilly about convenience, it's about community building.

I was kinda talking about the Operation quicktravel one, not the generic fleet... which has no cooldown depending on legacy status and subscription status (it has no cooldown for me now, but when I drop back to preffered status it will have one again)


I don't see the use in community building either. Maybe that's just me though. But feel free to enlighten me on the use, I'm interested :)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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Community building within the guilds. Having a natural meeting place for guild characters is something beneficiary I feel. So instead of hanging around fleet when idling, people hang in a commonly shared place that belongs to the group.


There needs to be more features to it than that oviously, it has to be more appealing to spend game time in the guild ship than fleet. So a game wide lfg channel is probably a must for it even to be feasible.


Then again, this would make the fleets largely abandoned, and I don't think Bioware wants that either. So it's probably something we'll never see.


I just would like more guild features in general, I suppose. The xp and rep bonus is nice, but there's more that can be done in that area.

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I would have no objections to making the fleet as unused as possible. Anything to get me away from that dreaded place has my support.

What suggestions would you have on that level (Guild features)? Never played any other MMO's (since... story, star wars!) so not sure what's all 'lacking' here...




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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I haven't played any other MMOs either, so it's hard.


I'd like the guild base to be customizable and maybe be able to host some sort of trophies to acknowledge the guilds achievements (the heads of the dread masters for instance).


Perhaps a way to browse portraits of all current members.


Maybe perks along the line of the legacy system, but guild wide instead (also doesn't have to be tied to a capital ship I suppose).


A dueling area where you can duel each other while waiting for groups to form or something 8since you can't duel on fleet).


Mostly just create a sense of belonging somehow.

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My gunslinger is level 39 or so now and I'm starting to get frustrated with him because for the past couple levels he seems to be doing less damage. I keep his gear up to date but it seems like I've hit a point where his damage is being mitigated a lot more and misses are even more devastating

Free games updated 3/4/21

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