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Hoops 13-14


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The final could end up being a fourth Florida-Kentucky matchup.    Any other match-up would be a huge improvement.  :)

I concur.


I actually managed to get 3 out of the 4 final four teams right in my bracket: Florida, UCONN, and Wisconsin.  I have Florida beating UCONN and Louisville Kentucky beating Wisconsin.  I would love nothing more than to be wrong on both accounts.  :yes:


In NBA news:  KD extended his 25+ scoring streak to a mind boggling 38 games (just 2 shy of His Airness!).  More importantly for the Thunder, Russ looks no worse for the wear after his latest scare (though I'm still frightened that his knee will shatter into a billion pieces at any moment) and the they might get both Perkins and Sefolosha back by the end of this week.  The top 2 spots look pretty much set in the West with the Spurs being on a winning streak that seems like it will never end and the Thunder with enough cushion to third place and likely more concerned with keeping KD rested and Russ healthy than trying to catch the Spurs.


Over in the East, the Pacers look like they don't want that 1 seed after all.  Outside of their win against the Heats, they've been self destructing, with an embarrassing blow out loss to the Cavs being their latest stumble.  I'll be curious to see if the Heat will rest guys or try to get the 1 seed.  If the Pacers keep playing this poorly, the Heat might be able to do both, get the 1 seed while resting their guys.

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🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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The final could end up being a fourth Florida-Kentucky matchup.    Any other match-up would be a huge improvement.  :)

I concur.


I actually managed to get 3 out of the 4 final four teams right in my bracket: Florida, UCONN, and Wisconsin.  I have Florida beating UCONN and Louisville Kentucky beating Wisconsin.  I would love nothing more than to be wrong on both accounts.  :yes:


In NBA news:  KD extended his 25+ scoring streak to a mind boggling 38 games (just 2 shy of His Airness!).  More importantly for the Thunder, Russ looks no worse for the wear after his latest scare (though I'm still frightened that his knee will shatter into a billion pieces at any moment) and the they might get both Perkins and Sefolosha back by the end of this week.  The top 2 spots look pretty much set in the West with the Spurs being on a winning streak that seems like it will never end and the Thunder with enough cushion to third place and likely more concerned with keeping KD rested and Russ healthy than trying to catch the Spurs.


Over in the East, the Pacers look like they don't want that 1 seed after all.  Outside of their win against the Heats, they've been self destructing, with an embarrassing blow out loss to the Cavs being their latest stumble.  I'll be curious to see if the Heat will rest guys or try to get the 1 seed.  If the Pacers keep playing this poorly, the Heat might be able to do both, get the 1 seed while resting their guys.





UK, with their inside power (even without Cauley-Stein) is going to be a tough matchup for Wisconsin.  UK absolutely destroyed UM on the offensive glass and if they keep shooting 3s like they have they are going to be really tough to beat.


Yeah Pacers have lost their early season mojo it seems.  The Pistons losing to the 76ers was the big laugher to me.  Dumars is an absolute joke as a GM. 


Biggest question in the West is how Memphis, Phoenix and Dallas shake out in the race for the last two playoff spots.  Dallas has no chance in the playoffs, and I would rather see them finish just out of the playoffs to keep their 1st round pick (which is top 20 protected).  Finishing out of the playoffs lets that pick slide all the way up to #14 in a very loaded draft.  :)

Edited by kgambit
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L0L Indiana L0L


And, this is the favorite to win the NBA championship? :p They'll be lucky to get out of the 2nd round vis s TOR or CHI. HAHAHA!


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At this point, I'll say San Antonio is the favorite right now. They are experienced, deep, well rested, have momentum, the best coach, and the best offense in the game.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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"I'll say San Antonio is the favorite right now."




You are just too easily impressed by win streaks. It's irrelevant. It means nothing come playoffs time. bets coach? best offense?> Most experience? Deep? Well rested? menaingless.


I'll just tackle the 'most experienced' nonsense. You can't get more experienced than the team whose been tot he fianls the last 3 seasons.


Best offence? L0L That's OKC or HOU.


Best coach? HAHA! Did you not watch the finals? :p


Deep? OKC and IND are deeper. heck, so is MIA.


Well rested comapred to others? nah. They play the same ammount of games as every other team. It is irrelevant come play off time. If so, than Wade shoudl easily be at his peak come playoff time since he is EXTREMELY well rested.



All that, and I still not saying SA can't win the championship. They can and certainly are one of the best teams in the league. the favorites, though? Na.

Edited by Volourn


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So, which 2 of these 3 teams get in?






All three tied at 44-30 - Memphis currently has the tiebreaker over Dallas and Dallas has it over Phoenix.  Each team plays the other once more.  It's a toss up 

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I have to agree with Volo, the Heat are still the favorites as far as I'm concerned.  They have a much easier path to the Finals than anyone in the West.  Sure, the Bulls gave them trouble during the regular season, but I expect the Heat to handle the Bulls once they kick into playoff mode.  The only team I can see beating the Heat in a series in the East is Indiana, but the Pacers need to right their ship but quick, the way they're playing right now, they might not beat the Bobcats.


The Spurs have to be the favorites in the West because they are playing so incredibly well right now.  The Thunder's fortunes hinge heavily on their health.  Can Russ get through the playoffs without his knee shattering into a billion pieces?  Will Sefolosha and Perkins be 100%?  If the answer to both those questions is yes, then the Thunder are obviously quite capable of winning the West.  The Clippers and Rockets are scary teams, I don't know if they're consistent enough to make it to the Finals, but they're both quite capable of knocking anybody out.


The Heat are beatable, but until someone actually does that and knocks them out, I still think they're the most likely team to walk away with the Larry O'Brian Trophy.

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Neither the Heat or Pacers are playing good ball right now. Why shouldn't San Antonio be the favorites? Best franchise for the past 15-16 years now. They have several championships, they play team-oriented system basketball. No team can out execute the Spurs with their motion and HORNS based offense. Rarely do you see ISOS or hero ball -coach's pron.


Remember, they were one rebound away from winning the championship last year.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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My reasoning for putting the Heat as the favorites is that I feel a lot more confident that they will make it to the Finals than any team in the West.  San Antonio is playing the best basketball of anyone right now, and they can absolutely make the Finals and win the championship, but I think a fully healthy Thunder team beats them more often than not.  Of course the question is, will we see a fully healthy Thunder team?  I can also see Houston or the Clips knocking out either San Antonio or OKC.  Heck, the Warriors could get blazing hot and bury 3s for a couple straight games and knock someone out.  The East is just a lot less muddled.  Yes, the Heat aren't playing particularly great right now, but past experience has shown me they have another gear to go to for the playoffs.  Do the Pacers have another gear to go to?  Can they even get back to playing somewhat good basketball?  Is there anyone else in the East that has a realistic chance of knocking off the Heat?

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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Another Curry OT game winner. GSW 122 -DAL 120



...no goaltending... :)


Dallas broadcast:


"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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"Neither the Heat or Pacers are playing good ball right now. "


Heat has won3 in a row.



"Why shouldn't San Antonio be the favorites?"


They aren't the best team in the NBA. I bet youw ere claiming IND or OKC were the 'best' teams too when theyw ere hot. Hot streaks in the RS mean nothing come playoff time.


"Best franchise for the past 15-16 years now."


Irrelevant. What matters is NOW.


"They have several championships, they play team-oriented system basketball."


Big deal. MIA has 2 championshsips in the past two years and a 3rd Finals appearance. They also play team oriented basketball and have the most unselfish superstar ever.



"No team can out execute the Spurs with their motion and HORNS based offense."


OKC, HOU, MIA, and others disagree.


"Remember, they were one rebound away from winning the championship last year."


Good for them. A loss is a loss.


People get too easily suckered in. People flip flop over the 'best team' based on who is winning instead of looking at the best picture. Just lookat this very limited thread and see how many 'best' teams there's been this season. Even a team like POR was considered 'best' team at one point.It's all smoke screens. The best team is the best is the best team until proven otherwise. And, that is MIA the back to back champion until proven otherwise.


This doesn't mean a SA, HOU, OKC, IND, POR, or whatever can't win the championship but being favorites? LMAO


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So, favorite aside, teams that can realistically win the championship this year:




San Antonio


LA Clippers

🇺🇸RFK Jr 2024🇺🇸

"Any organization created out of fear must create fear to survive." - Bill Hicks

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C'mon Volo, circumstances change. In case you didn't know, basketball is a game of runs. A hot team clicking together offensively and defensively can beat any other team. Regular season or playoffs.


The best team is also the team with the best record while also accounting for difficulty of competition.


San Antonio has the best record and play in a tougher conference. They also have an 18 game win streak.


If there was ever a team that gets more snubs or disrespect when considering how good they truly are, it's the Spurs.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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I never posited that anyone here was claiming the Spurs suck or are not contenders. Why the straw man?


Bah, point is moot. Warriors will end the Spurs streak tonight and claim the Championship belt.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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