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how far away from a squadie does squad sight work? because i haven't been able to use it yet.


it's funny, but so far (which is not very far ) my Support troops are the deadliest. Sure the Heavy has most kills (2 more than best support) but he startd in tutorail.


alan i noticed but i'm not very far yet, i think i've completed just 7 missions, so i'm still gathering resources.

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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As for myself I am stopping playing until they fix the alien spawn bug where enemies spawn on top of your troops.

Today a Sectopod decided to spawn inside my squad, luckily I had sniper coverage from two double tap snipers to take it down quickly but I know that sooner or later this bug is going to get me killed (not to mention prevent me from wanting to start a game on classic).


Alien spawning? I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean.

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Squad sight will always work as long as there is no obstruction between your sniper and any unit a fellow squadmate can see.


You'll know you can see a target with squadsight because the alien head in the lower right will have a little yellow crosshair on it.

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@ Hurlshot -

In some missions, particularly escort ones, aliens will seem to come from no where sometimes, jumping out of thin air.

if you have some crew on overwatch they usually get blasted.

And the game gives you a turn to react before the newly-appeared aliens get one.


I'm loving the game still, my sniper is a beast. Squad sight + good ground + skeleton suit + double tap....yeaaaaaaaaa


One thing I hate is how soldiers in the barracks will still wear their gear, even if not going on a mission.

Wounded soldiers get it right though, they take off the gear before they are treated.

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@ Hurlshot -

In some missions, particularly escort ones, aliens will seem to come from no where sometimes, jumping out of thin air.

if you have some crew on overwatch they usually get blasted.

And the game gives you a turn to react before the newly-appeared aliens get one.


I don't think that's what he's talking about in this case. There is another thing going on where sometimes enemies will suddenly appear in or near your group and then scamper as though they've just been detected. I think that is the issue that mrmud was referring to.


Not that it really helps you deal with it, but I had someone give me a theory for why it might happen. Not all enemy groups move the same way. I think it has to do with proximity to your troopers, but some enemy patrols will teleport to their next location instead of walking there. Usually this only happens when they are under fog of war, but sometimes you can still see their outlines through the fog. The idea is that the groups that appear in your midst are one of these patrol groups that for whatever reason teleported to their next patrol point rather than walking.

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Finished my second playthrough successfully yesterday. The final mission is a bit of a letdown.. it's not necessarily easy, but it just doesn't feel as tense or interesting as some of the random ufo crashes/landing missions or the terror ones. I had an assault equipped with an alloy cannon and another with a normal plasma rifle (not a shotgun type weapon) and I have to say that I think I prefer equipping the assaults with rifles rather than shotgun. It makes them feel more versatile, and I don't necessarily feel like having less critical cripples their utility in combat, quite the contrary.


Any thoughts on that?

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I haven't tried assaults with anything but shotgun variants.


I made it to the final mission, but died heroically. I'll have to try it again. I also think I pushed the pace too much to get to the end, I don't have any heavy plasma weapons.

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I also think I pushed the pace too much to get to the end, I don't have any heavy plasma weapons.


D: No plasma weapons is a no-no! You should have at least some of your units with plasma weapons equipped in the post-alien base game. Or at least, that's my experience with Normal.. although I imagine that's all the more important with a Classic/Impossible game.

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I always rush towards the end though, I even ignored a couple missions to get to the last one :p


I did save it before then, so I'll probably go back and slow it down. It's just hard once you see the ship not to want to get out there!

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Played for six hours straight the other night. Made the mistake of relying on autosave. Which is disabled by default.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Anyone used a SHIV much? I just started playing around with one. It doesn't get cover bonuses, but the aliens seem to just ignore it for the most part.

Using a gamepad to control an FPS is like trying to fight evil through maple syrup.

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Hmm, my game i felt was going good, I only had laser after the alien base. is plasma much better?


As for my game, it took a turn for the worse when I went to a ufo landing and got most of my a-team wiped out (apart from the two currently going through psi studies).


That left me with a team without a heavy (I had four snipers, two assaults and two support, but only unlocked one heavy) and suddenly I was outclassed on every mission. So I couldn't get my rookies to level up and had no alloys and no way to get more. Let's just say I think I'm starting over again.


A single bad mission can really mess you up.

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SHIVs can be heavily upgraded in the foundry, and they are nice to have if you only have squaddies/rookies due to death/injury to your main guys.

SHIVs can be heavily upgraded in the foundry, and they are nice to have if you only have squaddies/rookies due to death/injury to your main guys.


All that money/alloys generally are better spent on another stuff, though, IMO.

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SHIVs can be heavily upgraded in the foundry, and they are nice to have if you only have squaddies/rookies due to death/injury to your main guys.

SHIVs can be heavily upgraded in the foundry, and they are nice to have if you only have squaddies/rookies due to death/injury to your main guys.


All that money/alloys generally are better spent on another stuff, though, IMO.


I wouldn't disagree, but then I've never really used SHIVs so it's hard for me to say. I don't use them because I have the mentality "Why use something that can't level up?" but perhaps my way of thinking is not sound?


I just started an ironman classic game (again...) and I'll try out some SHIVs.

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You can also take advantage of the PC interface to move a sniper, overwatch with the pistol, then re-select the unit with the mouse and swap the weapon to the sniper rifle. The sniper will still be in overwatch but will take its reaction shot with the sniper rifle, even though the sniper moved on the previous turn. It's not possible on consoles because you can't re-select a unit that's run out of moves, and it'll almost certainly get patched out, but in the meantime you can exploit away if your conscience allows it.


from: http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?268949-XCOM-Enemy-Unknown-Demo!&p=1045403657&viewfull=1#post1045403657


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