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LOST season six

Kor Qel Droma

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Considering the direction it seems to be going, a spaceship would actually be pretty good.


Can't wait for them to pull out the good old Ron Moore excuse of "it's all about the characters" when somebody asks why they didn't address some important plot point.

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They said before the season started they'd only answer the questions that were important to the characters.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I think they should have cut out one of the filler episodes and made last weeks episode a two-parter with the second part about how the temple, lighthouse, statue and heiroglyphs and then carried onto this weeks episode. The filler episodes this season just streched out the alternate timeline story too much which they could have condensed and making way for a second part of last weeks episode. Such wasted potential.

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I'd disagree, but then I didn't feel any of the episodes were filler.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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So about the latest episode:



Ben was pretty badass and people died left and right. I also kind of liked Jacob's little speech, Jack becomming the next Island Guardian was totally predictible, but probably the best choice out the bunch.


Some hilarious stuff as well, like the explanation for Ben's summoning of Smoky "I didn't summon it, it summoned me", right....


And this conversation:


Smokey to Ben: Help me, and the island is yours when I leave.


15 minutes later.


Smokey to Ben: I'm going to destroy the island.




In related news, there's an

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Random idea: it would be so lame if Jack and Sawyer got into a fight over Kate and Sawyer got Smokiefied.


Ah, but what if Jack and Sawyer got into a fight over Kate and *Kate* got Smokiefied...? :ermm:

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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Yet again, this episode showed how much Lost needs Desmond.


I'm totally disappointed in Widmore, btw. I mean, the guy needed Jacob himself to convince him that the world was going to end if Flocke was allowed to leave the island, goes through all that trouble returning, and then - in about 3 seconds time - completely changes his mind. He's like the Nathan Perelli of Lost.


Also, what is Ana Lucia going to tell her superiors? The prisoners were able to escape while I was buying a winning lottery ticket?

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Ana Lucia will probably take the money and escape to the Bahamas (and come back a week later because it was only 125k >_<)


Desmond going for a second hit and run on Locke was hilarious, as was him beating up Ben(again).

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Jack's wife is obviously going to be Juliet. Sawyer will join Miles to the concert, see Juliet, and remember his island-life.


Which made me realise: the only characters that haven't yet made a cameo this season are Shannon (but who cares?) and Eko. I hope we see Eko again, but somehow I doubt it.


edit: forgot Christian Shephard. Wouldn't surprise me if he showed up in the finale.

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That just seems like a marketing hoax to sell the dvd's.


You're being rather cynical lately. :thumbsup:


Personally, I think the major story arc has been explained.


Smokey has been explained, Jacob has been explained, the seeing of the dead people ala Christian Shepherd and Locke has been explained, the numbers have been explained, the moving of the island has been explained, the Others have been explained, the Dharma Initiative has been explained, Widmore has been explained, the whispers in the jungle were explained.


Maybe the only major thing was Walt. I doubt he will get explained but I don't think he was anything major imo. Unless I have forgotten something big then I am reasonably happy with anything they serve up really. It's all the little things that won't have an answer for, which there are many.

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Here's Ryan Scott's list of unaswered questions: (updated for What They Died For)



What makes Walt so special?

Why is pregnancy such a major issue on the island?

What does the Source mean for the world outside the island?

Why did the Source's light go out, and what exactly did it do to the Man in Black?

Desmond is a "failsafe" -- to what end?

How does the Man in Black plan to destroy the island?



Is there more significance to the DHARMA Initiative and the Hanso Foundation?

Do the castaways' children (notably Aaron and Ji Yeon) have further roles to play?

Who was Ilana, and how did she come to be involved with Jacob?

What is the "sickness" that the Man in Black/Smoke Monster infects people with?

Why does the Man in Black need Claire?

What exactly was Zoe looking for, re: the survey map she showed to Jin?

How did Jacob's feeble adoptive mother kill everyone on the island and blockade the well?

Has Ben gone rogue again (killing Widmore, etc.), or are his intentions good?



What caused the food drop?

Who is the skeleton in the polar bear cave?

What is the significance of Ben's childhood friend Annie? What happened to her?

How did Claire survive the explosion when the mercenaries attacked the Others' town?

Who did Juliet shoot during the outrigger trip in season 5?

Why was Sayid instructed to stab the Man in Black before the latter spoke?

What was Dogen's significance in preventing the Man in Black's entry to the Temple?

Did Frank die on the submarine?

What is the Man in Black's true name? What about his adoptive mother?

What happened to Alpert?



What is the true nature and ultimate significance of the sideways reality?

What were the marks that Jack noticed on his neck?

What's with Jack's hazy memory with regard to his appendectomy?

Who is the mother of Jack's son?

Roger speaks of having been in the DHARMA Initiative. What is the sequence of events?

Does Eloise possess knowledge of the other reality?

Why was Desmond going to see Ilana?

What is the meaning of the music box that Claire inherited?

Why has Desmond maneuvered the Candidates to the benefit concert?

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