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Star Trek online..


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Hm, the "latest" mmo with a big name is out soon.. and gee, I've noticed they're doing a special "if you pre-order, you can get a lifetieme account for only $239!" .. How many people will cheerfully shell out the cost of two years subscription fees in one blast before even playing a game? :p

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It is pretty easy to get into the open beta, so I'm guessing the vast majority of lifetime subscribers will have already tried it out that way.


I actually regret not buying the lifetime sub. for LotR Online. I would be in the black at this point. But I also don't mind paying a few bucks a month for a great service, so there ya go.


It looks like an interesting game, bit different than the typical MMO with the ship design and all that. I might go fr a trial someday, but I'm not a huge ST fan, so I'm not dying to play it.

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I hear that end-game stuff is non-existent, but that might just be the beta.


That is pretty standard for most MMO's when they first come out. I've never really cared, as I usually take at least a year to reach end-game content. By that point there is usually enough new content put in.

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I hear that end-game stuff is non-existent, but that might just be the beta.


Isn't that because it's end game? I never been past level 18 in an MMO(Warhammer) so I don't really know what's expected. I've always thought high level character are for PvP.

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I'm just saying what I've heard. I don't actually play MMOs and my understanding of end-game content is raiding, pvp and all the capture the flag modes and whatnot that WoW has.


It's great if it doesn't matter to you, but it will determine how well the game is going to do in the long term. AFAIK that is pretty much the sole reason why Age of Conan dropped off the map so quickly.

Edited by Purkake
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It really depends on what sort of gameplay is the drive in the mmo. I beta'd fallenearth for a couple of months, and while I really dug the setting and the premise, it really doesn't have an endgame aside from trying to obtain better gear. It's more tasking because you can't grind for loot, as pretty much everything worth having has to be made. After a while, you're going to run out of fun things to use your gear on, whether it's pve or pvp. It seemed as if Icarus' cure for this was to have new areas getting cranked out at a breakneck pace, but if they can't keep pace with player advancement they're gonna shed subscribers everytime time there's a lull.


As for sto, I'm in the beta, and I'm liking the ship combat, but the on-foot missions and controls are very 'meh'. It makes me wish that privateer mmo hadn't gotten canceled.

But for all of us, there will come a point where it does matter, and it's gonna be like having a miniature suit-head shoving sticks up your butt all the time. - Tigranes

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The standard endgame run is that you have dungeons or some way to increase your character as time goes on. In WoW and most MMO's this is handled with equipment and getting better and better gear as you progress through raid dungeons.


I will say something, Cryptic (STO's devs) are VERY good at crafting universes with fun storylines and fantastic leveling. However they usually fall apart when they hit the end game because (at least with their other two MMO's (City of Heroes and Champions Online)) they don't put as much work into an item or stats upgrade system. The closest thing to "endgame" in City of Heroes was a "hamidon" raid where you got close to 100 people attacking a giant amoeba-like creature that was effectively a god. champions, I didn't get to the end, but from what I read on the beta forums it was kinda just running random quests until your brains fell out your ears.


Star Trek would be difficult to add endgame to I think because there isn't really dungeons you can put out... It'd be more like EvE where you just never stop increasing in level.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I guess the best way to go is to have no end-game content, because you don't have an end? Like EVE.


EVE is a fairly unique MMO, so it's hard to compare it to the more traditional ones. It's tough because the endgame is really only for the hardcore, and they probably aren't a huge audience, but they are a vocal one and if treated right, the most loyal to a game. Casual MMO'ers like myself tend to jump around a bit and enjoy different games at different times.

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