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Obsidian making Fallout: New Vegas


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NPD's Top Ten (4/26 - 5/2)


1. World Of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King / Blizzard / $32

2. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe / EA Maxis / $20

3. Left 4 Dead / Valve / $29

4. World Of Warcraft Battle Chest / Blizzard / $39

5. Empire: Total War / Creative Assembly / $50

6. World Of Warcraft / Blizzard / $20

7. Fallout Trilogy (Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics) / Interplay / $20

8. Demigod / Gas Powered Games / $39

9. The Sims 2 Apartment Life Exp. Pack / EA Maxis / $20

10. Spore / EA Maxis / $50

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if just 1 in ten people who played fallout 3 falls in love with the originals then we are on our way baby!


bah i just realized that people play fallout 3 on console and thus wont be playing the originals






why not? just blow up the character size so that people can read it


its turn based so the controller would work just fine for gameplay purposes


i think its brilliant


im also losing my miiiiiiinnnnnnddddd

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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if just 1 in ten people who played fallout 3 falls in love with the originals then we are on our way baby!


bah i just realized that people play fallout 3 on console and thus wont be playing the originals






why not? just blow up the character size so that people can read it


its turn based so the controller would work just fine for gameplay purposes


i think its brilliant


im also losing my miiiiiiinnnnnnddddd


I think if anything they could sell them on DS


and keep in mind everybody in the first world has a computer than can run Fallout

Edited by bhlaab
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i would buy 5 copies of fallout DS

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Then get us out of the monkey cage and we'll abide.


have to agree with him. there's just too much chaos within this one thread.


thanks for posting that deathspank interview, that was an interesting read


world of goo was one of the best games I've played in years, thanks in large part to its weirdly rich yet minimalist narrative, I have high hopes for the future of gaming


no problem. reading that interview really made my day yesterday. a rare attitude from a game developer, no? also...Brother None was going on about World of Goo last year. i don't see the appeal but would love to hear more from someone who does.


What I like to see is an re-engineered versions of the originals using Fallout 3's game engine and design.


what you like to see or would like to see? hmmm. (also you know that's the worst of all the strawmen, right?)

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if you play world of goo, with the volume up, at night, by yourself, in one or two sittings, and don't feel a deep emotional and thoughtful connection with the themes being expressed, then you are without a doubt, a soulless individual.


twinkie, if you dont see the appeal, it means you havent played the game all the way through.


nothing i need to say other then just go and buy it, dont think about it, just buy it and play it, turn up the volume, play it late at night by yourself, and just marvel at what is happening between the lines.


the game is an existential masterpiece of art, story, sound, and design with meditations on the meaning of life, the existence of god, and what reality is even made of. also included are jabs at pop sensationalism and what it is to be loved, or idolized.


and all of this is done in a PUZZLE GAME, with only one chapter containing a dialogue tree.

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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Is a team not made up of individuals? I'd say any team of professionals can adjust their work to an adjusted goal. If Their next game were for the NFL, or Nascar... (and it was worth a lot to them, do you really believe that they would not make it multiplayer and just clone Fallout 3? Do you think they would make tha NFL game in First Person?)


The reason why I spoke about individuals is that different disciplines which are applied when making a game, art, code, design, the general skillset is interchangable between development teams, people move around alot in the games industry, development studios on the otherhand tend to focus on owning an area of the market. If a studio does branch out this often results in setting up an entirely different team.


Bethesda have an established fanbase, the Eldar scrolls community, established mechanics which they're used to applying, and established technology and experience with the Gamebyro engine. The first good business decision is to go "How much can we re-use?", there are also a bunch of other questions which need to be considered, but unless you've got the cash and time to build a new development team it doesn't seem sensible to stray too far outside the current norm.


I don't believe the team which made FO3 would ever make a NFL or Nascar, so even thinking about it is a waste of time. Some of the individuals on the other hand may very well have, or may do so in the future.


As to extending their development cycle ~That's what they did with FO3 isn't it? They added things like partial dismemberment and raised the string limits for Dialog, and shader support. I mean, as close as it is to Oblivion its still got major differences that added to the development schedule far more time than perhaps anything suggested by fans that know the series better than them. ~(and they do)


Features are costed, and analysed, what you THINK is a suggestion which would be easy to implement isn't likely always the case. Also when I talk of extending a development cycle, I was talking in terms of years, FO3 would still be in development now I'd wager.


I'm not going to argue about who knows the series best, waste of time and effort, what I shall say is that you're not in a position to state how long a feature will take to develop, infact I'd go so far as to say I don't even believe you're qualified. By you I mean fans in general.


If Bethesda had made Fallout 3 in the manner which the Codexian and NMA folk desired it would have SUCKED even more, not because isometric and turn based are bad, but merely because Bethesda have 0 experience doing such things.
Hire a pro then (if even just as a consultant).

~Hire a pro consultant ~that's what they had for America's Army ~they had access to a military gun expert and someone who knew every piece of equipment that they were to make/model and have behave correctly (enough).


Totally different situation entirely, the two don't make ANY sense, it would be like Bethesda actually admitting they know nothing about making games, which they clearly know something about as they've achieved alot of sales. What exactly would you hire a "pro consultant" for on FO 3, that's an absurd it's a ridiculious idea. The franchise belongs to Bethesda legally, they can do as they please with it. I imagine that the thinking was to establish a new fanbase and appeal to new gamers.


If you're localizing a game for Romania [or Korea, or Germany, or Spain]... you hire someone that speaks the language and knows the customs /idioms / taboos. That's doesn't make your team redundant, it gives them a heads up to things they do not know, or might never perceive.


*chuckles* That's just the nature of localisation. It's not a good example, offending a person culturally is a bad move. Changing an established franchise to fit with a vision? Nah that's perfectly acceptable.


If your game is a super realistic FPP title based on Welsh myth, would you have only the regular folks from the office write it for you(?), or would you at least hire a consultant that knows the material very ~very well and would know the names and the dates and the meanings ~[and not need weeks to research it].


Why bother? You can take the basics and make the rest up and most people won't care. I think the great irony here would be Viking : Battle for Asgard for example, Creative Assembly I'd say they're well known for the accuracy of the Total war series, but Viking : Battle for Asgard is a damn perversion of norse mythology.


Hollywood are the kings inaccuracy, they seem to get away with it :x.


So really it depends on what you're intending to achieve with the game, a super realistic FPP title based on welsh myth would never make it past the first round of pitches at most if not all companies.


Yeah, because hiring all the right people for the right jobs is that simple! "Hey guys you're all being made redundant because the Codexian, and NMA folks want THEIR fallout 3, while they're only numbering a few hundred we're going to have to hire an entirely new team with the correct skill set to appease them".


Atleast I haven't just proclaimed Gizmo to be an ignorant SOB, so that's an improvement right guys? :brows:


Its not their game, its their hobby, and its Bethesda's blunder; Sure they made a bundle of cash by slashing the wrists of our hobby and using its life blood for their twice resurrected FPS/RPG-lite. But its not a proper series continuance and it omits most if not technically all of the game aspects that would mark it as a sequel. ~A sequel should not need to be branded, its usually plain to the eye ~and Fallout3 does not look like an advanced Fallout 2, does not play like one, and does not read like one (nor react like one). It is for all intents TES4

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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if you play world of goo, with the volume up, at night, by yourself, in one or two sittings, and don't feel a deep emotional and thoughtful connection with the themes being expressed, then you are without a doubt, a soulless individual.


twinkie, if you dont see the appeal, it means you havent played the game all the way through.


nothing i need to say other then just go and buy it, dont think about it, just buy it and play it, turn up the volume, play it late at night by yourself, and just marvel at what is happening between the lines.


the game is an existential masterpiece of art, story, sound, and design with meditations on the meaning of life, the existence of god, and what reality is even made of. also included are jabs at pop sensationalism and what it is to be loved, or idolized.


and all of this is done in a PUZZLE GAME, with only one chapter containing a dialogue tree.


no, no, no! i haven't played it at all. i haven't even seen anything other than a vague description and a few pictures. that's why i was asking.


also, on topic: Fallout New Vegas we still know nothing about it and have only one thread to talk about it in wheeeeeee!!!!

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ok cool twinkie, then I envy you, because you now have the opportunity to experience the game for the first time. something that a person can only do once, and I've already done it :brows:


seriously, you owe it to yourself.


buy it and play it, dont think about whether you will like it. just do it. you wont be sorry

Edited by entrerix

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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myst on the iphone.... the past and future are colliding!!


the world will shatter!


JE Sawyer needs to come on here and post something about the new game! anything! seriously a piece of concept art, or a paragraph about the direction they want to take the game, anything!


just name the name of one npc in the game


cmon you know you need to do this in your



Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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ok cool twinkie, then I envy you, because you now have the opportunity to experience the game for the first time. something that a person can only do once, and I've already done it :brows:


seriously, you owe it to yourself.


buy it and play it, dont think about whether you will like it. just do it. you wont be sorry


's a hell of a recommendation, man. between you and Kharn speaking so highly i guess it's only a few bucks if i don't like it but a whole lot more if i do, eh? sure. why not?

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I think the inmates are bouncing off the ribcage now. Hmmm... What to do... If this is to take place in one city I hope that it will be a very large city, from multiple sewer lines to the top post apocalyptic penthouses.We need more detailed environments than what we got in Fallout 3 with DC.

"Your Job is not to die for your country, but set a man on fire, and take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

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Actually, entrerix, Mr J.E.S. and other people from the Obsidian them have been going outside the normal parameters in Dev-Fan relationships a lot even by letting us see that they read the threads let alone answering/participating as often as they do. Sadly the norm in these relationships has become something like: Open a forum, appoint a forum handler and let the beggars amuse themselves with the decoy. (And no this is not a dig solely at Beth. A lot of my favorite games' developers are using this including Blizzard, Relic and so on.) I can understand how this becomes needed after a certain "critical mass" of forum posters, hangers on are reached but it makes me sad nevertheless.

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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If this is to take place in one city I hope that it will be a very large city, from multiple sewer lines to the top post apocalyptic penthouses.We need more detailed environments than what we got in Fallout 3 with DC.

Without spoilers, how big did Fallout 3 feel, compared with Morowind and Oblivion? I've only explored Megaton so far, and that's teeny.

"An electric puddle is not what I need right now." (Nina Kalenkov)

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The alternative is that Bethesda could easily demand that any discussions about this game are to be at their forums and any discussion on the game here is to be locked.


waitaminute here. have they actually said this? why would they do this? so they can just ban everybody who has anything negative to say about their games? i don't get it and would love to hear the explanation as to why the goddamn company developing the game can't have a forum about the game and the publisher (who is not developing said game) holds the puppet strings here. EDIT: and don't just jolly well say "money!" or i'll be forced to take issue with you, sir!


They have not said that, and none of us want them to say that.


But the fact of the matter here is that we have pretty specific forum guidelines that all posters are expected to follow, regardless of subject, and there are a number of posts in these Fallout topics that push the envelope.


If you guys want more threads to discuss Fallout in, start showing us that you can behave in this one.

Matthew Rorie

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I would like to have some illusion of "bigger than just 1 city". A city map like FO3 and some satellite locations that are accessible by a world map. The "other" locations don't even have to be big or extremely complex. As I said, an illusion can work as well as the real thing at times. (and from a modding point, It would enable the modders to put "other" new communities, locations without too much forcing the limits/definition of "Wasteland". (I know you hate these Gromnir :) but this would also allow us to mod in usable Outdoorsman and some basic function Vehicles too. )




Sorry (Mr? Developer? or plain? Not goot at nettiquette sorry) Matthew Rorie but I think you are misreading the causes and effects. Most of the off the rails discussions start from 2 or 3 different discussions going at the same time and creating chaos. I have to add my not veteran voice to the benefits of having a sub-forum and keeping the discussions seperate. At the moment we are jumping from game mechanics to opinions on story to guns to beth bashing to story wishes and so on.... It is hard to make a cohersive discussion here unless you ignore 3/4 of the posts and reply solely to 1 topic...

Edited by cronicler

IG. We kick ass and not even take names.

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Sorry (Mr? Developer? or plain? Not goot at nettiquette sorry) Matthew Rorie but I think you are misreading the causes and effects. Most of the off the rails discussions start from 2 or 3 different discussions going at the same time and creating chaos. I have to add my not veteran voice to the benefits of having a sub-forum and keeping the discussions seperate. At the moment we are jumping from game mechanics to opinions on story to guns to beth bashing to story wishes and so on.... It is hard to make a cohersive discussion here unless you ignore 3/4 of the posts and reply solely to 1 topic...





this is what we've been hinting at for some time now.

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Sorry (Mr? Developer? or plain? Not goot at nettiquette sorry) Matthew Rorie but I think you are misreading the causes and effects. Most of the off the rails discussions start from 2 or 3 different discussions going at the same time and creating chaos. I have to add my not veteran voice to the benefits of having a sub-forum and keeping the discussions seperate. At the moment we are jumping from game mechanics to opinions on story to guns to beth bashing to story wishes and so on.... It is hard to make a cohersive discussion here unless you ignore 3/4 of the posts and reply solely to 1 topic...


That is a fine constructive comment. We have been discussing the merits of multiple topics for a while and will probably start them when this thread reaches the post limit.


But there will be less tolerance for posts that fall outside of the forum guidelines if we do so. So everyone gets to feel like they're contributing something; you guys behave, and we give you a bigger playground to play around in.

Matthew Rorie

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