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New PC coming Tuesday

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So my question is, do I go WinXP, Vista (bleh!) or Win7 RC?


Just so you know, PC is rather cheap but a hell of a lot more up to date than my old 2.8GHz P4


Specs of new PC:


Intel Core 2 Duo 7400

Asus P5Q mobo

4GB DDR2 800MHz ram

Sapphire HD 4850 ATi

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That is not crap at all. In fact, I can't think of any title that setup couldn't run. Even Crysis will look good on it (1024x768)!


I would still recommend XP, at least until the reviews come in for Windows 7. But I am partial against Vista so..


Edit: Oops, I read cheap as crap.. Anyhow, uh, yeah.

Edited by mkreku

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That is not crap at all. In fact, I can't think of any title that setup couldn't run. Even Crysis will look good on it (1024x768)!


I would still recommend XP, at least until the reviews come in for Windows 7. But I am partial against Vista so..


Edit: Oops, I read cheap as crap.. Anyhow, uh, yeah.



Ehehehe! Yeah, it's not crap, but it could be a lot better than that. If I had the money ...


The thing is that XP is a valid, stable choice, vista isn't utter crap, but it's not the best thing in OS since, oh I dunno, Ubuntu? And since the RC for Win7 is coming out on Tuesday, the timing seems rather perfect, so I'm seriously considering it. Especially since Win7 has the XP support which is another big plus in my book. Is there a legitimate reason why I should stick to XP or try Vista? So I guess the real question is whether the Win7 RC is a good choice or not.


P.S. I only have 1 HDD so I am not gonna go for dual OS until I get my hands on a second one.

Edited by SirPetrakus
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I'd say stick with XP until Windows 7 is officially released. You can try out the release candidate to get a good feel for what it will be like but it's important to know that MS most likely wont be releasing any bug fixes or security patches for it and vendors wont be officially supporting it.

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I'd say stick with XP until Windows 7 is officially released. You can try out the release candidate to get a good feel for what it will be like but it's important to know that MS most likely wont be releasing any bug fixes or security patches for it and vendors wont be officially supporting it.


Very true. But the timing for the May 5th RC is very good. If anyone has an incentive for it, I guess I would fall in that category. I am more concerned about security than bugs though than the occasional bug and that is probably the only thing stopping me from installing Win7. I guess you're right. Still indecisive, though.

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Dont install Win7 unless you actually want your programs to crash randomly.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Yeah, it's better than Vista (essentially a fixed Vista as far as previews go) and much newer. I wouldn't stick with this old software that is XP for too long, if Win 7's Win XP-VM turns out to run my Infinity Engine games like it should. And if the Virtual Machine wouldn't let me do that, I'd install a dual boot system with both Win 7 and XP (actually triple, with Linux). Relying on yesterday's technology forever just doesn't do it for me, and the programs that wouldn't run under the new OS could still run under the parallel installation of XP. Win 7 has a more intelligent run level mechanism, driver integration, direct x support for whatever the near future brings, more mature support for 64bit instructions, more support for SSDs, ...


However, a release candidate is still just that - a candidate, no final version. I would never rely on a potentially unfinished OS as my main OS. So the above will only be true once Win 7 is officially released.

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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i'd say vista is actually a derivative of win7, based on what i've read. not that it means much.


personally, if i had to buy vista, i wouldn't. if it was given to me free, then i'd use it till win7 came out assuming i did not have an XP license already. otherwise, use XP till win7 is officially released.



comrade taks... just because.

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Yeah, it's better than Vista (essentially a fixed Vista as far as previews go) and much newer. I wouldn't stick with this old software that is XP for too long, if Win 7's Win XP-VM turns out to run my Infinity Engine games like it should. And if the Virtual Machine wouldn't let me do that, I'd install a dual boot system with both Win 7 and XP (actually triple, with Linux). Relying on yesterday's technology forever just doesn't do it for me, and the programs that wouldn't run under the new OS could still run under the parallel installation of XP. Win 7 has a more intelligent run level mechanism, driver integration, direct x support for whatever the near future brings, more mature support for 64bit instructions, more support for SSDs, ...


However, a release candidate is still just that - a candidate, no final version. I would never rely on a potentially unfinished OS as my main OS. So the above will only be true once Win 7 is officially released.



Best point I've heard so far. OK, kind sir, you have me convinced.


Like I said, I have only 1 HDD and am not planning to dual boot, much less triple. I would in no way get Vista. Ever. On the other hand, as far as resources go, Win7 uses less RAM than Vista and can use more than the 3.2 GB XP limit. Considering that XP require 250MB RAM to run, you are left with 3GB tops, on the other hand Win7 can utilize up to 192 GB of RAM in the ultra edition and uses up no more than 500-600MB. Of course I don't have 192GB RAM, more like 4GB actually, but one can dream. As far as stability goes, Win7 RC are about as stable as Vista, to whoever mentioned frequent crashes of random programs, maybe there is something wrong with your installation?


I would go Linux if M$ didn't have me by the


with their DirectX crap. Plus, I got NWN2 and expansions for windows and would hate to see them collecting dust on a shelf. When I get a 2nd HDD though ...

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well, 64-bit XP does not have the limitation. it's not an XP thing, it's a 32-bit vs. 64-bit OS thing.


keep in mind, your release candidate OS is going to be a nightmare when it comes to driver support.



comrade taks... just because.

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Hm, on rather dim news: I've read that the Virtual XP-System for Win 7 (so far) only emulates an S3 Trio graphics card, which is a joke and won't allow for glorious gaming :/ Let's hope that this changes until release.


Also, as things are now, you wouldn't be able to run the Virtual Machine, as you 'only' own a 7-series Core2Duo, from which Intel has cut some features, one of which would generally benefit virtualization, but Microsoft has (so far) stated, that this feature is needed for its Virtual Machine. Which is rubbish, if you ask me, as their own Virtual PC VM-application. upon which the XP mode is based, doesn't need this as a prerequisite.

Edited by samm

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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I've used Vista for several months now and have had almost no problems. My games run fine, my applications are fine, my only complaint is a bubble that occationally tells me ohnoes!windowsupdatesisOFF!

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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a bubble that occationally tells me ohnoes!windowsupdatesisOFF!
:thumbsup: I just imagined: all the system messages in this style and one would actually like to seem them every now and then

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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