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Do you like Russia?  

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  1. 1. Do you like Russia?

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Women look interesting, sometimes. The men? Not so much. A bunch of corrupt drunks that have had nuclear missiles pointed at me since before I was born.

Food sucks. Vodka's good when it actually is vodka. Cops really easily bribed(this is good or bad depending on your outlook). Too many crooks. Too much US bashing for my taste. Surprising amount of superstition. Still not really free to say what you want. Silly looking pop stars that like to insult pretty journalist for pointing out that they're hacks. Hi Nastia.

All and all pretty positive actually for someplace I considered the enemy for a good chunk of my life.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Russia was my enemy now it's the middle east, next will be either china or the EU.

Now, not everyone's bad in a country I consider to be an enemy but if say, the entire country was wiped of the face of the earth, I'd be pretty chipper the rest of the day.

I belive in helping my friends and killing the enemy. Understand me now?

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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The notion of national "enemies" is nothing but political rhetoric and propaganda. It's a sad "us against them" situation of hate, accomodated only due to the facelessness and de-humanisation of another group of people.

Buying into it only perpetuates a pointless and unfortunate cycle of antagonism, xenophobia, senseless aggression and violence.

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Throughout human history this cycle has never ended. Why should I pretend that it has now. Even without politics people have been finding reason to kill each other since before recorded history.

It's not about hate but it is us against them. If you can not coexist peacfully in the end it will mean war. Diplomacy has it's place but when it fails raining death and destruction is the order of the day.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Throughout human history this cycle has never ended. Why should I pretend that it has now. Even without politics people have been finding reason to kill each other since before recorded history.


That's a poor excuse, but all too common a mind-set. Though it comes down to a simple "everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't I?" outlook, which is why this sort of thing goes on. Nations against nations only causes more anger, hatred, unrest and war, when "us and them" mentalities are the product of political leaders seeking to stir up ire to support their own political agendas.


It's not about hate but it is us against them. If you can not coexist peacfully in the end it will mean war. Diplomacy has it's place but when it fails raining death and destruction is the order of the day.


It very much is about hate. When you talk about being chipper over "enemy" nations being eradicated, and endorse raining death and destruction, that's hate. It's also the worst kind of hate, the kind of hate caused by fear.

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I'm staying out of this thread because it's liable to get ugly real fast if I post in depth, but I would like to say this: Weiser Cain, you a hateful, childish, idiot, spewing from your mouth whatever the government tells you.


To everyone else, I think the better term for this school of thought, rather than 'drone', would be 'lemmings' or 'sheep'.

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I'm staying out of this thread because it's liable to get ugly real fast if I post in depth, but I would like to say this: Weiser Cain, you a hateful, childish, idiot, spewing from your mouth whatever the government tells you. 


To everyone else, I think the better term for this school of thought, rather than 'drone', would be 'lemmings' or 'sheep'.

I don't hate you and I don't even like my current government. I came to these conclusion on my own. It is possible for people to think indepentantly and come to a different conclusion than you.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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Can you explain to me why you came to that conclusion? Can you explain to me why war is necessary for your survival? Can you explain what makes a group of people your enemies?


And, most of all, can you tell me why you're so sure you came to that conclusion by your own?


edit: And I do understand this sounds like it's coming from a conspiracy theorist nutcase.


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War is not necessary it's inevitable. People seek to cotrol resources and other people. You will eventually have to fight to defend yourself and your property.


I know I came to these conclusions on my own because I remember coming to these conclusions on my own.

Yaw devs, Yaw!!! (

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