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Powered by source an under metourship by Valve. That project is E.Y.E, an atmospheric FPS with multiple RPG elements, which has been presented to us oozing with style largely thanks to the subtitled, deep-voiced French narration.


That alone got me interested. (Minus the French narration, no offence, just prefer English)


Cue spectacular post-apocalyptic / cyberpunk universe and more to the point, massive storytelling (and explosive) potential.


Woot. Also during the video, you see a conversation where it looked like multiple answers were present.


First off the bat, how about enormous open levels? E.Y.E claims you can run about the environments for hours at a time without noticing a single loading screen to break your immersion and interrupt the action. These environments aren't static, either: random enemy spawn ensures a different experience through each, non-linear level.


Another +.


Streum On have stated that players will not be penalised for dying and will not need to replay the entire mission each time. Are we talking instant respawn? Checkpoints? An immortal protagonist...?


Ok that would be disappointing but, I can look past it. For a game I have never heared of before to day, I'm very, very(x10) interested.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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Looks cool - but I'm not that big a fan of the Fantasy/Cyberpunk merge genre..


I speak some french and I didn't understand one word he said - he sounded just like the Rakata to me o:)

Fortune favors the bald.

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That didn't even sound like french, more like esperanto or maybe latin.


Anyhoo, it looks like something nice and exotic that one might try to check out.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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wtf is the point of playing a combat game where you are not penalized for dying?

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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The description had me pumped until I saw the trailer.


It looks just awful, look what their doing to that poor Source engine.


Also, wearing a bucket on your head wasn't cool when Boba Fett did it and will never be.

Edited by Purkake
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I guess I can take solace in knowing that I'm not a graphics whore after all.


I certainly wouldn't describe the graphics as "just awful."


It's not the graphic quality, that looks like normal Source engine. It's the recurring character models, bad and repetitive animations and general cheapness or generic-ness. It's hard to describe, but that's what it looks like to me, it could turn out to be awesome.


Edit: It looks like Hellgate on a (even smaller) budget.

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"cheapness" and "generic-ness" are entirely subjective so I can't take any of that away from you. I find the term "generic" is tossed around far too casually however, as it seems as though every game has someone claiming that the graphics are not generic. What exactly are generic graphics, and what constitutes graphics that are not generic?



I consider things like animations though, when I say that I wouldn't describe the graphics as "just awful." The only graphical issue I saw as jarring was the first person animation for the close combat weapons (around the 1 minute mark).


As for recurring character models...the nice thing about it is that it seems like you're fighting uniformed soldiers (or hellish beasts) so I don't find it that unusual. Perhaps you'd like something like they did in Medieval 2 where they mixed and matched pieces that belonged to a particular uniform?

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"cheapness" and "generic-ness" are entirely subjective so I can't take any of that away from you. I find the term "generic" is tossed around far too casually however, as it seems as though every game has someone claiming that the graphics are not generic. What exactly are generic graphics, and what constitutes graphics that are not generic?



I consider things like animations though, when I say that I wouldn't describe the graphics as "just awful." The only graphical issue I saw as jarring was the first person animation for the close combat weapons (around the 1 minute mark).


As for recurring character models...the nice thing about it is that it seems like you're fighting uniformed soldiers (or hellish beasts) so I don't find it that unusual. Perhaps you'd like something like they did in Medieval 2 where they mixed and matched pieces that belonged to a particular uniform?


I never said the graphics look generic, I said it[the game] looks generic. By that I mean things like dudes in full-body armor with bucket helmets, ominous evil dudes in black trenchcoats and very Diablo-looking "demons". I undrestand that you can't have all unique enemies, but what stood out to me were the swarming demons near the end, there was only model almost like Serious Sam 1.


Looking at it for a third time, the explosions and "magic" effects look like they're from Neverwinter Nights. There are not a lot of cheap looking games that are actually good these days.

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I never said the graphics look generic


When you made a comment about what they are doing to the poor Source Engine, it made me believe that your criticisms were directed towards the graphics aspect of the game.

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That looks really really cool. What exactly are the "RPG" elements? I saw in the trailer the guy "Leveled Up" and was hoping the would go to the level up screen, but they didn't.


RPG Elements!


You don't have permission to access /press/313/eye_screenshots_014.jpg on this server.


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  • 2 years later...

What happens when your character dies? DOes an angel bring him an bag of peanuts and get him back on his feet?

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I bought this last night and the little bit I played didn't impress me.


I start out in some dream land armed with a sword. While trying to figure out the controls I do something which causes three dudes to appear before me. They are standing there with their backs to me so I figure I might as well test out this fancy sword I've got. My triple homicide earns me a GREAT BACKSTAB which I guess means I got more experience points or some ****.


Anyway, it turns I was actually summoning clones of myself. I summon a dozen more to kill which brings me closer to a new level, and I haven't even left the very first location. I don't know if it was running out of my divine cybermancy juice or all the murder/suicide I just committed but the screen goes blurry for a while. I step through the portal.


I find a gun in the caves I'm now in, and eventually a monster bursts through the rock. I summons my clones who make short work of it, and then I reward them with murder.


I eventually run across some bad dudes who kill me rather quickly several times. Every time I die I have to wait about five seconds for a resurrection to kick in. I remember my clones, who help me out in the battle. I collect weapons and ammo from fallen bad dudes, and turn around to find my clones are gone. Man, every without me murdering them they get the short end of the stick. I wonder if it's the same three clones every time?


I eventually make my way to the temple that is my home base. Man, this place is huge, but boring huge. Like, instead of taking ten seconds to walk from point a to point b it takes twenty seconds. Of course, as everyone on an RPG forum could tell you, longer games are better games.


I press the wrong button again, which causes me to kill the little helper droid thingy I just met. The whole base turns on me. They kill me, I resurrect and kill them back. Eventually I run out of resurrections and go back to the dream land from the beginning of the game. There is a mysterious man here now, and I don't like the cut of his jib so I murder him and step through the portal.


I'm now back to the beginning of the temple base level and all my sins have been forgiven and I have a new set of resurrections. I wonder around a bit and find some merchant dude in a small room. I decide to test something, and murder him. The whole base is after me again. I'm done for the night.

Edited by Hell Kitty
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I've been getting mixed reviews on this game, can anyone give a descriptive tale comparing it to another game? is this another Brink? (media darling but very poor mechanics)

I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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What happens when your character dies? DOes an angel bring him an bag of peanuts and get him back on his feet?


You have something called resuscitators(aka lives). Every time you reach zero hp one of thses kick in, once they are all gone you die. However each time your resuscitated their is a chance you'll have a permanent injury(aka loss of stats) another stat(karma) can reduce the frequency or injury.


I don't know if it was running out of my divine cybermancy juice or all the murder/suicide I just committed but the screen goes blurry for a while.


I believe that's to do with your sanity. Mental balance is the stat governing that.


I eventually run across some bad dudes who kill me rather quickly several times. Every time I die I have to wait about five seconds for a resurrection to kick in.


Strange, what set up did you use? I chose heavy armor with a mini gun, which made it incredibly easy.


I've been getting mixed reviews on this game, can anyone give a descriptive tale comparing it to another game? is this another Brink? (media darling but very poor mechanics)


Personally, I'd have to play it more before I recommended it or advised against.

Edited by Bos_hybrid
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Well that was different, I jumped of a ledge at the home base (temple), which triggered paranoia. Apparently triggering that causes you to shoot randomly, and I just so happened to randomly shot someone one in the head. :(


The resulting chaos was fun.

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