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Another massive Eve Online theft.

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Is this a bad thing?


I mean in the real world, it would be. But so is cutting someone's head off with a sword. Or shooting a squad mate in the back with your M1.



Within a game world psychotic, criminal, and antisocial behaviors are usually quite enriching to the experience.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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Cool on paper, just like that previous planned assassination of some bigwig guy, but the number of wasted hours before getting to organize such a thing just kills any interest I might have to play such a game.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I think that stuff like this is what separates EVE from other MMOs like WoW. There is a lot less handholding and if you get scammed then tough luck.


Also I believe that EVE get's a bad rap because it is a "second job" or whatnot. It is no different than any other MMO in that respect. You play it as much as you want and you can have a lot of fun with your friends/guild/whatever. Just because some people are really invested in the world doesn't mean you have to be to have fun. Just look at WoW you have people who run their own guild with 27 computers and you have people who just play a couple hours every week.

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I think that stuff like this is what separates EVE from other MMOs like WoW. There is a lot less handholding and if you get scammed then tough luck.


Also I believe that EVE get's a bad rap because it is a "second job" or whatnot. It is no different than any other MMO in that respect. You play it as much as you want and you can have a lot of fun with your friends/guild/whatever. Just because some people are really invested in the world doesn't mean you have to be to have fun. Just look at WoW you have people who run their own guild with 27 computers and you have people who just play a couple hours every week.



The only thing that strikes me as odd about Eve is how you train your skills. That just seems too mechanical, and basically nothing more than a testatment to how long you've had an account.


I'm sure the process has defenders, but to me it just seems cold and dry. Perhaps I am not fully informed on how it works though.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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It's hard for me to comment on a game I haven't played. I will say that there is one idea I like about Eve, which is the fact that every player knows that there are no real rules in how the players treat one another. Now, don't get me wrong. I like to play the good guy. Moreover, I hate playing the bad guy. ...But, much like Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, I appreciate it when the designers make it crystal clear that the other players will try to screw you. Now, my experience with online games is that most players are really decent folks. They try to help one another and are even decent about letting other folks gather mats and whatnot. We hear about how folks are terrible, but the mass of players don't try to screw each other. That's probably true even for Eve, but I can't be certain. It has a peculiar reputation and, like I said, I can't intelligently judge a game I've never played. Still, I think Purkake is right in that it's probably not much better or worse than other Online games, although I tend to agree with Crashgirl in that the mechanics seem a bit sterile.


I have a conflicted opinion about these Eve news stories. On the one hand, I think it's terrible for folks to dedicate that much time to screwing one another. On the other hand, Eve is very clear about how thoroughly the other players can slip you the Big Johnson. Let the buyer beware. ...And at least I haven't heard about real world mayhem resulting from the game, unlike the weird stories of divorce and "infidelity" and whatnot that arise from some games.

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I think that stuff like this is what separates EVE from other MMOs like WoW. There is a lot less handholding and if you get scammed then tough luck.


Also I believe that EVE get's a bad rap because it is a "second job" or whatnot. It is no different than any other MMO in that respect. You play it as much as you want and you can have a lot of fun with your friends/guild/whatever. Just because some people are really invested in the world doesn't mean you have to be to have fun. Just look at WoW you have people who run their own guild with 27 computers and you have people who just play a couple hours every week.



The only thing that strikes me as odd about Eve is how you train your skills. That just seems too mechanical, and basically nothing more than a testatment to how long you've had an account.


I'm sure the process has defenders, but to me it just seems cold and dry. Perhaps I am not fully informed on how it works though.


Basically you get a whole lot of skills at various levels at character creation. After that you choose one skill that you are training. It usually takes like 2h for level 1 and increases from there. Different skills take different time to train. The final level that you can train the skill to is 5(I think). For some skills it may take many days to get to level 5. The skill continues training while you are not playing.


It basically caps your advancement with real time, not play time like in WoW. It basically removes grinding for experience(you can still grind for money and other stuff.). I don't think it is more "mechanical" than WoW, it's just different. The idea is that you play the game as you want and in time gain different skills. You will also have to plan ahead what you want to do/become.


They also keep adding new skills. You also don't really need all that many skills to be effective.


EDIT: you will also have to buy the skills to train them(for in-game money) and some cost quite a bit.

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Does this l00t actually have any real world value? Or was it just for teh lulz?

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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EvE seems to take the MMO experience to a level that it shouldn't go to. It literally is a job, where in WoW I can just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild, EvE is a place of politics and backstabbing. Heck they even have a financial analyst on the staff to keep track of their economy. There's also a player council that the devs have to fly ideas by.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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EvE seems to take the MMO experience to a level that it shouldn't go to. It literally is a job, where in WoW I can just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild, EvE is a place of politics and backstabbing. Heck they even have a financial analyst on the staff to keep track of their economy. There's also a player council that the devs have to fly ideas by.


You do underestand that you can "just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild" in EVE as well right? You don't HAVE to deal with the politics or financial stuff at all. You can just fly your ship around and kill space pirates/trade stuff/do contracts(like a courier). For some reason all EVE-related news is about the politics, you have to realize that this is the endgame, like raiding in WoW. When you finally get too bored to fight space pirates/etc. you dabble in the politics and do crazy stuff like that. The average player does less political stuff than your average citizen in a democratic party.


Try out the 14-day trial people! There are just too many misconceptions about EVE.

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EvE seems to take the MMO experience to a level that it shouldn't go to. It literally is a job, where in WoW I can just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild, EvE is a place of politics and backstabbing. Heck they even have a financial analyst on the staff to keep track of their economy. There's also a player council that the devs have to fly ideas by.


You do underestand that you can "just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild" in EVE as well right? You don't HAVE to deal with the politics or financial stuff at all. You can just fly your ship around and kill space pirates/trade stuff/do contracts(like a courier). For some reason all EVE-related news is about the politics, you have to realize that this is the endgame, like raiding in WoW. When you finally get too bored to fight space pirates/etc. you dabble in the politics and do crazy stuff like that. The average player does less political stuff than your average citizen in a democratic party.


Try out the 14-day trial people! There are just too many misconceptions about EVE.

I don't know, I don't think I'd fit in. Either that or I'd get in WAYYYY over my head in the game.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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EvE seems to take the MMO experience to a level that it shouldn't go to. It literally is a job, where in WoW I can just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild, EvE is a place of politics and backstabbing. Heck they even have a financial analyst on the staff to keep track of their economy. There's also a player council that the devs have to fly ideas by.


You do underestand that you can "just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild" in EVE as well right? You don't HAVE to deal with the politics or financial stuff at all. You can just fly your ship around and kill space pirates/trade stuff/do contracts(like a courier). For some reason all EVE-related news is about the politics, you have to realize that this is the endgame, like raiding in WoW. When you finally get too bored to fight space pirates/etc. you dabble in the politics and do crazy stuff like that. The average player does less political stuff than your average citizen in a democratic party.


Try out the 14-day trial people! There are just too many misconceptions about EVE.

I don't know, I don't think I'd fit in. Either that or I'd get in WAYYYY over my head in the game.


Why would you fit in any more or less than in another MMO? The only thing different in EVE is that a lot of the stuff if player-run and that it is in space. It is a bit overwhelming at first, but I usually get bored before the 14-day trial get over, so you have a built-in limit :) (Don't take that as a hit against the game's quality, I get bored with most MMOs after a week)

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EvE seems to take the MMO experience to a level that it shouldn't go to. It literally is a job, where in WoW I can just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild, EvE is a place of politics and backstabbing. Heck they even have a financial analyst on the staff to keep track of their economy. There's also a player council that the devs have to fly ideas by.


You do underestand that you can "just screw around for a few hours and chat with guild" in EVE as well right? You don't HAVE to deal with the politics or financial stuff at all. You can just fly your ship around and kill space pirates/trade stuff/do contracts(like a courier). For some reason all EVE-related news is about the politics, you have to realize that this is the endgame, like raiding in WoW. When you finally get too bored to fight space pirates/etc. you dabble in the politics and do crazy stuff like that. The average player does less political stuff than your average citizen in a democratic party.


Try out the 14-day trial people! There are just too many misconceptions about EVE.

I don't know, I don't think I'd fit in. Either that or I'd get in WAYYYY over my head in the game.


Why would you fit in any more or less than in another MMO? The only thing different in EVE is that a lot of the stuff if player-run and that it is in space. It is a bit overwhelming at first, but I usually get bored before the 14-day trial get over, so you have a built-in limit :) (Don't take that as a hit against the game's quality, I get bored with most MMOs after a week)

I think alot of the reason I seem to fit better in WoW than others is because I was lead into it by RL friends, without them I don't think I'd have even gotten into WoW in the first place. I also don't think I'd be able to do much in a 14 day trial for EvE (just based off what little I've heard). Also I think I'd get angry after I got my ship blown up for the umteenth time by a superpowered pirate.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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In the 14 days you'll hardly enter the type of unsecure space that has those super powered pirates.

... :remembers the gnashing of teeth that occured in WoW once he hit Redridge Mountains and beyond:


I'm still scared, I guess scarred by WoW pvp server, where for kicks hordes at max level would go into alliance leveling zones and kick the crap out of alliance newbies.


Um for those who don't know, PVP server means that world pvp is active for any territory that's designated "Contested" (which usually is everything except the first two zones for newbies). On a PVE realm you can't be killed unless you flag yourself for PVP combat.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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In the 14 days you'll hardly enter the type of unsecure space that has those super powered pirates.

... :remembers the gnashing of teeth that occured in WoW once he hit Redridge Mountains and beyond:


I'm still scared, I guess scarred by WoW pvp server, where for kicks hordes at max level would go into alliance leveling zones and kick the crap out of alliance newbies.


Um for those who don't know, PVP server means that world pvp is active for any territory that's designated "Contested" (which usually is everything except the first two zones for newbies). On a PVE realm you can't be killed unless you flag yourself for PVP combat.


Getting your ship blown up isn't that bad. You can insure it and everything. There is also a nice tutorial in the beginning and the places that have "superpowered space pirates" are clearly marked.


The idea wasn't to get you to play EVE, but to loosen up on the "second job" misconception.

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In the 14 days you'll hardly enter the type of unsecure space that has those super powered pirates.

... :remembers the gnashing of teeth that occured in WoW once he hit Redridge Mountains and beyond:


I'm still scared, I guess scarred by WoW pvp server, where for kicks hordes at max level would go into alliance leveling zones and kick the crap out of alliance newbies.


Um for those who don't know, PVP server means that world pvp is active for any territory that's designated "Contested" (which usually is everything except the first two zones for newbies). On a PVE realm you can't be killed unless you flag yourself for PVP combat.



I played the 14 day trial of Eve. If you end up in 0.0 space, you likely were ambitious in where you wanted to go.

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I saw a friend of mine playing Eve and as I like space I asked him "Hey, thats a sweet ship. How long do I have to play to get one?" whereupon he replied "Oh, not long. About a year." :)





...and the game is boring as hell too.

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I saw a friend of mine playing Eve and as I like space I asked him "Hey, thats a sweet ship. How long do I have to play to get one?" whereupon he replied "Oh, not long. About a year." :x





...and the game is boring as hell too.


Come on now, let's be fair. A MMO is as exiting or as boring as you make it. Just as mining gold or fishing gets boring in WoW, so does mining asteroids in EVE. If you go around trying to kill hapless miners, then it is much more fun. In an MMO you pretty much make it fun for yourself or grind endlessly.


The difference with EVE seems to be that it is not capped, there is no maximum level you can reach, it is a process. You will always be able to get a better ship, that doesn't make your current ship crap. In large EVE battles(100s of ships) there are very specific roles that need a wide variety of different ships and skills. Better tactics and teamwork wins battles, not expensive ships.


If you can't deal with there not being a maximum level, then EVE might not be for you, but you shouldn't dismiss it just because it has more menus and looks slower than another MMO.

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