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What would be the dream KOTOR PC?

SD Nihil

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No. Don't do 3GB. Go with the full 4 on RAM. Even with XP.


Also, I agree with Mkreku on the 260 if you want to go NVidia. So add my name on the consensus there.


As for the monitor, the one I linked to is pretty much as good as it gets in that price range.


22" wide. But maybe you wanted 21" non-wide?


There is no reason for you to go with 64 bit XP. Maybe they've fixed it properly by now, but it did have a lot of problems.

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What is 500W

It means "five hundred watts" and is the amount of power your power supply should provide.


Also, the memory sticks thing was that the kind of flash drive or are those recommendations for the flash drive sticks to use in a flash drive?
You're mixing two things up here: First, I wanted to know what you meant by "flash drive".

Second, what was said about "memory sticks" meant: Take 4 gigabyte of RAM, in the form of two RAM modules (-> called "sticks") with 2 gigabyte each. I add my consensus to that.


I also add my consensus to the hard drive.

Edited by samm

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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What was the monitor and hard drive specs that the consensus is on? Also is this the graphics card you said you now agree on: eVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Edition 896MB DDR3? Also, the flash drive I mean a thing where you put thumb drives into it. Those little sticks that you fit into the little slot for it. They are these flat rectangle sticks that can hold information on it. I currently have a 3GB one. I use to use zip discs which only held MBs now I use these thumb drive sticks. I guess it can get confusing when people call a thumb drive also a flash drive, and call it a memory sticks.


But yeah what I mean by flash drive sticks are these items that are storage mediums that you can fit into your pocket and can even fit on a key chain. Those are what I'm talking about.

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What was the monitor and hard drive specs that the consensus is on? Also is this the graphics card you said you now agree on: eVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Edition 896MB DDR3?

The hard drive is a really fast one from Samsung that's called Samsung Spinpoint F1 1TB (1000 GB). It's a good choice no matter how you look at it. Best value for your money AND great performance, relatively silent and low heat.


What we agree on is that the GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 graphics processor is your best choice among Nvidia's offers right now. BUT, I only suggested the brand eVGA because they've been getting good reviews. You could also choose to buy a card with the same Nvidia graphics processor from ASUS, XFX, Gainward, Gigabyte, MSI or any other third party manufacturer if you wish. Just make sure they are also called Gefore GTX 260 Core 216. For example:


Same graphics processor from Gigabyte: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814125241

Same graphics processor from XFX: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814150329

Same graphics processor from Galaxy (whatever that is..): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814162023

Same graphics processor from BFG: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814143157


These examples all use the same Nvidia graphics processor, just built by different manufacturers. Choose the one you like. I still recommend eVGA.


I'm not that hot on monitors (I usually go with Samsung's latest) so the other guys have to agree on that one.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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You could add the Zotac Version of the graphics card just to make it a little more difficult :p


My expectations on a monitor are probably different from most gamers, so I'm not too good on that topic either. 22" wide is the new 19" in terms of "standard gaming size". There are almost no more 21" screens with 4:3 ratio. I fired up pricegrabber to see what's on offer for what price and the Samsung 2220WM, while not the latest design, is damn inexpensive and well reviewed there. It doesn't go up to full HD resolution, but that's better for gaming anyway as you'll be able to play in its native resolution (1680 x 1050) a little easier. Just the first thing with a good brand that showed up on pricegrabber, no idea if it's really that good.

Edited by samm

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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Basically anything Samsung is good for a monitor. I still stand by the T220. If I was buying a 22" monitor that's the one I'd get.


I'd get a 24" monitor instead though (and did, except the company I ordered from went bankrupt, so no monitor for me, and probably no money back either. Not really relevant, I just needed to vent my frustration a bit).

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I'd get a 24" monitor instead though (and did, except the company I ordered from went bankrupt, so no monitor for me, and probably no money back either. Not really relevant, I just needed to vent my frustration a bit).

Oww... :)


My last couple of monitors was/is Samsungs. My first 19" was DOA, but the replacement one I got the same day just kept working and working (and still works without a hitch). Good image quality, no bad areas or worse, dead pixels. My current slightly oversized Samsung monitor runs like a dream too.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Let's recap what we have so far at this point:


Monitor: Samsung 2220WM 22in wide wide

Processor: Intel Core Duo E 8400(or something in the 8



9800GTX+ graphic Card

Hard Drive: Spinpoint F1 1TB (1000 GB)

2x2 GB Corsair 800MHz RAM

NVIDA eVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Edition 896MB DDR3

Samsung DVD/CD Drive and Flash Drive

Windows XP Pro 32 Bit

NVIDA Motherboard


Yeah I might be able to get the independent tech I know to assemble it. After all, he did for this computer put in the nwe hard drive he cloned into a 23GB, he doubled the RAM to 1GB, and he was the one who put in the ATI card. So what's left to pick for the specs? Quiverur from Lucasforums saw this thread he said and he offered this suggestion for the graphics card. I think the one you guys have agreed on is great, but what are your thoughts on this though: ATI corei7 crossfire 4870X2 Finally, I'll add those links you guys gave to the plan for this. Thanks. We're getting there. I guess by the end of this I'll owe you guys. lol. Well let's see. I do have some pcgamemods for k1-2.

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First, scratch the 9800GTX+, we'd all recommend the GTX 260 instead (that you have listed too).

Second, Spider seems to recommend the Samsung T220 for a reason, my suggestion 2220WM was purely arbitrary based on pricegrabber. So I'd rather put the T220 on your list.

Third, add a power supply to your list. It should deliver about 500 watts of power and be of a trustworthy brand (such as Enermax, BeQuiet, Corsair, Seasonic, ...)


Also, to complicate it again: I'd not go for an nVidia-based mainboard, rather chose one based on Intel P43 or P45 chipsets.




ATI corei7 crossfire 4870X2
Such a thing does not exist. You're mixing three things up here:

1. Core i7 is a new processor by Intel and not worth getting if you're gaming and on this budget, as you'd need a very very expensive mainboard and expensive RAM for it.


2. The ATI 4870x2 is the most expensive and power hungry graphics card on the market today. It's also the fastest, but it basically consists of two graphics processors put on one card. It has all the drawbacks of a SLI-solution, except that it's on one card. Also, I thought you said you didn't want an ATI?


3. Crossfire is the ATI-equivalent of SLI. In this case, it would mean you'd have to buy two ATI 4870x2 and couple them together. You'd also have to buy a crossfire ready mainboard and a monstrous power supply.


In short: Don't listen to the quoted suggestion.

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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This works. But it's a Bokishi solution (aka. throw-your-money-in-the-lake solution).


The suggestions we've been giving would deliver something like 10-20% less performance, but for half the price. Tough choice, huh?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last thing to decide on now would be the case right? This is what I now have:


Power Supply: It should deliver about 500 watts of power and be of a trustworthy brand (such as Enermax, BeQuiet, Corsair ,or Seasonic.

Monitor: Samsung T220 22 or 24in wide wide

Processor: Intel Core Duo E 8400(or something in the 8



Hard Drive: Spinpoint F1 1TB (1000 GB)

Flash Drive Sticks: 2x2 GB Corsair 800MHz RAM

Graphics Card: NVIDA eVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Edition 896MB DDR3

Drives: Samsung DVD/CD Drive and Flash Drive

O/S: Windows XP Pro 32 Bit

Motherboard: Intel P43 or P45


The links you guys have agreed on are:

Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819115037

Hard Drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822152102

RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820145184

Graphics Card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130400


What items and links are left for me to grab to add to the links and specs list? Great job guys. Thank you.

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I really wish these posts had an edit post feature. Anywya, I just got this suggestion as well I got from LF: http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=...mp;postcount=24


I'd not want to be so rushed. Right now it's soon to be Thanksgiving, and I'm just trying to get this whole specs and plan together so that when I and the family get around to spending the budget we have for a computer that I can do it. It almost seems like this guy wants me to sign up and do it now because he's going to start throwing deals at me. Like I said your plan seems great. It's just I thought I'd show you his response and see if that does anything towards the current decision. I'm not sure what to say to this guy. I don't want to be rude and say dude don't rush me. I want to be able to have like I said a future computer plan so that when we get done with other projects we are doing like buying better curtens, redoing the kitchen, things like that when we get around to the computer we'll already have a list of specs.


Thing is I'll have my computer which will be this one. And the family will have theirs for their pictures, e-mail/internet, bill paying, etc. They'll get theirs from this one fella they know from church that gets in these computers at where he works. They take in these used computers, wipe them, refurbish them, and give them out to those that want them. The computers are usually about 3yr old. Still great for them. And I get my awsome computer thanks to you guys. The best part they won't be bumping me off my computer to use it. They'll have theirs and I'll have mine.

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Ok, ONE correction:


RAM: 2x2 GB Corsair 800MHz RAM


You had confused the flash sticks with the RAM. The RAM is the computer's memory. Flash sticks are like CD's.. or DVD's. They are a storage media and are kept outside the computer. The RAM is mounted inside the computer case and once they're there, you'll never see them again.


By the way, flash memory sticks are VERY cheap right now. You might as well go for a 32 GB one, like this:




That way you'll definitely not run out of mobile storage space for a while!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Thank you very much. So in reference to my last two posts, what's left linkwise and spec wise for the new computer? I know for one I don't have the specs for the case. Also, what is your response to my last post regarding the suggestion from LF and their pushing me to get registered on newegg and such. What shuld be my response to them. Like I said I'm not sure what to respond to him with. I don't want t柸o come off as rude. But I'd like for him to understand, we do have ohter projects we are doing home wise before we get to this. They''ll get their refurbished computer, and I'll get the new computer you guys are designing spec wise. Thanks for that.

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I usually get my case first for a couple reasons


1: So Ill have somewhere to put and install the parts as I go.


2: Cases have generally stayed the same throughout the years of change. So whatever case you buy wont be a risky investment upgrade wise


3: Cases dont fluctuate in price the way CPU's and GPU's do. I generally get The CPU and then the GPU last. Since there so expensive and change all the time, or if you hit a financial snag, that snag might end up in a better part down the road.


My order i buy stuff.



Power Supply


CPU Fan if you want an aftermaker one. Then that way you can install the mount on it now.






Mkreku is right about boks builds. They are top notch but for a price.


My philosophy when building a PC is to get the most for the money taking into consideration quality and upgradability. And motherboards limit upgradability more then anything so if you going to splurge the motherboard is where i suggest to. As for the rest of the parts, get midrange stuff now, and the you can save the rest for the next generation og GPUS and wait for the TOP end CPU for your motherboard to comedown into price range.


Midrange stuff will play your games perfectly right now. :lol: Im rocking a 8800GT stock clocked with a 2.4 Core2Duo and im able to play anything i throw at it beautifully without a hiccup!

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I understand that that is the order and stuff. But, since you guys gave your recommendations, and since we were all working towards a final build of the entire specs I showed what I have. And then I asked what's left to add to the final specs that I do not have yet. So I was asking for the final specs of what I need to add to the list. I showed what I have as far as newegg and specs I have so far. And then I said off the top of my head the last things I need are the case and a couple other things. I mean we came up with most of it. Processor, RAM, Graphics card, O/S, drives, monitor, and I think that's all of it.


Finally, I was asking them what's left with concern to the LF forums suggestion and well look at my two posts before my last one. In otherwords look past this post and the one before and look at the two before that.


So yes I understand your supposed to start with this and that, but they've got most of the specs its jsut were down to the final stuff. I'm still waiting for their response.

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Yeah, an i7 for Kotor is overkill. And by overkill, I mean overkill at a level almost obscene to me, and I have on of these. But damn, I might get that for my little bro's PC, he wants a new one.

In 7th grade, I teach the students how Chuck Norris took down the Roman Empire, so it is good that you are starting early on this curriculum.



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I know I won't be doing the I7 since you suggested I shouldn't. Here's the current specs we've got to this point guys:


Power Supply: It should deliver about 500 watts of power and be of a trustworthy brand (such as Enermax, BeQuiet, Corsair ,or Seasonic.

Monitor: Samsung T220 22 or 24in wide wide

Processor: Intel Core Duo E 8400(or something in the 8


Hard Drive: Spinpoint F1 1TB (1000 GB)

RAM: 2x2 GB Corsair 800MHz RAM

Graphics Card: NVIDA eVGA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked Edition 896MB DDR3

Drives: Samsung DVD/CD Drive and Flash Drive

O/S: Windows XP Pro 32 Bit

Motherboard: Intel P43 or P45


The links I have:

Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819115037

Hard Drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822152102

RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16820145184

Graphics Card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16814130400


What other specs and links to specs do I need? Please provide them.



Finally, the guys on LF forums have offered up some suggestions to this. I just wanted to show you their suggestion post and see what you think of the lang paragraph they gave. Ignore the first thing he quoted on about the graphics card. I know and agree with you guys that it wouldn't be good to do a I7 processor. As for the rest he seems to want to rush me into signing up on this newegg because he's going to start throwing offeres at me.


I simply for this whole specs getting wanted to get a computer plan together so that when I and the family have time to get a new computer that we'd be able to then. Right now I'm sure we all are preparing for Thanksgiving. Plus with us we are doing other home projects and even thinking about redoing the kitchen soon. So there are other priorities before this. But I simply wanted to have this al down spec and link spec wise so that we'd be able to persue this when we were ready.


The great thing is my family will have their computer. They know a guy from Chruch that where he works at his business they get in computers that they have that are used. They wipe them, refurbish them, and then send them out to those who want them. The comptuers are about 3yr old ones usually. So they are set.


As for me this computer that you guys are helping to design is for me. This way they get their computer and I get mine. This way they'll no longer have to bump me off my computer to do their stuff because we'll both have our own computers.


Here's the suggestin link of LF. What do you think does it change any of the plan, or should I stick with this plan that you guys have made. By the way I am leaning more towards you guy's spec list anyway. I jsut wanted your thoughts on this link:


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They're recommending prebuilt systems that you're going to have to modify yourself. They're also recommending a slightly weaker system, but also cheaper. It's not a bad system by any means, so in my opinion it depends on your priorities. Performance or price.


Also, I'm a bit wary of anyone recommending you to get a prebuilt system and then add stuff to it yourself. That's like eating the cake and having it too, except it's just the opposite. You'll still get the hassle of installing stuff (and if you can install a graphics card, you can do the rest as well), but with decreased performance.


If cost was not a factor, up to your budget limit, I'd get the system recommended here. It's a good system.

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So what specs and links to specs do I still need? For example I know I still need the case.


Now that I've told Quiverur that I'm simply wanting to get the specs and links to specs together so that when I'm ready to buy I can. And afer doing so get the independent tech to put it together. Now he's tahnkfully not going to rush me. Yes I'kl stick with your plan. However, to help in case it might help with our final build I thought I'd give you his specs as well:



SVA 2400w 24" 1920x1200 LCD Monitor, $259.99, $246.99 after Live Search Cash Back.

I'm sure you've never heard of the brand, and it's very likely that neither has anyone else (it's actually Sylvania), and you're probably wondering why I'm recommending it. Well, it's because this monitor is the least expensive 24" 8-bit VA (as in PVA or MVA) panel that I know of, as opposed to the other 24" monitors in this price range that are all 6-bit TN panels. A 24" Dell monitor with this type of panel would be at least double the price. What's the difference between an 8-bit VA panel and a 6-bit TN? The VA has far better color representation and a much wider viewing angle so that the image doesn't wash out when you're looking at the monitor from any angle other than straight on.

Motherboard: ASUS P5Q PRO

CPU: Intel E8400

Memory: We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. As long as your motherboard supports it you've got nothing to worry about.

Hard Drive: Western Digital WD6400AAKS 640GB

CD/DVD Writer: I can't really make an educated recommendation here. I've always used LiteOn, myself.

Video card: Nvidia GTX260 Core216 -The best deals around are on these right now, and contrary to what I said above, they are worth the extra cost over the base GTX260 because they're only about $25-$30 more. Of course, this is subject to change at any time.

Power Supply: Once again, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It should have ~40 amps on the +12v rail. I prefer those with long warranties of 5 years or more.

Monitor: See my above post.

Case: The only recommendation I can make here is not to go overboard. You can get a very decent one for $50-$60.

Peripherals like keyboard, mouse and speakers: You can't go wrong with Logitech.


Depending on the deals available when you're ready to buy, all of this should come to around the same price as the Dell system and components listed above, give or take $100.00. Expect to spend around $1000.00 for all of it, including a copy of Windows XP.

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It's kind of laborious to read through all this and constantly give advice :(


All in all, this system isn't too different on what we've been discussing here. The mainboard is a P45 one, thus in our recommendation. The graphics card is in our recommendation. The processor is in our recommendation. RAM, PSU (our recommended general direction should fullfil the given specs too), DVD, Case, peripherals are all left open. HDD is smaller, but also of good reputation, so you decide (well, it's all your decision anyway :(). The screen I've never heard of. A basically better technology (...VA) doesn't necessarily make for a better screen, so google for reviews!

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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