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I just read that the Sharks have offered a tryout contract to Claude Lemieux. You'd think middle age would have mellowed that old bastard. If he does make the team, he'll teach Sean Avery a thing or two about being an agitator.


edit: I lol'd at this


I kinda doubt he'll make the big club, but who knows? He's basically trying out for the minor league team, Worcester. I guess he also played for the China Sharks for a few games. The guy is 43 and hasn't played since '03, and the Sharks have a bit of depth. Still, he's a playoff guy. I think it's more likely he'll end up in management by the end of the season, like Ricci and Marchment.


That Malone stuff is funny. I'll never understand guys who jump ship from heavyweight contenders to teams that won't make the playoffs. You are already making good money playing a sport, why go into a bad situation for a few more bucks?

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I just went back a about a year in the older NHL threads. Pretty deja-vu-esque. Ottawa still only had one scoring line, plus Edmonton and Toronto were both playing pretty bad.


It makes it hard to grumble when Edmontons lack of anything and a .5oo record (minus a pair of OTLs) is better than the 7-12 the team was at last season. At least Ales Hemsky is producing well and if they don't let in more than eight goals in the next two games statiscally they have better goaltending than the Flamers so far .


Holy crap, looking at those stats shows that Minnesota has only let in 39 goals in 19 games. They haven't scored much more than that, granted, but still...


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I remember when Ovechkin and Malkin were drafted (Ovechkin ranked first with Malkin second) and some experts in Europe were, "But the question is if Malkin doesn't have more potential than Ovechkin after all". I thought they were nuts, after seeing Ovechkin bulldoze his way through one Junior World Championship (where he had two hattricks and something like 14 points in seven games..). I'm glad I didn't bet anything on that :thumbsup:


I wonder what their national team is going to be like with Malkin, Ovechkin and Semin. Ok, Kovalchuk may fit in there somewhere too. And S. Kozlov. AAIIH!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I hate the greater than/ less than symbols!


Either way, both players scored a hat trick and added an assist tonight. Impressive, for sure.


Now if the Oilers could just score on a freaking power play and tie the game against the Kings...

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Brian Burke signs on for the Leafs for six years: http://sports.espn.go.com/nhl/news/story?id=3730783


I think this will be a good thing for the Leafs. Just too bad we probably won't see the effects of his work until earliest next season.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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It'll be...interesting to see what Burke can accomplish in TO. Let's hope he's ready to deal with the media a lot more than he did in Anaheim and Vancouver.


And it was somewhat of an eye opener in a Sportsnet article that stated that MacTavish might be under the gun in Edmonton. Personally I don't think it'll happen. It seems like forever since Kevin Lowe was bumped up to the GM chair after taking over for the fired Ron Low.


There's quite a few forwards to blame as well on the roster. Cole hasn't done much of anything, poor Horcoff is as snakebit as humanly possible, and the entire Kid Line from last year has decided to undergo a collective sophmore slump. Sadly, seeing Curtis Glencross showing up on the Flames scoresheet doesn't help either.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Not good news, if it's true. I thought the Leafs started the season OK, but they've sucked bigtime for a while now. Not much hope for a change to that if Sundin decides to play somewhere else. The Leafs is a young team now (yes, it's true!) and desperately needs a leader and a goalscorer.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I don't think the Leafs need Sundin at this point. Sure, he'd make them more competitive this season and maybe the next, but they should be rebuilding their team. Young guys need minutes. They need to master the defensive style that Ron Wilson is good at bringing to his teams. You are going to see your young guys get better defensively over the next couple years and hopefully compete for a playoff spot in 2-3 years. They seem like they are preparing for the long term, and as difficult as it is to let Sundin go, he's at the end of his career at 37. This will likely be his last contract, wherever he signs.

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Tough loss for the Oilers today. Just reaffirmed my hatred for old Horse Face Modano. He's been costing them dearly for more than a decade now. Of course Edmonton and their inability to stop a back door play doesn't help either.


As for Sundin, I hope whoever he signs with gives him a decent chance to take a run at the cup. And he stays out of the Northwest division.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Young guys can learn a thing or two from Sundin. I wish he'd come back for two more seasons. By then we'd maybe have a natural leader and captain in the team. Right now we don't.


The best teams are always the ones that manage to find that delicate balance between young and experienced.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Just finished watching Montreal-Atlanta on TSN. That game was a lot closer than it should have been. Habs had their fourth goal disallowed because Lapierre was "interfering" with Johan Hedburg, but there was no penalty call, it looked more like Hedburg was holding Lapierre and Hedburg still got up and almost managed to make the save anyway. Later in the third period Atlanta was given a goal that IMO never crossed the line. It was damn close, but you couldn't see it across the line on any of the replays that TSN showed. Still doesn't excuse some of the sloppy play tonight.

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And now Avery gets suspended. Hahahaha, sloppy seconds!


That is hilarious. It's in bad taste and it's a horrible thing to say, and it just reinforces the idea that Avery is really not a good person, but I'm not sure if it deserves indefinite suspension. Heck, his punishment should be to have to play against Calgary, because Phaneuf isn't exactly a pushover on the ice.

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WOW! While I agree that Avery was out of line with a silly comment; but a suspension - espicially an 'indefinite' one - is dumb. Espicially consisering people get less for actually injuring people. And, for hurting the NHL, and other stuff? That's absolutely nonsense.


Avery, and the NHL deserve each other as they both cna be boneheads at times.



"punishment should be to have to play against Calgary, because Phaneuf isn't exactly a pushover on the ice."


I think Avery isn't worried. He said it because he wants Phaneuf to waste all his energy on him. Phaneuf's best bet when they do play is to ignore Avery unless the situation calls for a legal hit.

Edited by Volourn


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I was just talking to my older ( and recent Flames homer) brother who said something along the lines of '15 games' before ripping into the lack of anything on the Oilers. I'm in agreement that there won't be a lengthy suspension, and I wouldn't be suprised if Avery was suited up tomorrow. Maybe Avery wanted to get a line or two in the gossip section of the Enquirer or Celebrity Star rags.


I feel bad for the hockey moms that will have to explain 'sloppy seconds'.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, that would be an interetsing disucssion. Though, i doubt most kiddies - even hockey fan kiddies - pay attention to the athletes talking espicially a non superstar like Avery.


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