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Outside of Lundvist , their 'scrub' blueline is the best part of their team. Their 'offensive' forwards are pathetic. The defense is one of the best in the league even if they aren't hyped. One of the best defensice teams since the lockout. Their forwards, on the other hand, are pathetic. It says a lot when Sean Avery is pretty much their biggest offensive threat. LMAO They should get rid of Gomez, and Drury.


P.S. Also, they *did* trade of a defenseman. You obviously shouldn't talk about the Rangers team if you don't know anything about them (except, for probably, Avery since everyone knows about him, lol).


HAHAHAHA, look at your defensemen's plus/minus



Paul Mara: -1

Corey Potter: -1

Mark Staal: -4

Erik Reitz: -6

Michale Rozival: -9

Wade Redden: -11

Derek Morris: -13

Dan Girardi: -14


learn to defend goals? also, they'd be even worse if they didn't have Lundqvist in net, so they are lucky for that. And none of them have over 30 points, which means that they are sucky offensive players too. Now, compare that to a (good) team like the Devils, who have 4 defenseman who are more that +20, and only one of the 8 are minus.


Point being that the Rangers defensemen suck, and are part of the reason that they are performing so sucky

Edited by Krookie
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Nope. It's the forwards' fault. It's hard to have a good +/- when your forwards can't score anything. The Rangers' problems are 99% the fault of the forwards. It says a lot that Sean Avery seems to be their biggest offensive threat ever since he showed up. How else can one explain the Rangers' pretty darn good penalty kill. It's because of the D, Lunqvist, and Blair Betts.


As for your devils. They have scored 36 goals more the than NY; but have given up 'only' 23 less. NY might not even score 200 goals this season.


NY = 7th best in goals against


NY = tied for 3rd worst in league in goals scored


'Nough said.


And, as much I like Lunqvist it's not like he's having best season ever as he's a semi impressive 14th in the league in GAA, and is save % is about the same. Not exactly spectacular for one of the best goalies in the league.


Sorry; but the facts prove that the Rangers' D isn't their main problem. The OFFENSE is. Yet despite being tied for 3rd worst in the league offensively, they are likely to make the playoffs, anyways.

Edited by Volourn


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"We could probably jsut say the Rangers suck universally, defense and offense"


if they sucked universally, they wouldn't be above.500, and wouldn't be likely making the playoffs. They suck on offense. Goaltending, and D are fine.


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"We could probably jsut say the Rangers suck universally, defense and offense"


if they sucked universally, they wouldn't be above.500, and wouldn't be likely making the playoffs. They suck on offense. Goaltending, and D are fine.


OMG MY TEAM IS ABOVE .500!!!! we must have good defense!


Wrong. The Rangers are lucky if the scrape into the playoffs

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I heard his teammates left him out to dry because other people were supposed to come do it with him but they were just laughing.



It's maybe a bit "distracting" but really I don't care about it. Ovechkin is having fun and really, that's what you're supposed to do when you play sports.

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Yep, I thought his 'my sticks on fire' was pretty entertaining. Most of the people complaining probably wish they could score 50 goals in back to back to back seasons. Don Cherry's input on this subject isn't warranted, nor needed.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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The NHL has always had a bit of a problem finding real personality, so I welcome Ovechkin's theatrics. Guys like him embrace the entertainment side of sports, and that is the only way that the NHL can compete with Football and Basketball in the US.


On the other hand, I don't want the NHL to become the NBA or NFL, with players more concerned about egos and personal stats. Ovechkin isn't like that at all, he is good natured in his showboating, so I really don't see the problem here. He's not acting lke this after every goal, 50 is something special and he treated it as such.

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Except he didn't do it in back to back to back seasons ;)



Still, 3/4 ain't bad!


Damn you and your counting skills, Alan. I know I should have said 'averaged' over three seasons.


And please, MacT, give Roloson the night off!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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He's silly, but I like it. He doesn't feel fake at all. And he sure is a fresh breath of air since the Krutov - Larionov - Makarov era: they were angry before the game, they were angry when they'd scored ten goals, they were angry after the game, winning against NHL teams 10-2..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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This is what I wrote elsewhere: "I'm absolutely glad he did this. He's awesome, and all the crybabies should stop their crying. You want to know the best way other plays can stop him from doing such celebrations? Stop him from scoring.


And, I laugh at the fact people are whining about how evil Ovechkin is, how classless he is, how unsportsmanlike he is being yet they're cheering and banking on the fact someone will try to injure him. Pathetic."




"He's not acting lke this after every goal,"


I wish he did. I wish the crybabies would stop crying like the crybabies they are. Boo hoo hoo! Someone is celebrating their success.




"On the other hand, I don't want the NHL to become the NBA or NFL, with players more concerned about egos and personal stats."


I wish they were. Those sports are more popualr than hockey for a reason. And, oh, NFL and NBA palyers are no more concerned with egos and personal stats than NHl players. That's a myth. Remember, players are paid based on well they peform - this includes personal stats, and it also includes $ ie. numbers ie. how much money team can make off them. Of course, ego matters. If atheltes don't have an ego they don't belong. Every single athlete has an ego. The ones who pretend not to are fakers, liars, and scumbags not to be trusted. Much like whiny crybaby fans.


Players whining are simply jealous that ovechkin is better. Period.


It's real simple. if you don't want ovechkin celebrating - don't let him have a reason to celebrate. ie. Don't let him score goals. Morons.


As for his coach, I hope Ovechkin tells him to STFU. What's the coach gonna do? NOTHING. And, if he does something like bench or fine Ovechkin than he's a coward who knows nothing about sportsmanship, the will to win, and is all about the coach'es ego.



Edited by Volourn


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The guy scores a lot of goals. I think if he had a skit after every one it would add a good 20 minutes to every Capitals game.


Also, once again Volourn is trying to argue even though we are all in agreement. Are you incapable of just accepting that we all share the same opinion of Ovechkin's theatrics?

Edited by Hurlshot
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What are you babbling about? If you agree with me why are you trying to start an argument? That's illogical.


P.S. Ovechkin > whiners

Edited by Volourn


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What are you babbling about? If you agree with me why are you trying to start an argument? That's illogical.


P.S. Ovechkin > whiners

Relax, breathe easy... let the adrenaline go, you are not at an icehockey game :-

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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