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Xbox 360 Respawned


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PC > PS3 > 360.


Either way, I win.


I've never understood this line of thinking. Each platform has strengths and weaknesses. As a person who enjoys playing games, I've never seen the need to tear down one platform to make me feel better about the one I play on. It's not like I'd turn down a PS3 if it was offered to me, I just can only afford so many consoles and the PS3 hasn't made me feel like I NEED it yet.

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Zsnes emulator > u


Tales of Phantasy!

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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PC > PS3 > 360.


Either way, I win.


I've never understood this line of thinking. Each platform has strengths and weaknesses. As a person who enjoys playing games, I've never seen the need to tear down one platform to make me feel better about the one I play on. It's not like I'd turn down a PS3 if it was offered to me, I just can only afford so many consoles and the PS3 hasn't made me feel like I NEED it yet.

Come on, stop being the sensible guy here for a moment. I just wanna screw around with Hades a little bit.

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I'm actually getting pretty tired of the 360. My first system lasted a couple years and was great, then my replacement for that one after the RRoD barely lasted 6 months. Lately the newest replacement has been locking up in certain games. It's not a RRoD, but I have a hard time believing that all my games are at fault when they ran fine on the previous machines. Microsoft also won't replace it UNLESS it is a RRoD, which is lousy because that means they gave me a replacement that doesn't work well off the bat.

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I had a 360 for two months, but that's only because I got weak during a Christmas Amazon discount and I thought games like Halo 3, Fable 2, Halo Wars and Mass Effect 2 (back then I thought it was exclusive!) finally pushed be over the fence. Well, it turned out that Halo 3 sucked, halo Wars demo was a joke, Fable 2 sucked, ME2 became a multiplatform release and only Gears 2 was really good. Well anyway, I sold it back. At least on the PS3 I had Uncharted and MGS4, both totally awesome games, and I'm looking forward to whatever next MGS installment, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, oh and I've yet to buy LittleBigPlanet. Well that's something. Not to mention it's great longetivity.

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I only have four games with my borrowed Playstation 3, but I must say it's an impressive piece of machinery. Dead silent, flashy and cool.


Not so fond of all the waiting though. The entire experience of Playstation 3 feels unresponsive. Going into the store takes ten seconds. Starting a Blu-Ray takes 20 seconds. Starting a game takes 30 seconds (or longer, if you have some patch that needs to be downloaded first). Nothing seems instantaneous.


But I must admit it looks slick with my 42" 1080p TV, my Logitech Dinovo Edge keyboard and the Playstation 3 working together in my living room.. Bluetooth is great.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I think I'd prefer a PS3, if it wasn't for all the exclusives and the games I'd have to buy again.


I like the Xbox 360, but it is really loud.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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I actually hate my PS3. I have it for the games, and they justify it. But 1) it doesn't even have freaking PS2-BC; in fact, no PS3's being currently manufactured have PS2-BC, and 2) PSN is awful, awful, awful. Xbox Live utterly destroys it in every way imaginable when it comes to online play. It's free though lol


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I actually hate my PS3. I have it for the games, and they justify it. But 1) it doesn't even have freaking PS2-BC; in fact, no PS3's being currently manufactured have PS2-BC, and 2) PSN is awful, awful, awful. Xbox Live utterly destroys it in every way imaginable when it comes to online play. It's free though lol


$50 a year isn't awful for how efficient it is (especially when ur dad pays for it, am i right)

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It looks nice, has a very cool UI, is silent and has some very decent games, but 360 has a ton of content I like, so should I purchase a this gen console in the near future, that would be it.


Going to get a last gen console first though, PS2 for me.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I like the Xbox 360, but it is really loud.

I never understood why this bothered people, I mean, it's annoying I guess but do you really notice it when you're playing?

A long time ago, in my youth, my parents fridge broke down. Slowly. It started by making this weird, loud whirring sound in the middle of the night. After a while, it just stopped working.


A friend of mine bought an Xbox 360 recently. He invited me over to play Call of Duty: World at War in co-op a couple of weekends ago. When I got there and we started playing, I heard that loud, whirring noise again so I asked him if his fridge was broken. He said, "No, why?". It was his Xbox 360.


I honestly thought it was broken when I heard that sound! So YES, I was definitely bothered by it. And surprised! I had heard the horror tales about the sound level of the Xbox 360 on the net before, but I thought it was mostly fanboi war exaggerations..

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I like the Xbox 360, but it is really loud.

I never understood why this bothered people, I mean, it's annoying I guess but do you really notice it when you're playing?

A long time ago, in my youth, my parents fridge broke down. Slowly. It started by making this weird, loud whirring sound in the middle of the night. After a while, it just stopped working.


A friend of mine bought an Xbox 360 recently. He invited me over to play Call of Duty: World at War in co-op a couple of weekends ago. When I got there and we started playing, I heard that loud, whirring noise again so I asked him if his fridge was broken. He said, "No, why?". It was his Xbox 360.


I honestly thought it was broken when I heard that sound! So YES, I was definitely bothered by it. And surprised! I had heard the horror tales about the sound level of the Xbox 360 on the net before, but I thought it was mostly fanboi war exaggerations..


Well, yeah I get that it's loud or whatever, but people say it's reason to not buy the console, like, maybe in your case it makes more sense because you have loud-fridgephobia, but for the average person I don't see it as such a horrible thing

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I don,t have enough HD space to install more than one game. Kinda sad.

"Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade - make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager. Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons. Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons. I'm going to to get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!"

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Played a bit of PGR4 on Friday afternoon in our boardroom (with accompanying beer, chips and peanuts)... fun enough I suppose, but it doesn't seem to support 4 players on one console. Any fun games for not really gamers that supports up to 4 players out there (we already got Halo3) ?


Project Gotham Racing 2 did, but that one doesn't run on the 360 :lol:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Get Geometry Wars 2 and Castle Crashers on XBLA. Both are awesome 4p local games that should work well for parties. There's also the TMNT arcade version on there.


If you like music games:

Rock Band 1/2

Guitar Hero World Tour


For hockey losers, anything in the (EA) NHL series will work.


There's Tales of Vesperia, but that's a long RPG, so it doesn't fit the bill.


Some people say N+ on XBLA is a good but hard 4p local ninja platformer as well. Haven't played it myself.


I'm actually drawing a blank. I guess most local mp games are 2p.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Get Geometry Wars 2 and Castle Crashers on XBLA. Both are awesome 4p local games that should work well for parties. There's also the TMNT arcade version on there.


If you like music games:

Rock Band 1/2

Guitar Hero World Tour


For hockey losers, anything in the (EA) NHL series will work.


There's Tales of Vesperia, but that's a long RPG, so it doesn't fit the bill.


Some people say N+ on XBLA is a good but hard 4p local ninja platformer as well. Haven't played it myself.


I'm actually drawing a blank. I guess most local mp games are 2p.

Baby games, woman games, **** games.


The only real game for the 360 right now is Gears of War 2.

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Get Geometry Wars 2 and Castle Crashers on XBLA. Both are awesome 4p local games that should work well for parties. There's also the TMNT arcade version on there.


If you like music games:

Rock Band 1/2

Guitar Hero World Tour


For hockey losers, anything in the (EA) NHL series will work.


There's Tales of Vesperia, but that's a long RPG, so it doesn't fit the bill.


Some people say N+ on XBLA is a good but hard 4p local ninja platformer as well. Haven't played it myself.


I'm actually drawing a blank. I guess most local mp games are 2p.

Baby games, woman games, **** games.


The only real game for the 360 right now is Gears of War 2.


Maybe you just like staring at muscley men a little more than we do

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Get Geometry Wars 2 and Castle Crashers on XBLA. Both are awesome 4p local games that should work well for parties. There's also the TMNT arcade version on there.


If you like music games:

Rock Band 1/2

Guitar Hero World Tour


For hockey losers, anything in the (EA) NHL series will work.


There's Tales of Vesperia, but that's a long RPG, so it doesn't fit the bill.


Some people say N+ on XBLA is a good but hard 4p local ninja platformer as well. Haven't played it myself.


I'm actually drawing a blank. I guess most local mp games are 2p.

Hey, that Geometry Wars 2 thing looked awesoem (checked out a few gameplay videos) :sorcerer:


Thanks Llyranor, I'll tell my director to go get that game (it's his xbox360). That should look very good/psychedelic when played through our projector on a big white wall :)


Edit: For various reasons, Aussies are just not into hockey. I'll see if I can find something out about N+... has to be something people can still play after a beer or two and for max a couple of hours

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Remember, all XBLA games have demos. GeoWars2 gets extremely hectic when 4 players are involved.

We'll give it a try. None of us takes our end of week gaming session too seriously, so "hectic" shouldn't bother us too much. You should see the atrocious performances we give in Halo sometmes :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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