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The PS3 Thread of Butterflies and Lollipops!


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This thread lives again!


I'm in the LittleBigPlanet beta ^_____^


And I work with one of the guys who did some graphics code for LBP... Your point?




Tell us about the game instead :sorcerer:


I don't work for media molecule... I work with someone who did, or something akin to that, I've certainly not spoken to him at length about it. Lots of people are very eager to play the game, far as I am concerned LBP is a reason to buy a PS3...


On another note, I wrote my first PS3 game.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I hope there will be some sort of a demo. But I don't think I'm interested in the actual game.


Initially I had no opinion at all about LBP, it was a PS3 title I wouldn't touch, but just bumping into folk round 'ere who're working on it, or have worked on it etc... It actually opened up WHAT the game is about etc...


For me personally it's actually made me think about buying a PS3... To get me to do that isn't an easy thing at all, or maybe it was the dev kit I've been playing with, anyways, opinion has certainly changed.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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I was on the fence to get a console for a while, but after Heavey Rain was announced (among other titles I always wanted to play), I knew I couldn't resist. In addition, there's often time a dry-zone for PC games, feeling like there isn't a PC game I want released for months (especially during summer), or often time gets released a half year later than the console versions. So I thought what the heck, I can afford it so why not?

Anyway, I haven't regret it. It's a great piece of hardware.


But I still have to play a demo of LBP before I come to a final conclusion.

Edited by Morgoth
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Weren't you a PC elitist a while ago? Or am I confusing you with Gabrielle? :)


In any case, I actually am not convinced of the PS3's worth yet. My brother got it as a gift, but otherwise there's little incentive right now to have bought it otherwise. Disgaea 3 is a good SRPG, but it's the only title I'm bothering to touch now. I tried a bit of MGS4, and it was pretty meh. I'm not really into stealth games, and the dialogue was tripe. To each their own, I guess. At least, I'm looking forward to Valkyria Chronicles, another (animu lol) SRPG, probably my most (only?) anticipated PS3 game.


As for LBP, I'm not sure what I feel about it right now. I didn't even bother playing it at all yesterday, didn't feel the compulsion. I mean, I'll be getting the game for sure (co-op platforming + co-op toolset is an easy sell for me), but I don't think it would have been a SYSTEM seller for me. As far as platformers go, I'd say I'd rather play Mario Galaxy, and I don't even own the system for that. I've yet to play it co-op, though, so maybe that's what's been missing for me. And I haven't experimented or created anything yet. It's not like toolset games are anything new. Maybe on PS3, but that doesn't really make it a system seller.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Okay, having messing around with the toolset and unlocking extra tools via the tutorials, the game is shaping up to be a whole lot better than it initially lets out. My impressions on the game have gone completely on the positive end. This is possibly the closest thing to a system seller a PS3 has.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Resistance 1 I have no interest in. The 2p coop seemed pretty cookie cutter. However, R2s 8player class based coop sounds pretty interesting. Classes are interdependant and badguys attack in hordes, so coop is REQUIRED rather than ignored. In theory, and yeah, it relies on the shooting itself actually being fun.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Well, up to now that's been the real downer for the PS3, personally. I play SP games, but a console really has to have a strong selection of both to get my interest (which is why the 360 was the first console i'd had a real interest in since the SNES).


As much as I love my PC gaming, it hasn't really been doing much to move dedicated coop along either (skirmish mode is a poor substitute), but there's such a big back-catalogue of both kinds of games that it gets away with it (until DoW2 anyway).


I freaking love the region freeness of the PS3 though, and would have one already probably if the UK ones actually had backwards compatability.

Edited by Nick_i_am


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I freaking love the region freeness of the PS3 though, and would have one already probably if the UK ones actually had backwards compatability.

Yeah, I have the 40Gbyte model too. But I heard Sony plans to release a software emulator this October. Well let's see if this is true, because I wanna try out this Shadow of Colossus and the God of War games.

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God of War 3 has potential, but it'll have one hell of a fight to beat Ninja Gaiden 2. Heavy Rain could be interesting, but after farenheight i'm pretty dubious about the devs, though they claim they won't be making the same mistakes.


The others are new to me, i'll have to read up.


Personally, White Knight and Valwhatever Cronicles (lololol animu) interest, but they have to be proven first.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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God of War 3 has potential, but it'll have one hell of a fight to beat Ninja Gaiden 2. Heavy Rain could be interesting, but after farenheight i'm pretty dubious about the devs, though they claim they won't be making the same mistakes.


The others are new to me, i'll have to read up.


Personally, White Knight and Valwhatever Cronicles (lololol animu) interest, but they have to be proven first.

Well, Heavy Rain will not directly follow the Fahrenheit formula, but rather evolve it. So I'm pretty confident that HR shall have less annoying controls/gameplay than Fahrenheit (played that on the PC: ugh).


Also: Br

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