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Xbox 360 Revolutions


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In any case, that was a nice session. Iron mode didn't work so well with the other skulls, but that was mainly the sniper crap. I'm still game with the other levels if you losers are. The last level was epic, hehehe. We could probably try the same skulls for the other levels. I guess it'd play differently than with Iron mode.


You jerks suck at PvP.


In any case, Nick and me may pick up Crackdown at some point. I remember playing the demo and having the cops chasing after me within 1min of play because I was driving over pedestrians.


Though, I suspect the next co-op game I'll pick up will be Vegas2, given how other people have already started picking it up.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I had to laugh because after that last match of Overgrown this dude called my clan tag Goot instead of Gout. Then he called me a sneaky bastard. I was laughing so hard I had the mic muted for the entire next round of District.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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