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On a side note, while Lost Planet coop would have been freaking awsome, it's still pretty much the best singleplayer 360 game out there due to awsome 'contra-in-3d' style action gameplay.


I hadn't touched it for a little bit due to the time investment that hard requires but got a chance today and totally fell back in love with the game due to the awsome shooting/hookshot/T-eng/mech/boss mechanics.


Basically, people who bitch about this game don't like oldschool action games that don't hold your hand or forgive you for being a moron. Completing this on the EXTREME difficalty setting is one of the prerequisites to being a TRUE GAMER! (getting to level 50 in KotoR2 is not).




Edited by Nick_i_am


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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If you didn't play on Hard then your opinions are moot and your face is stupid.


Wait, I am sorry for being rude to you Krookie, I don't want to fight, There are plenty of people around here to fight with. Want to be friends?


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Hehe, Lost Planet is my singleplayer 360 GOTY as well. I converted jerkface. I thought the demo was okay. It wasn't until I beat the first level boss on hard difficulty (which took me 1h30 to do, and 20-30 attempts) that things really clicked. That was just the tutorial for me. Insane boss fights (if you're not playing in wuss mode) are really the highlight of the game. Your rapidly-dropping thermal energy does make a different during the missions on hard as well. You can't really explore at a casual pace; it's more a race for survival. I feel like I was at least competent at the game when I finished it on hard, but now I'm stuck on the first level boss - again - on extreme diff.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I'm kind of glad neither of you have it anymore, because I AM NOT LIKING THIS GAME.


Do you like Grand Theft Auto?


Honestly I just enjoyed going around collecting green thingees so I could jump higher so I could collect more green thingees. It was a vicious cycle, but the therapy has been fairly successful.

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For the shooters, when you guys say it's co-op, does that mean you play the game/plot together, as in, say, Diablo's, or is it more along the lines of frag/personal combat'.


Hubby likes whimsical fast-paced arcade-like games (Frogger/space invaders), or some shooters/action-rpgs. He's not into puzzle/word/board styled games.

I've heard about Worms ... didn't know it was co-op. I'll look into that one more.


Another question ... how many actually rent the games before buying? Just curious.

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Co-op shooters: going through the story/campaign with two players. I draw a very important line between co-op and PvP.


I'm not sure if Worms is 'co-op' per say. But there are teams or something, so I guess you could gang up on the AI teams.


I don't rent games. I like to support the devs. I usually research the games I invest in well enough to make an informed decision. So far, it's worked fairly well. I wouldn't have in the past, but now I trade in the games that weren't worth supporting. If there's something I'm not sure I'll like, I'll trade old games for it at EB, or I'll wait till the price drops.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Does CoD4 have Co-Op and PvP capability?

Murphy's Law of Computer Gaming: The listed minimum specifications written on the box by the publisher are not the minimum specifications of the game set by the developer.


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CoD4 does not have co-op, but it does have the standard multiplayer scenarios.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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I never got into these War Shooters, and CoD4 is no exception there either. After playing the demo, I just wondered what exactly is supposed to make it so intense? The constantly lame barks, or the ultra-stupid enemies? I felt nothing while playing it.

The only War-themed Shooter I actually ever enjoyed was Operation Flashpoint. PC-only, and damn hard. I wonder if Armed Assault is recommendable?

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It doesn't necessarily mean intense, but in this case it does.


EDIT: Also, the demo probably didn't include missions like "Ghillies in the Wind" or something, which is one of the most exciting single player levels in an FPS I've ever played. And you only kill one person the whole mission.

Edited by Krookie
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I never got into these War Shooters, and CoD4 is no exception there either. After playing the demo, I just wondered what exactly is supposed to make it so intense? The constantly lame barks, or the ultra-stupid enemies? I felt nothing while playing it.

The only War-themed Shooter I actually ever enjoyed was Operation Flashpoint. PC-only, and damn hard. I wonder if Armed Assault is recommendable?


OFP was godly, despite its flaws.


However, i've heard bad things about the AA campain from Llyranor which, considering how strong the OFP (and expansion) campains were, is a bad sign.


Try the demo, it even comes with a coop mission, but I can't really recomend it per-say.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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