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Just because it can be called a penalty, doesn't mean that the contact disappears.  Hockey fans cheer the toughness and the contact of the hockey fight, but I don't see people claiming that the fight doesn't count because the players are penalized afterwards.

Don't think anyone claimed that contact doesn't exist in basketball. All I said was that I think even football (soccer, you annoying emigrants) has more physical play than basketball. It might be the difference between the sports on both sides of the Atlantic..




Yeah, Europeans are pretty famous for being really soft at the game of basketball, shying away from contact. It really is almost a completely different game over here.

..but I guess "the soft European style" works pretty well anyhow:




Spain took gold, Greece Silver and USA bronze.




I will never understand the American fascination with violence and how you somehow get it mixed up with manliness all the time. Like hitting someone in the face in a sport that does not allow it would somehow make you tough. To me, it makes you stupid.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I'm just making the point that basketball's "no/limited contact" rule is what drove me away from the sport.



And I'm just making the point that that is probably only really prevalent in weaker (i.e. younger) leagues.


My Grade 7 basketball was much more no touch than my Grade 12 Senior Varsity league. I wasn't even allowed to arm bar when I was in Grade 7, but in Grade 12 the arm bar was pretty much a forearm shiver.


In Grade 9 I played low post, and pretty much the only time I wasn't making contact with another player was in transition or when playing help side defense. When I got to high school, I was shifted to guard (mostly for height reasons). If I happened to be checking a good perimeter player, I got the joy of running off of screens set by guys that are 8 inches taller than me, and probably 100 lbs heavier. And I still had box out responsibilities for defensive rebounding, so unless the other team turns the ball over, I'm bumping into someone every time their team shoots the ball.


If you don't find it physical enough then that's fine, I just don't particularly care for those that call it a pansy sport. To be honest, I find playing in the low post in basketball to be remarkably similar to playing in front of the net in hockey. There's going to be a lot of bumping and jostling for position, and those that aren't willing to work hard and don't want to shy away from the physical contact weren't particularly successful. Some of my favourite memories from high school was playing floor hockey against people that teased me because of how much basketball I played, and their misconceptions for how soft the game is. I never played organized ice hockey (I am a weak skater), but I did find it hilarious that the guys that played defense for the local team (I have no idea what the division was....I would have been 15-17 years old) had such a hard time keeping me underwraps when I played in front of the net. They had to resort to crosschecking me in the back.


The best was in a road hockey (read: vicious) game when one of them talked about how he was going to show me what it meant to play a "man's sport" and all it took to get him off my back was a small elbow to his gut. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but he quit flapping his beak at me after that (of course I tried that to a different guy, and all it resulted in was a huge crosscheck into my lower back).



Does it have as much contact as say (American) Football...of course not. But just because the guy gets a foul when he elbows me in the face, doesn't mean that that contact is some how "soft." Every time you drive the basket you should expect to make contact with the other team. If you don't, then the other team is playing poor defense.

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Don't think anyone claimed that contact doesn't exist in basketball.


Krookie said straight up that basketball is a non contact sport. He's later qualified it as "no/limited contact" sport.



As for the FIBA game, the Greeks played a fantastic game against the United States, and their Semi-final game was not particularly "soft." Both teams shot over 30 freethrows. Fortunately for Greece, they were absolutely on fire that game. It's hard to lose when you're making more than 60% of your shots. They also hit their first 13 shots of the second half. It's hard to win when even if you play good defense, the other team still finds a way to cash the shot.

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Drat, late to the thread. Anyways...


I play softball on the Obsidian team once a week and teach Jiu-Jitsu twice a week at a local college recreation center. I've played volleyball in highschool and college but don't know of any good open leagues in the area. I do a bit of running just for cardio, though this is fairly new for me...

My blood! He punched out all my blood! - Meet the Sandvich

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Don't think anyone claimed that contact doesn't exist in basketball.


Krookie said straight up that basketball is a non contact sport. He's later qualified it as "no/limited contact" sport.


As for the FIBA game, the Greeks played a fantastic game against the United States, and their Semi-final game was not particularly "soft." Both teams shot over 30 freethrows. Fortunately for Greece, they were absolutely on fire that game. It's hard to lose when you're making more than 60% of your shots. They also hit their first 13 shots of the second half. It's hard to win when even if you play good defense, the other team still finds a way to cash the shot.

Basketball is the most violent non-contact sport I have ever seen.




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I remember MAD Magazine had a funny spoof of the sport with "Statistics the NBA won't admit to"


They included stats such as the grade of Pat Riley's Hair Gel (5w30), the number of women Wilt Chamberlain has slept with since you started reading this article (4), the shortest last minute of a basketball game (4.2 minutes), and the most teeth pulled out of Bill Laimbeer's elbow in a single quarter (12) :D

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Basketball is a pansy sport. So is soccer.






I hate the idea in soccer where its hardly a team game, the guy who scores the goal takes all the credit and is treated like some immortal unbeatable hero, and then [impotently] takes off his shirt. Soccer is such an arrogant game, look at all these pr0 jerks, Beckham, Ronaldino or whoever the hell they are, getting paid millions for being little girls in a little girls sport.

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Guest The Architect

Well, the way I see it, the more contact there is in sports, the more pansy I think it is, because think about it, men are touching other men more. I guess it depends on the type of contact though.


I always thought that if you want to play a sport which involves roughing someone up and lots of contact, then do boxing. People can call soccer a pansy sport all they want, but playing soccer does not make one a pansy.


You do get your pansy soccer players (like Fabio Grosso <_<, although diving is more or less, a dirty tactic used in soccer these days) but most people just play it because it

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People can call soccer a pansy sport all they want, but playing soccer does not make one a pansy.



So, its not the actual playing of soccer that makes you a pansy its wanting to play soccer.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I used to wrestle but I don't do shi now except lift weights. Need more cardio. :shifty:

There was a time when I questioned the ability for the schizoid to ever experience genuine happiness, at the very least for a prolonged segment of time. I am no closer to finding the answer, however, it has become apparent that contentment is certainly a realizable goal. I find these results to be adequate, if not pleasing. Unfortunately, connection is another subject entirely. When one has sufficiently examined the mind and their emotional constructs, connection can be easily imitated. More data must be gleaned and further collated before a sufficient judgment can be reached.

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Guest The Architect

Well, I can see why anyone thinks players like Totti are pansies based on the picture Sturm posted. As I

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No. As I

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Guest The Architect
Well, it was meant as soccer players in general, but you can take it the other way, I don't mind.


Why would I take it the other way, when you just said that it was directed at soccer players in general? Well, I used to play soccer. Bah, it doesn

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Speaking of dirty players and tactics, the Italians unfairly cheated their way to getting the World Cup, thats what I hate about soccer, the arrogant players that think they are too pr0 that they got a goal.

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Guest The Architect
Speaking of dirty players and tactics, the Italians unfairly cheated their way to getting the World Cup, thats what I hate about soccer, the arrogant players that think they are too pr0 that they got a goal.



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by the way:




hockey wins this thread for toughest mainstream sport (besides Rugby, boxing, and UFC)

There was a boxing advocate defending the sport, I saw recently, and he cited figures to demonstrate that there are more and worse injuries in Rugby than in Boxing ...




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by the way: [snip]


hockey wins this thread for toughest mainstream sport (besides Rugby, boxing, and UFC)

I have to love a sport where it's legal to get violent. But not boxing. We don't get...any coverage of ice hockey here, only with the Olimpics.

As for, "soccer" for you weirdos. It's no more fruity than AFL. (Aka GayFL) in which they wear tiny shorts, wax their shoulders, and flit about like something from A Midsummer Nights Dream. :shifty:

Edited by Purgatorio


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There was a boxing advocate defending the sport, I saw recently, and he cited figures to  demonstrate that there are more and worse injuries in Rugby than in Boxing ...

short-term, i'd agree. but rugby players probably aren't brain dead, or hawking burger grills, by the time they're 50.



comrade taks... just because.

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I agree. It's a big difference between having a few broken bones or noses by the age of thirty than being a vegetable by the age of forty. The long term damages you get from boxing are horrendous.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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