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Dragon Quest IX exclusive to DS


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I have no interest in the Metal Gear series, so it's a good trade-off for me.


Though, actually, I had no real interest in Dragon Quest until the awesomeness that is Rocket Slime.


One wonders, though, what this means for JRPGs this gen. What of the PS3? What of the Wii? What of the, erm, 360? What of the, haha, PSP?


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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I have no interest in the Metal Gear series, so it's a good trade-off for me.


Though, actually, I had no real interest in Dragon Quest until the awesomeness that is Rocket Slime.


One wonders, though, what this means for JRPGs this gen. What of the PS3? What of the Wii? What of the, erm, 360? What of the, haha, PSP?


I see the PS3 being the console of choice for JRPGs, unless the sales die off, then my bet is the 360. JRPGs tend to be all about eye candy and engaging stories, which is more suited to the powerful consoles. The Wii will dominate party gaming though.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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An epic game like Dragon Quest should be on a console not a portable system. This is obviously good news for Nintendo as this was suppose to have been an exclusive title for the PS3.


As for the PSP, it's the best portable system on the market....hardware-wise. I've actually been playing mine alot more now since there are some pretty good games for it -- GTA: VCS, Metal Gear Solid PO, SOCOM, and Kill Zone to name a few. Plus, you can't beat the homebrew options on this baby....PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 and TG-16 emulation. :D

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As for the PSP, it's the best portable system on the market....hardware-wise. I've actually been playing mine alot more now since there are some pretty good games for it  -- GTA: VCS, Metal Gear Solid PO, SOCOM, and Kill Zone to name a few. Plus, you can't beat the homebrew options on this baby....PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 and TG-16 emulation. :D


What does it say about your game library when one of the major selling points of the hardware is that it can emulate older games? :p

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Playing an 80 hour epic RPG on a 2" screen doesn't appeal to me. Graphics are going to be no where near as good as DQVIII and I doubt there will even be voice acting. I'd rather play RPG's of this magnitude on my 37" LCD with surround sound than a handheld, thank you.

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As for the PSP, it's the best portable system on the market....hardware-wise. I've actually been playing mine alot more now since there are some pretty good games for it  -- GTA: VCS, Metal Gear Solid PO, SOCOM, and Kill Zone to name a few. Plus, you can't beat the homebrew options on this baby....PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis, N64 and TG-16 emulation. :D


What does it say about your game library when one of the major selling points of the hardware is that it can emulate older games? :p


I think it's a nice option to have and don't really consider it a "major selling point". The PSP is still a great handheld system without emulation. Emus are just icing on the cake, imo. If you would have been in the market for a PSP about 6 months ago then yeah, homebrew would have been one of the big reasons to get one. Over the past several months the PSP has seen the release of about a dozen quality games and there's more coming. I think the system is starting to evolve as a portable gaming device rather than a portable device that plays movies, music, pictures....oh and games. I think Sony has changed their focus and are finally realizing this is a gaming device first and foremost.

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