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NWN2.. for Nintendo DS!


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As both a gamer and an aspiring game developer, mobile phones are THE WORST platform to both play on and make games for.


From a purely gamer perspective - I find mobile phone games pretty horrible. Maybe it is a sign of aging...but really, I have enough aggravation using a mobile for texting...


I played one sort of cute little platform game on my old mobile, but really the controls got quite annoying as the buttons were quite small. I certainly wouldn't pay to play a game on my mobile - that's what my DS and PSP are for. I just want a mobile phone to be exactly that - a phone.


wanders off muttering about "youth of today" and the price of fish...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

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The DS is the smallest platform I would play a game on. A cellphone is too small.

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Turn based games work quite well on mobile phones. I've been thinking about picking up Civilization for my Nokia N-Gage (stop laughing, it was a gift!).

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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You'd better have a power cord for the N-Gage, because a game of Civ will not be a brief experience ... :D


The problem is that Java is not an ideal language for gaming. Sheesh, it's only now that multiple threading is even beginning to be pragmatically implemented (multiple-core CPUs), so a programming language that's main claim to fame (apart from its alleged portability) is multiple-threading. :shifty:


I played a bit of Snakebyte on my old Nokia ... the mobile telephone keypad is hardly conducive to game playing, though ...




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They're both fruit, what's the point? Both of them are video games in a related genre.


One's 2D. One's 3D. Cell phones, all though have very great uses, are more of an inconvenience to me than anything. After my last one I will never own one again.


If someone wants to text message me, send me a link on an IM program or e-mail. If I want to play games, I'll use my computer or a classic console system.


Most of the "portable" games are complete crap anyway. I own a GBA and I won't even look for games anymore. I walk into a GameStop and I'm spammed with games for little children with ADD. "Oh, they're a Pokemon Dark Hued Saphire Boarded with Eggshell?! MOM! ZOMG!"


Pretty soon you'll start seeing Pokemon #08EFCB.

Edited by AngryKidJoe

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