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33 Gothic 3 screenshots from HQ ingame footage


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These are 33 Gothic 3 screenshots taken from a high-quality ingame footage video.

It seems to be the same build of Gothic 3 that they are showing off at the Game Convention in Germany.

This is supposed to be the near final version of the game so what you see here is likely to be what you get for real (which is great for the most part!)


Release date of G3 is October 13 for all of Europe (that means German version in

Germany/Austria and English everywhere else). USA official date is still pending, but some sources say October 30.


Personally, I am going to see how far off the USA date is and if it is more than just

a few weeks, I am going to just order it from the UK (I am in the States). Sites like game.co.uk will ship to the USA.


OK, here are the screenshots.


Fighting scavengers with a double-bladed polearm:




Arrival & conversation at a settlement in Myrtana:




Casting "Rain of Fire"(?) on a group of snappers being fought by you and an ally:







Discussing learning options with your new friend. Note the lush fields and long view distance:




The main character screen. Note the now 9 attributes (previous Gothics only had

3) and also the list of talents ("perks") on the right:



A wolf gets the smackdown. A quick note about combat: It is almost entirely

mouse-based, so no more comments about "Did they fix the controls this time?":





More conversation at a settlement. The backdrop in the first screenshot is

just gorgeous. And remember -- No loading zones -- AT ALL -- EVER!

That means whatever you see off there in the distance you can get to with zero gameplay interruptions:







Exploring a cave in the desert (or beach perhaps?):




A city in the desert region of Varant:







Overlooking the vast dune sea of Varant (remember, no loading zones!):





Fighting minecrawlers with swords and magic. Note the ragdoll physics at death:





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No loading times, nice.


But of some reason, it seems like the graphics have taken a turn for the worse (maybe they showcased it with a sh1tty computer?).

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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WOW! Are the rgaphics getting worse? I used to think the graphcis for G3 would be at least on par with Oblivion. Not so sure now. Not that the graphics suck; but meh.


As for 'no loading times'... Is this the 'no loading times' where the gamne pauses for like 5 seconds on screen, or is REALLY no loading times?


Every game I've seen bragging about 'no loading times' tend to mean the lameo version.


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As for 'no loading times'... Is this the 'no loading times' where the gamne pauses for like 5 seconds on screen, or is REALLY no loading times?


Every game I've seen bragging about 'no loading times' tend to mean the lameo version.


You played Gothic 2, right? The Gothics have always had large areas with no loading zones. And if you played them on decent systems, then you would have experienced no pauses in gameplay. I suspect Gothic 3 will be the same.


And to respond to the other query about the system this gameplay vid was taken on. I am not certain of the system specs for that particular machine. However, these are the most recent recommendations for Gothic 3:



Minimum specs:


* P4 2,0 GHz (or Athlon XP 2000+)

* 1 GByte RAM

* Geforce FX 5900/Radeon 9600 with 128 MByte



Recommended Spec. (To see all details at a resolution of 1024x768):


* 3-GHz-CPU

* 1,5 GByte RAM

* Geforce 7800 GT/Radeon X1800 XT with minimum 256 MByte Video-RAM

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"You played Gothic 2, right? The Gothics have always had large areas with no loading zones. And if you played them on decent systems, then you would have experienced no pauses in gameplay. I suspect Gothic 3 will be the same."


Played G2.


Had an above avergae system (above the reccomended).


It had noticebale pauses while loading data for the next part... most noticeably the first town since I didn't get much farther for completely different reasons).


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Loading times typically do not exclude ALL hard drive activity, but rather that you are never taken out of the game or given a point of being unable to do any tasks.


A game with "no loading times" may stutter when entering in a new area (as it starts loading the area into memory from the HD).

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Hrmm, didn't like Gothic or Gothic 2... so I think I'll pass.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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They didn't seem to be video caps at all (how/why on earth would you vid-cap a game anyway?). They looked like plain old screenshots, and pretty ugly ones at that. They seem to have been taken on a low-end system. Low-res textures, horrible texture-filtering (not anisotropic), and no anti-aliasing to boot. I don't think these screens do the game engine any justice. They look like something out of the Half-Life 1 era, only with teh Bloom.

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The main character screen.  Note the now 9 attributes (previous Gothics only had

3) and also the list of talents ("perks") on the right: 


Um, that is six attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Constitution and Charisma (my German isn't robust enough for me to determine those translations unequivocally, though, so they may be slightly different); plus Hitpoints, Endurance and Mana.




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The six attributes are:





Art of Forging (?)




The last three just display:





Below there's a display of additional Armor-protection:


Protection from Blades

Protection from Smashing

Protection from Projectiles

Protection from Fire

Protection from Ice

Protection from Energy

Edited by Morgoth
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They didn't seem to be video caps at all (how/why on earth would you vid-cap a game anyway?). They looked like plain old screenshots, and pretty ugly ones at that. They seem to have been taken on a low-end system. Low-res textures, horrible texture-filtering (not anisotropic), and no anti-aliasing to boot. I don't think these screens do the game engine any justice. They look like something out of the Half-Life 1 era, only with teh Bloom.


You know, I betcha if Black-Isle or Bioware was doing this game you'd be saying "Yeah, the graphics aren't the absolute cutting edge, but they are adequate enough and its the gameplay that comes through in the end."


The situation is no different here. Personally I think they look at least as good as Oblivion. And honestly I am glad I am not discerning enough to look at a picture and tell if its got anistrophic filtering on or off. I would go crazy nit-picking over graphics all the time.


Remember folks, this is not just some action game with RPG-light elements. Its a full-blown RPG with a huge world, tons of spoken dialogue and actual choices. And NO LOADING ZONES. At least cut it a bit of slack in the graphics department. And even then I think the graphics are pretty good.

Edited by elkston
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They didn't seem to be video caps at all (how/why on earth would you vid-cap a game anyway?). They looked like plain old screenshots, and pretty ugly ones at that. They seem to have been taken on a low-end system. Low-res textures, horrible texture-filtering (not anisotropic), and no anti-aliasing to boot. I don't think these screens do the game engine any justice. They look like something out of the Half-Life 1 era, only with teh Bloom.


You know, I betcha if Black-Isle or Bioware was doing this game you'd be saying "Yeah, the graphics aren't the absolute cutting edge, but they are adequate enough and its the gameplay that comes through in the end."


The situation is no different here. Personally I think they look at least as good as Oblivion. And honestly I am glad I am not discerning enough to look at a picture and tell if its got anistrophic filtering on or off. I would go crazy nit-picking over graphics all the time.


Remember folks, this is not just some action game with RPG-light elements. Its a full-blown RPG with a huge world, tons of spoken dialogue and actual choices. And NO LOADING ZONES. At least cut it a bit of slack in the graphics department. And even then I think the graphics are pretty good.


No, I wouldn't have said anything different had the game been made by BIS or Bioware or Obsidian or Stellar Stone. An ugly screenshot is an ugly screenshot is an ugly screenshot. Also, I never talked about the game engine itself. We have seen good-looking renders from that engine on these very forums. My comment was on those screenshots (or video-caps), they were pretty ugly. "Oblivion running on a GeForce3" is the first thing that came to mind. I'm sure the engine itself is good, it's just that whoever took that video ran the engine at its lowest possible settings.

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For the record, I'm a blithering G3-fanboy, that svenskj

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Wait...are we talking tankards or bottles here?


'Cos, you know....

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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In Oblivion all faces looked like they were created by a random generator. Sassy elven ladies looked like middle-aged art teachers and every wood elf looked like a gay muppet.


Pun heartily intended.


Everyone should look at the Oblivion concept art(like the manual race images) and compare that to the game reality. And I don't mean textures and lighting and skins and that crap, but how they were used. Just ugghhh. I understand the need for wide variety of looks from butt-ugly to stunning, but everyone in Oblivion looked like a...a...something really fugly thing.

Edited by Musopticon?
kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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In Oblivion all faces looked like they were created by a random generator. Sassy elven ladies looked like middle-aged art teachers and every wood elf looked like a gay muppet.


Pun heartily intended.


Everyone should look at the Oblivion concept art(like the manual race images) and compare that to the game reality. And I don't mean textures and lighting and skins and that crap, but how they were used. Just ugghhh. I understand the need for wide variety of looks from butt-ugly to stunning, but everyone in Oblivion looked like a...a...something really fugly thing.


I think that Gromnir said it best, something in the vein of every face in Morrowind and Oblivion looked like it was painted on a balloon.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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The emperor looked like he was painted on a butt. :)

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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