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Dead Rising


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I'm supposed to be doing my first mission where I have to kill some gunning lunatic in the food court, but I decided to just ditch him and ran back outside, grabbed my car and started running down more zombies. Killed about 5,000 so far (I'm amazed at how many can be on the screen without lag). I'm also getting easy level ups this way. Hell, I can spend all 7 hours they gave me just running down zombies and leveling up, that way I can keep my character and start a new game and be all uber.

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never liked how games that have the open endedness of GTA get ubernaustrum scores because "Zomg! theres SO MUCH to unlock!"


when unlocking it takes three months of continous work,

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Didn't know you had a 360...Did you just get it?



Went to Blockbuster to rent Dead Rising...It was sold out, no surprise. I was a little shocked to see that every copy of K2 that they had was out too...Didn't know it was still such a hot game.

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Honestly, one thing I'm really not liking about this game is how small the text is that comes up onscreen. I have really good vision, but I can't make out heads not tails of most of the stuff in that tiny little box they display it in. :thumbsup:


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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