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The navicomputer and the HK Factory are never solved... There is a mod in the works to restore the HK Factory among other things, but as for the navicomputer, you just have to trust T3 as HK will tell you :)


(IMO, One reason the navicomputer is unlockable is because it would let you know where Revan went, and I believe Obsidian kept it locked so as to leave the story of K3 even more open ended :p {Plus It would suck to see where Revan went and not be able to follow :(} )

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Uhm, no.

The Ebon Hawk never brought Revan farther than Malachor, where he left the ship. So the only purpose of the lock is to prevent Exile, continuity-wise, from discovering that Revan went to Malachor.

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Actually Sikon, there is no proof for that ;)

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Guest The Architect

Revan locked the navicomputer on the Ebon Hawk to hide the astrogation charts of the Ebon Hawk that reveals where Revan went (T3-M4 knows where Revan went, but he is following Revan's orders and is protecting the secrecy of Revan's location, IMO, this becomes evident in KOTOR II, when T3-M4 zaps HK-47).


Revan locking the navicomputer of the Ebon Hawk, which results in hiding the astrogation charts of the Ebon Hawk, suggests to me that he/she did not want anyone (apart from T3-M4, the only one that knows where Revan went) to know where he/she was going, and a holo-recording of a miner on Peragus suggests the same thing, that the only reason you'd lock a navicomputer is to hide wherever the Ebon Hawk had been and/or where it was going.


So why doesn't Revan want anyone to know where he/she went? Well, one of the reasons could be because Revan knew that if his/her companions knew where he/she was going, they'd follow Revan, and Revan doesn't want to endanger them, which is apparently what would happen if they followed him/her into the unknown regions.


But another reason could be that Revan was developing a secret plan to stop the 'True Sith', a plan that he/she did not want anyone finding out about for a particular reason, Revan's plan is the only way of stopping the 'True Sith', he/she knows that the Republic/Jedi (LS Revan) or his/her Sith Empire (DS Revan) at the time was in no position to challenge the 'True Sith', so Revan's plan (starting a 'civil war' between the 'True Sith' in the unknown regions was the only way to weaken them and make them beatable, but the plan would come at a dark but necessary sacrifice), so Revan locking the navicomputer only supports Jediphile's 'civil war' idea, which I support, Xard supports, and others (sorry for not mentioning if you do support) supports. Just thought I might point this out ;)

Edited by The Architect
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Uhm, no.

The Ebon Hawk never brought Revan farther than Malachor, where he left the ship. So the only purpose of the lock is to prevent Exile, continuity-wise, from discovering that Revan went to Malachor.


No thats no true. Maybe Revan did go there, but theres no proof thats where he and the EH stayed. I agree with Xard,Darth Hades, The Architect, and Dark Wastl.

Edited by sion01
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Agreed. But I don't think T3 actually 'knows' any longer; that part was selectively memory wiped, to prevent folks from doing what Atris did (downloading the information in his memory banks). If Revan went so far as dismantling HK-47, he would not have missed the possibility of the wrong person hacking in. The 'back door' was the locked navicomputer, which was probably a calculated risk.


So Revan didn't want anyone to know where he'd gone--or rather, he didn't want 'just anyone' to know. He could easily have wiped T3's whole memory and programmed T3 just to return home, but he didn't. And T3 protests very strongly when Bao-Dur suggests a routine memory-wipe. Why?


I think we're missing a piece of Revan's plan--a piece that Kreia just might fit into, although this isn't certain. T3 is waiting for certain conditions to be satisfied.

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Revan locked the navicomputer on the Ebon Hawk to hide the astrogation charts of the Ebon Hawk that reveals where Revan went (T3-M4 knows where Revan went, but he is following Revan's orders and is protecting the secrecy of Revan's location, IMO, this becomes evident in KOTOR II, when T3-M4 zaps HK-47).


Ya but y would T3 care if Hk knew. i mean wasnt Revan Hk's master


Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.

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kalimeeri: I hardly find it likely that Atris/handmaidens would've cabable to get to deep areas of his memory core.

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Well I think that it may be possible that T-3's mind was wiped but I think that Revan gave him strict orders to either return or lock the Navicomputer although I believe Revan probably did this himself;



Either way I believe that if unlocked the navicomputer would show where Revan went.

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Guest The Architect
Ya but y would T3 care if Hk knew. i mean wasnt Revan Hk's master



Good question. You see, if HK-47 knew where Revan was, he'd go after him/her, Revan is HK's master, IMO, HK-47 hints at the fact that he was very disappointed, upset or angry that Revan did not take him with him/her to the unknown regions.


My theory is that it was Revan who shot HK-47, because when Revan told HK-47 that he/she is going alone into the unknown regions, HK probably was very stubborn and would have refused to part ways with Revan (even though Revan is his master) so the only way to prevent HK-47 from going with him/her into the unknown regions was to use force, hence, he/she shot HK-47, well that's my take on it, it makes sense in my book.


As my previous post on this thread suggests, IMO, I got the impression that Revan didn't want anybody apart from T3-M4 to know where he/she was going because of his/her plan, also, Revan has no use for droids in the unknown regions, if HK-47 had of gone with Revan into the unknown regions, then he could of potentially screwed up Revan's plans as don't forget, Revan cannot take on the 'True Sith' single-handedly, and would need 'allies' or some sort of help from the unknown regions. I'll say it again, Jediphile's 'civil war' idea is the perfect solution that makes the most sense, everything fits together nicely with his theory...

Edited by The Architect
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Jabba was mentioned numerous times in Episode IV and V, but he didn't show up until VI (before the SE that is). You don't need to show everything just because you mentioned it.


Acctually he was in episode IV...



And this navicomputer stuff is cut content

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There is no cut content that has something to do with navicomputer

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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kalimeeri: I hardly find it likely that Atris/handmaidens would've cabable to get to deep areas of his memory core.


No, I agree with you about Atris. I doubt she was even a factor in Revan's decision.


But Kreia makes specific mention of Bastila in the endgame, criticizing a little (about Revan's failure to even try convincing her to let it go, and 'she was always a strong-willed one'). And as we've seen, Bastila was poking around in T3's programming--I don't think it's beyond her to either do it herself or find someone who could. A large block of unaccessible or encrypted memory is hard to miss, especially if she was specifically looking for it so she could follow.


Aside: It should be noted that HK was also a threat because of his ability to mimick other voices.

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Ya but y would T3 care if Hk knew. i mean wasnt Revan Hk's master


My theory is that it was Revan who shot HK-47, because when Revan told HK-47 that he/she is going alone into the unknown regions, HK probably was very stubborn and would have refused to part ways with Revan (even though Revan is his master) so the only way to prevent HK-47 from going with him/her into the unknown regions was to use force, hence, he/she shot HK-47, well that's my take on it, it makes sense in my book.

Revan shooting HK-47? I thought that it was plainly obvious in the prologue that the HK-50 you encounter on peragus busts into the cargo hold and shoots HK-47. And remember that during the prologue you can go to the cargo hold and hear a banging noise which should be evident that HK-47 is still intact.

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Ya but y would T3 care if Hk knew. i mean wasnt Revan Hk's master


My theory is that it was Revan who shot HK-47, because when Revan told HK-47 that he/she is going alone into the unknown regions, HK probably was very stubborn and would have refused to part ways with Revan (even though Revan is his master) so the only way to prevent HK-47 from going with him/her into the unknown regions was to use force, hence, he/she shot HK-47, well that's my take on it, it makes sense in my book.

Revan shooting HK-47? I thought that it was plainly obvious in the prologue that the HK-50 you encounter on peragus busts into the cargo hold and shoots HK-47. And remember that during the prologue you can go to the cargo hold and hear a banging noise which should be evident that HK-47 is still intact.


Unless it was HK-50 who banged and banged on the door...




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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It was HK-50 inside the cargo hold because HK-47 was already destroyed. HK-50 cannot attack its predecesor because it has to preserve itself. You can learn this if you read the script for the cut scene where G0-T0 brings HK-51s to attack HK-47 and the Remote, then HK-47 turns them on G0-T0 because of this.

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Jabba was mentioned numerous times in Episode IV and V, but he didn't show up until VI (before the SE that is). You don't need to show everything just because you mentioned it.


Acctually he was in episode IV...



And this navicomputer stuff is cut content


Hence "before the SE that is".

I thought that sentence was clear enough. Of course he is in episode IV now, but that wasn't always the case...

Edited by Dark Wastl
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