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Hitman: Blood Money

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I've not, as yet, had the game crash. Of course, my system kicks sand in the face of your xbox.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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So does anyone have any idea how to get SA on the Shamal mission when playing in Pro? The old way I did it that got me SA under normal difficulty was

I ran into the hotel, with my sniper rifle in foil padded briefcase, got my card from check-in, ran into the lefthand elevator, climbed the hatch and lied in wait. As soon as the scientist appeared and the doors closed I strangled him from above the elevator, stole his keycard, jumped down grabbed the briefcase with the diamonds in it, jumped back up and left it above the elevator, jumped down before I reached the top so as not to arouse suspicion with the cop. Ran around the corner to the little room with the staff member and the icebox. Sedated him while he was sitting in the chair, stole his clothes, put him on ice, ran into the right hand elevator (I still have my rifle at this point). Went down to the lobby, waited for the South African. Strangled him, stole his card for the hell of it. Went to my hotel room and stashed my rifle on the balcony. Ran back to the elevators and went up to the eighth floor. Called the Sheik once he got settled in the Casino. Went back to my room and got my rifle out and waited for him to come outside. Shot him in the head while he was answering his phone. Packed up my rifle. Waited for the staff member to check my room like he does all the others, unpacked my rifle and stashed it in the ISA case. Dropped my briefcase in there even though it doesn't matter. Went back to the elevator with the Scientist and got the Diamonds. Went to the eight floor and got my suit. Left via the car in the back alley.



This only gets me Professional when playing under Professional. I want the money from Silent Assassin. :thumbsup:



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Ok, hotel mission. Here's how I got mine:



I needed my upgraded sniper rifle, with a silencer and AP rounds to start.


I check myself into the hotel, and run into the drunk woman. She lets me into her room, where I stash my sniper rifle on her balcony. I waited for the scientist and skipped him over, no problems there. When the dealer entered his elevator, I killed him dead no problems. Left his body up top. Took his keycard. I go to the middle balcony where the waiter is. He has an unfortunate accident, and I climb up the hedge on the wall to the ninth floor (which I cannot access otherwise. I pull the fire alarm, and sneak into the room adjacent to the Scientist's in the panic (waiting for the guest to open it naturally). I run into his room, onto the balcony, and jump across to the Scientist's room. I grab the diamonds, and call the Shiek, and leave via the room door. I go to the window, climb back down, and zip into the passed out woman's apartment. I ditch the diamond case, grab the rifle, and shoot the Shiek outside. Two down, one to go.


Now I need to get the scientist, so I go to the dealer's room with my sniper rifle. I open up the balcony doors, and look into his bedroom window. When he comes across to look out the window from the TV room, I shoot him in the head. Now, to dispose of my rifle. It goes into the ICA case, I grab the diamond suitcase, leave through the side door to the casino.


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It's probably slower too, though I haven't had a situation of a guy "checking my room" ever, so maybe it isn't?


The only extra body is dead, and it's because he committed suicide. I'm not sure if something went wrong with your sedation or not.

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It's probably slower too, though I haven't had a situation of a guy "checking my room" ever, so maybe it isn't?


The only extra body is dead, and it's because he committed suicide.  I'm not sure if something went wrong with your sedation or not.



You way is definitely slower because the last kill I do happens as soon as the Sheik is in position to answer his cellphone. Just did it again my way because I figured there must've been something wrong with the score. Got Silent Assassin, popped off two shots instead of one by accident, only one hit. Also, one of the kills counted as an accident. :rolleyes:


Nothing went wrong with the sedation the first time because there were no witnesses. Bizarre.


Also I don't think the time you do a mission in counts for anything but bragging rights, because I took forever on the Death on the Mississippi mission just to make sure none of the dudes on the Gators' private deck saw me taking someone else out.



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I've not, as yet, had the game crash.  Of course, my system kicks sand in the face of your xbox.


Wow. Well my PC does not kick sand in the face of my Xbox360, so unless you plan on sending me the money to upgrade, I guess I'll continue played Hitman on my widescreen HDTV.

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Ah, I was just ribbing you anyhow, my fellow Californians. :Eldar's poking fun at Bok and Hurl icon:


I redid the bayou wedding mission again and I get such a kick out of the fact that I can make a mistake and run through the whole mission pell mell only to find out that I've made Silent Assassin. Nothing like trying to hide, having one of your marks find you, pulling out the silenced silver baller, shooting him in the head, and then escaping before anyone finds the body!

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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eldar I kinda did that on the steamboat mission. killed loverboy in his room, pushed the one into the piston then went up stairs and promptly shot everone there. came back down pushed the last one over a rail and left.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Well, he's at a redneck wedding hoedown, and he's dancing with a partner. So I made inferences from this information and assumed he was performing the same dance as the other revelers. As to what the step is, I couldn't say. I'm ill informed about dancing.


Don't sweat a typo.

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Ah, I got the Russian Hare. I don't know how I got it, other than I killed everyone on the New Life mission, the vast majority with the sniper rifle. I killed every single one of them with a head shot. One damned exception! Who was it? Some swine-hearted wretch standing behind one of my head shots. So, I actually shot 30 times and got 31 shot kills. Damn it. Now I have to do it over again and see if I get something special for head shots.


EDIT: BTW: I was compared to the legendary 47. Kewl!

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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To be fair Mr. 47 really isn't a bad guy.  Sure he kills people for a living, but this is what he was genetically engineered to do.  Shoot, the beginning of the second game he'd all up and retired and was chilling at a church in Italy where he had befriended a the priest who was in charge and he was trying to atone for his past 'sins'.  That all went to hell when the priest was kidnapped by his enemies, and he had to get back into the business just to save his friend and spiritual advisor's life. 


Mr. 47 generally only takes out really bad dudes.  Drug lords, pedophiles, dictators, war criminals.  The people who everyone knows are bad, but they can't be dealt with legally. 


And this should really amuse you Eldar, in #2 there's evidence of 47 converting to Catholicism.  :D


He seems completely a bad guy based on your description.


What is his authority for the murder's he commits?


I have't been able to determine that.

As dark is the absence of light, so evil is the absence of good.

If you would destroy evil, do good.


Evil cannot be perfected. Thank God.

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