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Who will win the console war?

Who will win the console war?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win the console war?

    • Sony's PS3
    • Microsoft's 360
    • Nintendo's Wii

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MS intentionally delayed some of the better titles so there would not be a drought of games after lauch.


I agree, most of what is out there now is not too impressive.


Er? I barely see anything coming out this summer, (except Madden, but ever since EA got the exclusive rights....). Almost every "good" 360 game is either on the on the computer or current gen systems. On the PC COD 2 has better multi, Oblivion has mods, GRAW is deeper, and Battlefield 2 is bigger and more tactical. The current gen sports title make the next gen sports titles look like crap, and will probaly continue to do so until 2008. The true 360 exclusive games aren't all that great, except for maybe Condemned. All in all, the 360's current game library is pretty sorry, and the lack of true backwards compatibility is really going to hurt Microsoft in the long run since the PS3 will be able to play games from the freaking PS1.

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I think the day Halo 3 is released is when the floodgates open. There is absolutely no reason to get a 360 until then.


you can play HL2 and Halo 2 on a 1st gen Xbox, not to mention good games like Indigo Prophecy, Fable: TLC, the 2 KOTORs, Jade Empire, Dreamfall, Pirates! and many others.


well, there is one reason you might buy a 360 right now: you want to play Oblivion and don't have (or care to put together) a sufficient gaming rig for it.


that is about it at the moment.

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There's nothing similar between a SPARC processor and an x86 processor either.  Stating that they are different processors is obvious, and actually doesn't demonstrate anything.


It does when you appear to be claiming that you can simply write code for Xenon, and easily transfer it to Cell (because the three cores on Xenon are somehow not that different from the 8 on Cell)... If, on the other hand you aren't claiming that, then please clarify, as I've completely misunderstood you.


I'm not the one that makes the claims about it being more difficult to code for because it's 8 versus 3.  Blame Microsoft fanboys.


We aren't talking about MS fanboys right now, we are talking about a claim you appeared to make regarding the fact that once you code for Xenon's three cores, that Cells eight cores aren't that far off. Which is not true. Getting Cell to function on eight cores is an extremely daunting task.


The difficulty is not in learning how to code for a particular core.  The difficulty is learning how to program multithreaded programs.  Learning how to code for a particular "processor" is easy.  And usually, it's taken care of for you when you use a compiler.  Unless you're suggesting that Sony isn't shipping with any compilers...


Also, coding for a "processor" is misnomer, because unless you start coding in assembler, people haven't really been programming for a processor since compilers were invented....since that's the entire purpose of a compiler....to compile code for a processor.


You put too much weight on the power of compilers. They aren't magic bags of dust that transform all code into exactly what the processor needs to do what you want. You still have to know how to code for the processor, regardless of how powerful your tools are. Even when XNA rolls out for the 360 in full force, it will still require developers to know and understand how Xenon functions before they can even begin to take advantage of the hardware. If you'd like to see what happens (in a basic video game example) when code from a different platform is more or less ported directly into the 360, then boot up Quake 4 in HD, and watch the framerate get hammered. You must still optimize your code, a compiler will not do that for you. Or just look at some of the early mess of launch/first generation titles for the 360. Developers simply did not have enough time with the final hardware, and were forced to cut too many corners to get the game on the shelves.


Naturally, Microsoft would never have any companies linked to their wallet.


Not sure what your point is ... As the developers directly linked to MS' wallet have not gone as far as first party Sony developers have. Netural developers (ones for both platforms obviously), have all echoed the same thoughts, Cell is much harder to program for, dispite being more powerful, and that Xenos is more powerful than the RSX.

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The sad thing is that all the games you're mentioning are or are coming soon to PC :)


for me, it is not really a matter of exclusives....I PREFER a 32" screen over a 19" screen. I PREFER the couch to a swivel chair.


the only thing you really miss out on is the toolset for certain games.


Gamepad + TV-OUT...


What's the problem? :)

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MS intentionally delayed some of the better titles so there would not be a drought of games after lauch.


I agree, most of what is out there now is not too impressive.


Er? I barely see anything coming out this summer, (except Madden, but ever since EA got the exclusive rights....). Almost every "good" 360 game is either on the on the computer or current gen systems. On the PC COD 2 has better multi, Oblivion has mods, GRAW is deeper, and Battlefield 2 is bigger and more tactical. The current gen sports title make the next gen sports titles look like crap, and will probaly continue to do so until 2008. The true 360 exclusive games aren't all that great, except for maybe Condemned. All in all, the 360's current game library is pretty sorry, and the lack of true backwards compatibility is really going to hurt Microsoft in the long run since the PS3 will be able to play games from the freaking PS1.


Agreed! As long as you have a decent computer there's really no reason to get a 360. Practically all the top games for the 360 are available on the PC and you get a much better gaming experience for the same price. If you really need to play with a controller just go buy a 360 controller, download the drivers and there you go. The "big" upcoming titles for the 360 will be Gears of War, Halo 3, Mass Effect and GTA 4. All those games will be released on the PC at some point.

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No and it won't have this either....




Painting with the Wii controller.. could be interesting. Chances are it'll just turn out to be nothing worth getting though :).


Painting with Bob Ross >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo 3

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that paint game was an ign april fools joke


Really? .. follow the link IGN


Also from Wikipedia


In March 2006, Bob Ross Inc. announced plans to license rights to develop a Bob Ross video game. AGFRAG Entertainment Group will receive the license and is planning on developing the game for PC, the Nintendo DS, and Nintendo's next-generation video game console, the Wii. The Wii was chosen because its Wii Remote is unique in its ability to sense 3D control, allowing the player to use the remote like a paintbrush, aptly suited to The Joy of Painting.


At first, the announcement was believed to be an early April Fool's Day joke. However, it was confirmed by several websites including IGN.com, the official Bob Ross website, and the AGFRAG homepage (www.agfrag.com). 5-15 publishers have expressed interest in publishing the game.

Edited by LostStraw
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Wired News: With the graphic design, is there a reason for having it as simple as it is?


Katsuya Eguchi: Sure, there are games that require more sophisticated graphics. But there are also titles that require more simplified graphics. Our priority with Wii Sports isn't graphics; what we were trying to show through these games is how the controllers works, how sensitive it is. Our goal wasn't to create a realistic baseball game with real-world pro athletes, it was to create soemthing familiar, something that isn't intimidating, something that anyone in the family would be comfortable pickign up and trying out themselves. That's why we went with the simpler graphics.


Also as you saw in the media briefing, you saw Iwata, Miyamoto, and Reggie playing tennis. we are looking to implement a similar kind of editing feature into the hardware that will allow users to create caricatures of themselves, members of the family, people they would potentially play with. and so when they go to play tennis, those would be the faces in the game. a more sophisticated graphic look wouldn't match well with the caricatures, but a simpler one does.


Wired News: So the feature would be in the hardware and then applied to, potentially, any game


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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like I say, the big wildcard for the 360 is the titles. and, yes, there will be more exclusives this time around (ME trilogy, the 2 Mistwalker games, and others).


the trick for MS is to have enough exclusives for the 360 while keeping the PC format a viable gaming format.


we shall see what emerges....

Edited by Plano Skywalker
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and the whole bit about the 360 not having "true backwards compatability" is something of a red herring.


generally speaking, anyone who buys a 360 is going to have access to broadband, which, along with Xbox Live Silver (free) will be able to download whatever code is required to prepared the 360 to run the legacy title.


and, of course, many titles will be backward-compatible without this.

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and, of course, many titles will be backward-compatible without this.


I don't believe this to be an accurate statement. While I haven't had any experience with backwards compatibility on the 360, I've always been under the impression that all the games will be emulated, which will require a download. Without access to Xbox Live, or the internet, a CD burner and a blank CD, you will not be playing any Xbox games on your 360.

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bob ross is the guy with the happy secret tree that if you tell anyone about it he'll come and cut you right?

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Nintendo already told us that the hardware being used at E3 was not finalized. Moreover, during the show GameDaily BIZ met with ATI, which is providing the "Hollywood" GPU for the Wii, and John Swinimer, Senior Public Relations Manager of Consumer Products, emphasized that the Wii architecture is capable of producing far better results than what we've witnessed thus far. "I think what you saw [on Wii] was just the tip of the iceberg of what the Hollywood chip can bring to the Nintendo Wii," he said.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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