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Another NWN2 video

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"You gotta start setting your own deadlines Volo, like the pro's do it, or we'll never get the chance to play our magical mod! "


Yeah, I did that, and it turned out to be a lie (well, not technically, since I did plan to do it by x time). Thankfully, nobody has taken the oppurtunity to bash me (though I would deserve it :D ).


For now, it's much more fair to say it's trucking along, an dit'll be done... wait for it, wait for it...


when it's done.






For all 6 people (all playtesters) who'll still want to try a mod for a 4+ year game when a sequel to that 4+ year old game will come out the same month. :)


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"You gotta start setting your own deadlines Volo, like the pro's do it, or we'll never get the chance to play our magical mod! "


Yeah, I did that, and it turned out to be a lie (well, not technically, since I did plan to do it by x time). Thankfully, nobody has taken the oppurtunity to bash me (though I would deserve it :D ).


For now, it's much more fair to say it's trucking along, an dit'll be done... wait for it, wait for it...


when it's done.






For all 6 people (all playtesters) who'll still want to try a mod for a 4+ year game when a sequel to that 4+ year old game will come out the same month. :)


You could theoretically just skip completing your NWN1 mod and just convert it into a NWN2 mod.... If everything runs smoothly (muahhh) and turns out well (muahh-nuahhahah), you'll be the first among the NWN2 mod scene that has released an awesome mod, and you'll be celebrated like a king and eventually get hired by Bioware. Or not. :D

Deadlines, dude, Dealines. I know that's the key. And playing NWN of course. :o

Edited by Morgoth
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Nah. It's gonna be released for NWN. Most of the engine specific done is done. It's the scipting and dialogue that needs to be finished... so, i would ahve to do everything I've already finished again... LOL


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Nah. It's gonna be released for NWN. Most of the engine specific done is done. It's the scipting and dialogue that needs to be finished... so, i would ahve to do everything I've already finished again... LOL

Whats taking so long already? Come on now, get this done and get my interest in NWN back.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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"What on earth have you been working on if not scripting and dialogue?"


Heh. Scripting,a nd dialogue is what I'm working on and what i have been working on. Everything else (areas, placeables, npcs are all done). But, scripts and espicially dialogue takes long while. The module, afterall, has 100k+ words in... and, it's still going..


Why so much for a 2 hour or so mod, you ask? Simple.


A. LOTS of books.


B. LOTS of options... and, those options lead to more options.


C. With lots of dialogue comes lots of scripts. And, scipting even with the script generator tales awhile when you suck at it... and, then you gotta test it a million times to see if it works just to realize your horrible typing made you space soemthing you shouldn't have.



"Whats taking so long already? Come on now, get this done and get my interest in NWN back."


I suck at modding? :D


Good with stories, characters, and quests (or so i'm told); but I'm horrible with modding. A more capble modder would likely have been a LONG time ago.


Beleive me, no one wants this done more than I do.. just so I can I'm not all talk... which, sof ar, I'm sadly am.


P.S. The QAs know the module actually exists! They've tried it!!!!

Edited by Volourn


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You haven't played it, tulip!


If you did, you'd know better. :lol:


Anyways, the NWN2 video that started this thread is cool. :cool:



"@ Volo You suck at modding? That does not ease my mind. "


Scripting part mostly which why it takes me so long to get them right. :(


Well... I could release it now... but... let's just say... it would not be quality scripting wise...

Edited by Volourn


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"What on earth have you been working on if not scripting and dialogue?"


Heh. Scripting,a nd dialogue is what I'm working on and what i have been working on. Everything else (areas, placeables, npcs are all done). But, scripts and espicially dialogue takes long while. The module, afterall, has 100k+ words in... and, it's still going..


You made it sound like, the main reason why you couldn't move over, is that because you haven't been doing scripting and dialogue until now, and it would take a while to redo all the non-scripting and dialogue stuff.


As for the rest of your post, I'm well aware of the extensiveness of dialogue and scripting. I just got the impression from this line:


Nah. It's gonna be released for NWN. Most of the engine specific done is done. It's the scipting and dialogue that needs to be finished... so, i would ahve to do everything I've already finished again... LOL
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"is that because you haven't been doing scripting and dialogue until now, and it would take a while to redo all the non-scripting and dialogue stuff."


That's because dialogue/scripts are rather easy to trasnfer over to NWN2 easy so the fact that's all I got left is no biggy. However, if I were to 'scrap' the NWN1 project and make it for 'NWN2'; I'd have to redo everything that I already got done that *isn't* scripting or dialogue.



"So, when will we see the NWN 2 version?"


LOL 'I'm not working on a NWN2 version.. at the moment. :(' )

Edited by Volourn


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"Finish what you started and worry about NWN2 when your first task is done."


Absolutely. :)



"It shouldn't be that hard to convert over anyway since you are able to port over the hard bits, like scripting and dialog, over with minimal fuss."


Not without the DMC. :)

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"Finish what you started and worry about NWN2 when your first task is done."


Absolutely. :)



"It shouldn't be that hard to convert over anyway since you are able to port over the hard bits, like scripting and dialog, over with minimal fuss."


Not without the DMC. :)

I'm sure you'll get it eventually :)

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"What do you use the DMC for? It sounds like the bug testing advantages it has for NWN are already included in NWN2, if the developer's word means anything."


With all the changes, and cancellations being made; nothing is set ins tone until I see it in action in September. Then again, ther eis a good chance that some form of DMC will be in the release then. Hopefully, they make it!


I can't speak for others, but I use the DMC a lot to test my module. Not as much currently; but when I was making areas I would roam quickly through the module to make sure the pathfinding didn't do anything stupid like get stuck or check out the atcual in game stats (soemthing you can't do in the toolset or as a PC) for balancing, having certain QAers test combat while I DM'ed them.


Currently where I'm at in the creation process, I pretty much don't need the DMC. I can tests cripts, and look at dialogue as a PC easily enough. :)

Edited by Volourn


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