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Kreia:Final battle

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i just used the veripine prototype sheld and used master flurry on the lught sabers and then just went in for the kill with force storm, death feild and master flurry...


....would be pritty cool if you could do the thing with the light sabers that float around

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He dude what are your character stats lvl and all that stuf?

There is no peace; there is aggression.

There is no fear; there is power.

There is no serenity, there is anger.

There is no weakness; there is strength.

There is no death; there is the immortality of the Dark Side.


I am the Heart of Darkness.

I know no fear, but rather I instill it in my enemies.

I am the destroyer of worlds.

I know the power of the Dark Side.

I am the fire of hate.

All the Universe bows before me.

I pledge myself to the Darkness.

For I have found true life, in the death of the light.

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sheilds are worthless, only worth credits


Reprine Sheilds are very useful. All sheilds (except mandalorian Melee) absorb energy damage, and so are handy against light saber opponents. It may save 1 or 2 hits from bosses, but those might give you the edge, as you would be able to do an extra round or 2 of damage. For more advice on killing Jedi, consult HK-47 when you have enough influence :(

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Shields are useful on Peragus but that's about it




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.
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shields are worthless no point just a waste, only good for selling, no true soldier, no true warrior needs a worthless sheild to fight and protect them, it just delays the inevidible

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shields are worthless no point just a waste, only good for selling, no true soldier, no true warrior needs a worthless sheild to fight and protect them, it just delays the inevidible


So do hit points :)


As long as your standing and the enemy isnt. Then it's easy enough to heal up afterwards.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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and i think i used one on atton, when i was fighting them chick twileks in the narshadaa cantina, untill i found out the cowardice, ownage, quick, you-dont-lose-any-health method (hiding behind the bar)

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Sheilds can be useful to people who are struggling to survive energy attacks (or melee attacks when using madalorian sheilds). I admit I never used sheild on my 1st game except through peragus, but I was putting forward an idea on how to help survive jedi attacks.


The 1st time I seriously used sheilds was my 1st playthrough on kotor 1 when you fight malak at the end, because

I had no way to destroy those caged jedi

, so veprine sheilds were my friend at that time. kotor 2 shouldnt really need sheilds because all of those items you can find that increase your attributes :D, but as a last resort to those who need that extra protection, sheilds are good.



One playthrough i didnt jedify handmaiden, so that fight with Atris was difficult, so I kept using sheilds (It was only after handmaiden *died* in the fight that I realised that she didnt have to win, it went straight to the cutscene :shifty:)


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yep that happened to my handmaiden, i didnt jedify her untill my last playthrough (just recently *sigh* ive overplayed the kotors :shifty: ) but i still didnt use a shield


refering to the part, where martyr says "atton was a jedi with me by that point lol" my atton was a jedi at.. hmm level 10 i think, and same with bao, bao doesnt need any triggers, just infulence

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i cant seem to turn bao into a jedi yet i get little convo things with him like after killing people but dont get any influence with him  :(


If you want Influence with Bao while killing innocents, you *must* have kriea with you, she ensures he gains influence with DS deeds.


For me, Bao wasnt too difficult to train, just compliment him and let him do some technical stuff like fixing bike on Nar Shadda and finding the spying equipment in the atmospheric sensors on Dantooine.


I had trouble jedifying atton 1st time round, and I got up to the last conversation needed before jedifying him, but it said influence fail, and I had already finished Nar Shadda, learned his Echani and Pazzak thing, and killed all the innocents I could :( He was the only one I couldnt Jedify, so I never used him after those twin tweeliks :-"

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  • 3 months later...

Well here's a couple ways:


1.Force Crush her to death


2.keep running around and hitting her with force storm or death field (if u have DS powers) :shifty:


3.If ur a weaponmaster and ur really skilled, fight her the classic way! :D

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3.If ur a weaponmaster and ur really skilled, fight her the classic way! :D


My Jedi (the ones with the most skill points)/Sith Assassin could do that... just use proper red healing packages through the inventory when fighting the swords... (first time I played through the game; HARD difficulty)




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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