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I started the game off as T3M4 on Peragus.

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And that loading ramp stuff :blink:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Oh, he :) In truth he was fourth sith lord


and the remote down in the mining tunnles was his apprentice!


i always knew there was a conspiricy there. ask Revan_returns.



"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."

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Ack, my eye's, damn smilies.

Just because you're a bit thinner than your even fatter mum it doesn't mean you're in excellent physical shape, if you could fit through the door and view the normal people you'd notice that cheeseburger boy. Squid suck.

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How Illuminates (or how it is spelled) fits to the pattern? :blink:

How can it be a no ob build. It has PROVEN effective. I dare you to show your builds and I will tear you apart in an arugment about how these builds will won them.

- OverPowered Godzilla (OPG)



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Oh, he :p In truth he was fourth sith lord


and the remote down in the mining tunnles was his apprentice!


i always knew there was a conspiricy there. ask Revan_returns.


YES! ask me, my conspiracy is teh pwnage


finally people are recognising my logical conspiracy theories :blink:


I always knew those droids knew more than they were letting on. i wonder where HK fits into all this.


"Are you an angel? Aw, I'm just kidding. That's the worst line I've ever used. Hope some poor kid doesn't start using it."

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he was probabally working in conjuction with that HK-50 on peragus which killed the miners and all that reprogramming of the droids, and somehow blew up and was sold over the galaxy, and perhaps baodur did that with the remotes help :)

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Oh, he :blink: In truth he was fourth sith lord

Good thing I got rid of him early on.

"Your total disregard for the law and human decency both disgusts me and touches my heart. Bless you, sir."

"Soilent Green is people. This guy's just a homeless heroin junkie who got in a internet caf

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