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Hades wasn't popular in school?


Um, no, I wasn't and I got in a lot of fights. Won most of them to. there was this one time this kid and 3 of his friends decide to chase down the fat kid down an alley. They were all about a year ot three older as well. So they yelled and screamed, then charged at me. What they didn't know that I had 20 pounts worth of ADnD 1e hardcover books in my duffelbag. Just when the first kid was in reach I swung hard and slammed the book bag right into him. The force knocked him into the brick wall. He had a gushing nose bleed, a chipped tooth, and was knocked in a daze.


The other 3 just stood there and looked dumbfounded. God, I love critical hits.

Hey man, In school im pist off to, some stupid bullys like to hit me and call me names, but I showed them, HAHAHAHA :)

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Hades wasn't popular in school?


Um, no, I wasn't and I got in a lot of fights. Won most of them to. there was this one time this kid and 3 of his friends decide to chase down the fat kid down an alley. They were all about a year ot three older as well. So they yelled and screamed, then charged at me. What they didn't know that I had 20 pounts worth of ADnD 1e hardcover books in my duffelbag. Just when the first kid was in reach I swung hard and slammed the book bag right into him. The force knocked him into the brick wall. He had a gushing nose bleed, a chipped tooth, and was knocked in a daze.


The other 3 just stood there and looked dumbfounded. God, I love critical hits.

I was popular in school. Being a prep had privledges, like being running for class president and being in cheerleading.


Hades was the life of the party. RIP You'll be missed.

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Its nothing to do with showing bullies off, its about the combat. You see the dynamics of that encounter is that I was basically readying an action against a charge attack. When the opponent was in range of my melee weapon I struck and scored a critical hit. Now that alone made the other 3, lets call them mobs, fail their morale check and decide to look for an easier target.

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I was popular in school. Being a prep had privledges, like being running for class president and being in cheerleading.


Man, I hated the preppies. Everyone of them were arrogant SOBs that needed to be taken down a peg. I mostly stayed in the background of high school politics, though I was quite active in the school paper. Man, people hated my editorials. I took on the role of a liberal democrat in a school full of future republicans. HA!

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Hades wasn't popular in school?

Um, no, I wasn't and I got in a lot of fights. Won most of them to. there was this one time this kid and 3 of his friends decide to chase down the fat kid down an alley. They were all about a year ot three older as well. So they yelled and screamed, then charged at me. What they didn't know that I had 20 pounts worth of ADnD 1e hardcover books in my duffelbag. Just when the first kid was in reach I swung hard and slammed the book bag right into him. The force knocked him into the brick wall. He had a gushing nose bleed, a chipped tooth, and was knocked in a daze.


The other 3 just stood there and looked dumbfounded. God, I love critical hits.

I can just see you rolling the dice ...




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That was meaningful combat which we need to see in our CRPGs. It had strategy, and story value. Let me just say those guys' perception of me changed a bit after that. If a developer could mimic that level od social interaction in a combat system it would be cool. (w00t)

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The worst thing is, they were probably Christians, Hades.


Actually, they were. :(


I come from a very conservative town where the motto was "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." In one of sociology classes that I took that was one kid's actual argument and he thought it was perfectly valid. So did the teacher. :)

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Both of you are scoring low on diplomacy.




Well, not everyone has what it takes ta be a bonafide dipplo-materr, ma'am.





*limps away to give the hogs a good hosing*

DISCLAIMER: Do not take what I write seriously unless it is clearly and in no uncertain terms, declared by me to be meant in a serious and non-humoristic manner. If there is no clear indication, asume the post is written in jest. This notification is meant very seriously and its purpouse is to avoid misunderstandings and the consequences thereof. Furthermore; I can not be held accountable for anything I write on these forums since the idea of taking serious responsability for my unserious actions, is an oxymoron in itself.


Important: as the following sentence contains many naughty words I warn you not to read it under any circumstances; botty, knickers, wee, erogenous zone, psychiatrist, clitoris, stockings, bosom, poetry reading, dentist, fellatio and the department of agriculture.


"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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"Anywho, it's pretty neat how CRPGs (well, the media in general, whatever) has trivialized combat and its consequenses. Just wiped out a whole tribe of gobs, no problem! No one will care. Just murdered everyone in some sect because they were all 'evil', no problem! The law is on your side. Yay plausibility!"


Your viewing this scenario from a modern point of view. In most fantasy games, why would the (human) 'law' be against you if you wipe out a tribe of gobs? Or why would the law (presuming it's good or even neutral) oppose you for wiping out an 'evil' sect?


I do agree that oftne times combat is trivialized more than it ought to be in CRPGs; but you gave (mostly) poor examples.


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