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Playable Mass Effect


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You should boycott Bioware. Freaking sellouts. Jade Empire, Mass Effect, a freaking MMORPG. 'Dragon Age' has been announced for two years, and no news. It's probably vaporware that they're crapping out in order to appease the PC gamers. Bloody Bioware, they don't deserve their PC fans' business anymore. That'll show them! BOYCOTT TIME.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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Since Mass Effect is going to be playable and Dragon Age is no where to be seen, and given that Dragon Age is the game they announced first, it seems Bioware is in fact neglecting the PC single player audience in favor tot he console junkies. Not one bit surprised by that either. What Bioware says and what they do tend to be very different things.


When the X Box 360 gets under $100 I will more than likely get Mass Effect.

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