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Enough with the picture-spamming already. Jorian, for real, multiple pictures in every thread I see you post in is starting to get quite annoying. Especially after people asked you to get back on topic once already.

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It's kinda hard not to look at them when they cover then entire screen (or I'm forced to scroll past 5 of them to get to the next post).


One picture every here and there is fine, but multiple pictures in several of your posts in a single thread is a bit much.


I don't care what the pictures are of, I think you're posting too many of them regardless of content.

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Maybe I could add a disclaimer to all the threads that Jorian posts in, to warn off people on dial-up. :D


That is a great suggestion! :D


(of course, my connection has nothing to do with what I posted, I've got no problems in those regards)


Edit: Since we are drifting off-topic here, watch me try and steer things back on track.


The original poster asked for opinions on some other Sci-Fi shows as well, so I'll continue.


X-files is a pretty good show, at least as far as I've seen it. I've only watched the first 4 seasons completely and the odd episode elsewhere. I do intend to catch up on it one day, but it's not at the top of my list atm. The pacing in the show is really slow for the most part, which may mkae episodes feel slow, but it's very deliberate and it works for the show instead of against it for the most part. The style of the show varies greatly from the episodes that deal with random monsters (or similar) to the ones that focus on the overall plotline. The monster-episodes got a bit formulaic and unfortunately the characters are a bit stuck in their respective roles (Scully is always sceptic and Mulder is always right in his guesses). For me the show really shines in the story-episodes where they dig into the conspiracy theories, but from what I've been told these get weaker and weaker as the show progresses. I've heard this is true for the show overall though.


Supernatural is in a way very similar to the X-files, only instead of two FBI-agents you've got two hunky brothers. But where X-files had a scientific approach to it's myster solving that made it creepy in a way, Supernatural is taking the horror movie route. Every episode is pretty much a horror movie condensed into 45 minutes (which actually works in the shows favor, the episodes never feel like they're dragging). Arrive, find out about monster, find out how to kill monster, rescue girl (and there's always a girl). Just as with X-files there are a few episodes that deal with an overall plot although these for the most part follow the same formula as the other episodes, just with a few twists. Those episodes have become more and more frequent as the season has passed, so it definitely feels like the overall plot is moving along. In short though, if you like horror movies (not, not slasher movies) you're probably going to like this show.

Edited by Spider
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PS Are you on ephedrine, or have you been taking typing lessons from Magical Volo (or is it contagious!)?

I just can't drink.


Or can I? :-



I just like picts, and I always search for nice ones. :)

I like to link some to what I talk about.

Post links instead. That way those not interested don't need scroll down past your picture spam.

- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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PS Are you on ephedrine, or have you been taking typing lessons from Magical Volo (or is it contagious!)?

I just can't drink.


Or can I? >_<



I just like picts, and I always search for nice ones. :)

I like to link some to what I talk about.

Post links instead. That way those not interested don't need scroll down past your picture spam.

That is sharing information, no spam... <_<

...but the link idea is not bad :ermm:


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I've read up on the show Roswell which also features work from Ron Moore.

I've read some really good things about it. Another show that was, perhaps, "too good for television"; kind of like Firefly in that regard, I guess.


Perhaps that will be next on my shopping list.

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I've read up on the show Roswell which also features work from Ron Moore.

I've read some really good things about it.  Another show that was, perhaps, "too good for television"; kind of like Firefly in that regard, I guess.


Perhaps that will be next on my shopping list.


The first season of Roswell was very good. Mysterious, clever. But the second season just killed it. It became ridiculous.


But anything with Ms. Heigl as a star is worth it imo :D



I recently began the long trek through Farscape. I never watched it before. "Interesting" is the first word that comes to mind.

Edited by astr0creep
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Farscape is a lot of fun to sci-fi fans, but that's also it's greatest drawback - you really have to know your sci-fi to get all the jokes, or half the material is lost. They did an entire episode with D'Argo hunting Crichton as a cartoon-remake of Vil. E Coyote hunting the RoadRunner, for example. Damn funny, but is it really sci-fi?


They also didn't build the background much. I was sick of hearing about how Rygel was Dominar over a gazillion people when it never mattered at all in the show.


Farscape should be taken in no small amount as a spoof on most sci-fi, because the humor will never work if you don't know Star Wars, Trek, Buck Rogers and many other sci-fi shows/stories already. I mean, lines like "Welcome to the Federation Starship buttcreak" is very amusing, but you need to know the Trek-context to get it. On the other hand, lines like "Believe me - this plan is so bad, it has to be our's!" is so good it's worth putting in my sig.


For amusing sci-fi shows, I'd recommend Red Dwarf. It's british, but hilarious.


Another ancient british sci-fi show I like is Blake's 7, particularly due to Avon. Some of his comments throughout the show are just brilliant. I mean, you just can't beat one-liners like, "That's the trouble with heroics - they seldom run to schedule" or "Trust is only dangerous when you have to rely on it." :D

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Blake's Seven is great, but bear in mind the series finished before I was in long pants; it and Red Dwarf are both solid British SF, so don't expect advanced effects like colour overlay (!!): just whatever was hanging around the BBC props department and could be captured on video (cf. film) footage. (Red Dwarf later series are as formulaic as the later episodes of Friends, though, so I would recommend the earlier ones. Also the book is pretty good.)




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Blake's Seven is great, but bear in mind the series finished before I was in long pants; it and Red Dwarf are both solid British SF, so don't expect advanced effects like colour overlay (!!): just whatever was hanging around the BBC props department and could be captured on video (cf. film) footage. (Red Dwarf later series are as formulaic as the later episodes of Friends, though, so I would recommend the earlier ones. Also the book is pretty good.)


Yes, I should probably have noted this myself.


The reason I mention Blake's 7 is because I decided to watch it again about a year ago in a fit og nostalgia, and I was amazed at how well it had managed the test of time, if you overlook the props/make-up and visual effects, which are so ancient it's laughable by contemporary standards. But plotwise Blake's 7 is as solid as anything I've seen in recent years. So are the characters.


I don't quite agree with you on Red Dwarf, though. It began damn funny, and has remained so since IMHO. Even losing Rimmer from the crew didn't stop this show being funny, and he was probably the most amusing of the lot. Of course, the visual effects on Red Dwarf aren't exactly impressive either - you watch it only because it's hilarious.

Edited by Jediphile
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