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Dell to Buy Alienware?

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Posted by CmdrTaco on Wednesday March 15, @03:22PM

from the now-only-one-marketing-dept-will-ignore-my-emails dept.

An anonymous reader writes "Well, looks like rumors are flying, and Dell may have bought Alienware according to an article on cnet. It really would fit Dell well. They are the last big manufacturer not to use AMD, and this would fill that void. Acquiring this company would also help them grow their business to where they want it to be ($80 billion anually). One can only hope that Alienware support and hardware won't be ill effected by this acquisition."


While no word has been officially released from either Dell or Alienware, we heard from a reliable source this morning that the purchase has indeed gone down. Speculation began on March 5 after a by Voodoo PC CEO Rahul Sood. The new source, a contact at a high-end vendor who requested anonymity, claims that two of his company's suppliers confirmed that the deal has been done, and he also claims that his company has received an influx of resumes from Alienware employees.


An Alienware PR representative did not deny the claim but instead forwarded us a prewritten statement from the company that said: "At this time, Alienware will not comment on any speculative stories or rumors concerning Dell and Alienware's association. While we do believe that news stories like this are ultimately a strong positive reinforcement of the Alienware brand and the company's success, we will not comment on speculation or potential future events. As always, Alienware is committed to offering consumers and businesses with the best high-performance, innovative PC products on the market and we remain manically focused on that goal."


Dell did not return calls asking for comment.


Dell has taken a lot of flak in high-end system reviews over the past year or so due to its exclusive use of Intel processors. Alienware, however, currently sells AMD-based systems through its Aurora line of desktops. Owning a subsidiary that sells AMD-based systems could be an easier path for Dell toward reclaiming the performance crown, rather than incorporating Athlons or Semprons into its current Intel-exclusive assembly line. We'll presumably know more when the deal is officially announced, or whenever we learn the specifics of upcoming products.


Edit: added link to blog post.

Edited by metadigital




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That's excellent for Alienware. They started out as a small boutique and now they will get a hefty price for their company. You can expect quality to drop, but that's they way of capitalism.


Building your own PC is the only way to go, IMHO. I guess if I was rich, I'd buy a fancy Alienware case.

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Building your own PC is the only way to go, IMHO.  I guess if I was rich, I'd buy a fancy Alienware case.


I was going to build my own...

But I decided the Alienware case was nicer... :D

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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Omg, if I had oodles of money I would so buy an ALienware.


But I don't have oddles so I build my own. :- Mine aren't as cute though.

Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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well i said i would get one, yes? not you. besides, you might be abled to install vista on the macbook, which would make it just as good as alienware.

If so, I might get one...

If not, I won't...

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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I am seriously considering building a piece of desk-like furniture with all the phase-change cooling equipment in-built in the base ...  :devil:

I was thinking that earlier today: the best case is an invisible one.

With an industrial freezer mechanism and an 800W PSU to allow for overclocking the CPU, multiple video cards and the RAM ... :-




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