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New NWN 2 Article @ Computer Gaming mag


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That's funny. Full of crap; but funny. I wonder if my 'devotion for BIO' clouds my eyes when I call KOTOR overrated as its combat sucks and its controls are pathetic. I wonder if 'my devotion to Bioware' clouds my eyes when i REFUSE to play two of their games. Or when I exchange barbs with Gaider. Or when the game I'm most looking forwrad to is NOT a BIO game; but an Obsidian game. The list goes on.


Okay, perhaps I did just to conclusions.


However, you defend Neverwinter Nights from anyone without ever seeing past your own understanding of the game.


Some people don't like it's tired and clitche storyline, some people don't like it's uninspired character designs and NPCs... You see what I'm saying?


Fact is, I set out to buy a game but I ended up with a tool set.

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The fact of that matter is some people dislike the game, and can't handle that others do.



"However, you defend Neverwinter Nights from anyone without ever seeing past your own understanding of the game."


False. After 4 years of NWN discussions; I've hear iit all. In fact, as much as I like the OC (and NWN as a whole), I AGREE with lots of the criticism directed to it, Some examples include the one henchmen system, the summons system, resapwning, and the list goes on.


However, I can look past these weaknesses and see that the game is good, and definitely better than most other RPGs.



"Some people don't like it's tired and clitche storyline, some people don't like it's uninspired character designs and NPCs... You see what I'm saying?"


Opinion not fact. It means very little.



P.S. I'm glad you admit that you may have gone overboard by accusing me of being 'clouded by my love of BIO.


In fact, I don't like BIO. I like BIO *games*. Strengths, weaknesses, and all. It's the same reason why I like BL besides ABHORING its combat.


I'm not worried if someone likes or dislikes NWN (OC or otherwise); but some people tend to exaggerate it's 'awfulness' thereby exemplifying their lack of gaming experience or clouded judgement.


And, like *any* fan of a game if someone says x game I like is awful; I will defend it. That doens't mean I'm blinded to its faults though it also doesn't mean I'll agree with what you think its faults are.


In conclusion, all is good in the world (well.. not coutning wars, murders, rapes, famines, me being a virgin etc. etc. lol) and we are all happy. :thumbsup:

Edited by Volourn


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Actually, they had personalities. To say otherwise is simply not true. And, you can't get more simple than Minsc. LOL


The OC npc problem was that there was a lack of INTERACTION,a nd the npc quests for striaght forward go collect the quest item stuff. And, the ability to only have one npc therefore losing the npc-npc and npc-npc-pc interaction as well.


Both of those were fixed in the expansions (SOU didn't have multiple henchmen though).


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Hey, I'm as civil as whoever I'm replying to is... well I try to be anyways (we all slip once and a while), except on the Codex, where I hold nothing back. :D


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I didn't like the henchmen in NWN. They were simplistic and had no personality like the BG1 npcs. I hope they fixed that for NWN 2.


MCA is writing the joinable NPC stories/dialog

Admin of World of Darkness Online News

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Jericho sassed me so I broke into his house and stabbed him to death in his sleep. Problem solved. - J.E. Sawyer


"I cannot profess to be a theologian; but it seems to me that Christians who believe in a super human Satan have got themselves into a logical impasse with regard to their own religion. For either God can not prevent the mischief of Satan, in which case he is not omnipotent; or else He could do so if he wished, but will not, in which case He is not benevolent. Fortunately, being a pagan witch, I am not called upon to solve this problem."

- Doreen Valiente


Expecting "innovation" from Bioware is like expecting "normality" from Valve -Moatilliatta

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Didn't he write the Tin Can and Fire Face from PST? I'll pass.


The best example to use for MCA's awesome writing skillz is New Reno from FO2. Awesome,a wesome, awesome.


P.S. Codex has an interview with him up! Good stuff except it contains the usual Codex laughables; but MCA is great!


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If you don't know how to reach the Codex than you likely don't want to go there. Besdies, I'm not here to babysit other people's journey on the internet.


And, hey, I did a GOOD deed.


We were discussing MCA, and there was an interview with him on another site so I was nice and told everyone about it.


So, don't be mean and call me bad for being good (for once). :)



P.S. Llyr managed to find it with no link. Go figure.

Edited by Volourn


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You customize your character on some level. This usually involves number allocation to a variety of attributes and name, hair, and skin choices, either at the start or during the game. Paperdolling is a huge plus, and I am reminded of it every day when playing Neverwinter Nights 2 or World of Warcraft.

What means this "paperdolling" ? Is that their term for our Barbie dress up?

11. KOTOR 2 featured an interesting influence system to spice up your relationship with party members. Any comments on the execution, potential, flaws, ways to improve it?


CHRIS:I guess the system was intended to reinforce the player character's traits in K2, but the mechanic we were trying for was that "hey, you only get the life story, the depth, and chance to make people better if you actually invest some energy in them." That way you could ignore whoever you want and get bonuses from the ones you cared about, rather than having their story inflicted on you.


It probably could have used a more consistent implementation throughout the game (again, my fault), and it would have been nice to have it have more dramatic impacts at the end, but we're trying to learn from that in Neverwinter Nights II.

This bodes well for NwN 2. :)




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