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Man, could I go for a Rose of the Prophet Muhammad


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"Christ is not the son of God. Christ was a smart, educated man who came back on his home soil after 20 years of walking the known world and began educating his fellow man. The knowledge he posessed was so advanced compared to that of his people that they worshipped him as the son of God, a God that does not exist.


Let the flaming... BEGIN!"


You insult the Christian, and Catholic faiths! They shall now riot and threaten to destroy all of Kanada! You jerk!!!


To consider Jesus anything less than the Son of God is blaspphemy of the highest order!



I am not a Christian any longer; but I still feel besmirched and declare war on YOU!!!




P.S. No, I don't. :p

Edited by Volourn


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"Christ is not the son of God. Christ was a smart, educated man who came back on his home soil after 20 years of walking the known world and began educating his fellow man. The knowledge he posessed was so advanced compared to that of his people that they worshipped him as the son of God, a God that does not exist.


Let the flaming... BEGIN!"


You insult the Christian, and Catholic faiths! They shall not riot and thretaen tod estory all of Kanada! You jerk!!!


To consider Jesus anything less than the Son of God is blaspphemy of the highest order!



I am not a Christian any longer; but I still feel besmirched and declare war on YOU!!!




P.S. No, I don't. :p


I accept the challenge!


Montreal Canadians vs. Toronto Maple Leafs on the next Hockey night in Kanada, monday night on CBC you jerc! (ok thats suicide cuz the habs have sucked for quite some time now but meh)

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Montreal Canadians vs. Toronto Maple Leafs on the next Hockey night in Kanada, monday night on CBC you jerc! (ok thats suicide cuz the habs have sucked for quite some time now but meh)

But Theodore just has to flash his hair at the opposite team and they fall on their knees.

Edited by Reinoc
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Islam can kick your Christian asses any day of the week !


We have hommos and tabula ,biatch !


Hey there fella! Canada have the best homos in North America!


I don't know if you mean Homos as in homosexuals or food, but im sure our hommos is better ! OR ELSE !


Well technically you could eat a homo but it has a different meaning. I'm sure the taste is very different than DANISH PASTRIES also...

Edited by astr0creep
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Christ is not the son of God. Christ was a smart, educated man who came back on his home soil after 20 years of walking the known world and began educating his fellow man. The knowledge he posessed was so advanced compared to that of his people that they worshipped him as the son of God, a God that does not exist.


Let the flaming... BEGIN!

I just have a question: why then would he say all the things that pointed to him being the son of god? Also, he wasn't educated. He was a carpenter.

Edited by Mothman
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Christ is not the son of God. Christ was a smart, educated man who came back on his home soil after 20 years of walking the known world and began educating his fellow man. The knowledge he posessed was so advanced compared to that of his people that they worshipped him as the son of God, a God that does not exist.


Let the flaming... BEGIN!

So then why would he say all the things he said that pointed to him being the son of god? Also, he wasn't educated. He was a carpenter.


The apostles said he was the son of god, not Jesus. And he wasn't a carpenter, his father was. He sure knew how to do carpentry though.

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The apostles said he was the son of god, not Jesus. And he wasn't a carpenter, his father was. He sure knew how to do carpentry though.

I'm talking about the statements he makes himself. Not what the apostles said. As for him being educated, that is simply untrue. His father was a carpenter, and he was a carpenter. He wasn't educated either, his social status was nothing more than that of the common people.

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The apostles said he was the son of god, not Jesus. And he wasn't a carpenter, his father was. He sure knew how to do carpentry though.

I'm talking about the statements he makes himself. Not what the apostles said. As for him being educated, that is simply untrue. His father was a carpenter, and he was a carpenter. He wasn't educated either, his social status was nothing more than that of the common people.



He left his home town at around 15 years old and returned years later in his early thirties.

During this 15 years gap in history he traveled the known world and when he came back, he knew many things, including how to clean mucus-encrusted eyes to cure blindness, finding shallow waters, changing fishing location, etc. He just knew more things than his (still) ignorant people and his actions seemed like miracles to the (still) religious fanatics surrounding him.

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Well the Bible came after the death of Christ ,and though he contributed to it in terms of concepts and ideals he didn't do much of the writing or the actual syntax of the thing. He inspired Christianity ,certainly, but alot of the basic things had nothing to do with Jesus.


For example:

Jesus never says hes the son of God, he did say "Father why have you forsaken me" but he never said "I am God's son".

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Well the Bible came after  the death of Christ ,and though he contributed to it in terms of concepts and ideals he didn't do much of the writing or the actual syntax of the thing. He inspired Christianity ,certainly, but alot of the basic things had nothing to do with Jesus.


For example:

Jesus never says hes the son of God, he did say "Father why have you forsaken me"  but he never said "I am God's son".


Yes. And was probaly expressing a mental thought out loud, looking up at the sky and thinking of his father, Joseph(or was it gabriel the man who raped his mother?). The zealots thought he was looking up at his father God. Morons.

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The apostles said he was the son of god, not Jesus. And he wasn't a carpenter, his father was. He sure knew how to do carpentry though.

I'm talking about the statements he makes himself. Not what the apostles said. As for him being educated, that is simply untrue. His father was a carpenter, and he was a carpenter. He wasn't educated either, his social status was nothing more than that of the common people.



He left his home town at around 15 years old and returned years later in his early thirties.

During this 15 years gap in history he traveled the known world and when he came back, he knew many things, including how to clean mucus-encrusted eyes to cure blindness, finding shallow waters, changing fishing location, etc. He just knew more things than his (still) ignorant people and his actions seemed like miracles to the (still) religious fanatics surrounding him.

Can you back that up? Otherwise, you're just making things up.

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The apostles said he was the son of god, not Jesus. And he wasn't a carpenter, his father was. He sure knew how to do carpentry though.

I'm talking about the statements he makes himself. Not what the apostles said. As for him being educated, that is simply untrue. His father was a carpenter, and he was a carpenter. He wasn't educated either, his social status was nothing more than that of the common people.



He left his home town at around 15 years old and returned years later in his early thirties.

During this 15 years gap in history he traveled the known world and when he came back, he knew many things, including how to clean mucus-encrusted eyes to cure blindness, finding shallow waters, changing fishing location, etc. He just knew more things than his (still) ignorant people and his actions seemed like miracles to the (still) religious fanatics surrounding him.

Can you back that up? Otherwise, you're just making things up.


Can you back your statements up? Otherwise they're just made up by someone else.

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Well the Bible came after  the death of Christ ,and though he contributed to it in terms of concepts and ideals he didn't do much of the writing or the actual syntax of the thing. He inspired Christianity ,certainly, but alot of the basic things had nothing to do with Jesus.


For example:

Jesus never says hes the son of God, he did say "Father why have you forsaken me"  but he never said "I am God's son".

The New Testament (not the Bible) came after his death, I know. But I don't see how you can say that a lot of Christianity is not what Jesus taught, unless you count many of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church (hardly taught by the apostles either). Are there any specific things you have in mind?


As for the quote, yes, Jesus did say that, according to the Bible. One of the most famous is Mathew 26: 63-64:

"The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God; Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God."

"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."


That's not the only one, there are more. ;) Sorry, but I have to leave and won't have time to post them all, but here are two more. I don't have time to write them all out. You'll have to look them up, I'm afraid. :)


John 14: 9-14, John 3: 16-18


Anyway, my main point is not that he was the Son of God, though as a Christian I believe so, just that there is considerable evidence he said so.


Can you back that up?  Otherwise, you're just making things up.


Can you back your statements up? Otherwise they're just made up by someone else.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ :wub:


Most scholars agree he lived in Galilee for most of his life. I'd like to know where you read that he "traveled the world".

Edited by Mothman
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Well the Bible came after  the death of Christ ,and though he contributed to it in terms of concepts and ideals he didn't do much of the writing or the actual syntax of the thing. He inspired Christianity ,certainly, but alot of the basic things had nothing to do with Jesus.


For example:

Jesus never says hes the son of God, he did say "Father why have you forsaken me"  but he never said "I am God's son".

The New Testament (not the Bible) came after his death, I know. But I don't see how you can say that a lot of Christianity is not what Jesus taught, unless you count many of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church (hardly taught by the apostles either). Are there any specific things you have in mind?


As for the quote, yes, Jesus did say that, according to the Bible. One of the most famous is Mathew 26: 63-64:

"The high priest said to him, "I charge you under oath by the living God; Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God."

"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."


That's not the only one, there are more. ;) Sorry, but I have to leave and won't have time to post them all, but here are two more. I don't have time to write them all out. You'll have to look them up, I'm afraid. >_<


John 14: 9-14, John 3: 16-18


Anyway, my main point is not that he was the Son of God, though as a Christian I believe so, just that there is considerable evidence he said so.


Can you back that up?  Otherwise, you're just making things up.


Can you back your statements up? Otherwise they're just made up by someone else.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ :p


Most scholars agree he lived in Galilee for most of his life. I'd like to know where you read that he "traveled the world".



They agreed? So there was a debate? Then proof was not infallable otherwise there would not have been any debate.


There is no "proof" of what I said earlier. I came to that conclusion from listening in church and in school, on teevee when those preachers are stealing and a lot of reading from official sources as well as from more "modern" texts.

It just makes so much more sense to me (and others, I am not unique in that way) that Jesus was a more educated man, helping his people in ways they had never seen before and concluded in miracles, than him being the son of a God performing miracles in a supernatural way.


I believe Jesus was a preacher, in the most modern of description, trying to gather a following in order to gain power. I do not believe in a God of any kind, I do not even believe in the Soul.


Call me a heretic if you want. If you are willing to burn me at the stake I will call you a religious, retarded fanatic, no better than those people killing for a caricature in a newspaper.

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