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Indigo Prophecy


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While I did love the game... I did find this review amusing. :-"


*taken from an adventure gaming forum



*earlier, Carla and her partner Tyler*

Carla: "This case is strange."

Tyler: "This case is ****ed up"

*Enter Tyler's wife, Sam*

Tyler: "Hey sam, what's happening?"

Sam: "**** your ****ing job. I have a ticket to Buffalo or some ****ing place like that, and the train leaves in an hour. if you dont come with me you dont love me."

Tyler: "Ok. Lets go. Hey Carla?"

Carla: "Yeah?"

Tyler: "I'm pretty retarded so i'm just going to cave into my girls ultimatum and quit my job and sell flowers in ****ing Buffallo. All in the period of 2 minutes i decided this"

Carla: "...ok"

*later on*

Helpful Psychic: "Good job Lucas. You've saved the Jade Child. Now hand her over to me so i can protect her."

[you get a choice to say yes or no] either way:


Lucas: "...what the ****?"

Carla: "LUCAS!! OVER HERE!!"

*escapes from AI and runs to Carla*


*they do so*

Homeless man: "Good we're safe. Hello Lucas, i am a homeless person. Me and other homeless people you see on the street aren't really impovershed people who can't get a job at all! We're called....THE INVISIBLES!! Yes lucas, you guessed correctly. Homeless people have been secretly living underground in the sewers waiting for prophecies!"

Lucas: ".......This is a ****ing joke right? ........Listen, I'm going to go back there and get some sleep. And when i wake up you guys better have sobred up!"

Carla: "I'll come with you. Even though i was a cop trying to convict you for murder during the first 2/3rds of the game, currently suspect that you are a member of the walking dead, and i've really only known you on a personal basis for a few hours: i think it would totally be beneficial if we ****ed right now."



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It was funny! hahahahaha


Still, it's wrong. They new each other for longer than a couple of hours. It was

Carla's apartment in which Lucas awoke from his dream. she was there, dressed for bed, coming out to her own couch to wake and reassure him. Not only that, but she was half-naked.



I'm going to do the reading over again just to see what happened. Ah'll be bahch.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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It was funny!  hahahahaha


Still, it's wrong.  They new each other for longer than a couple of hours.  It was

Carla's apartment in which Lucas awoke from his dream.  she was there, dressed for bed, coming out to her own couch to wake and reassure him.  Not only that, but she was half-naked.



I'm going to do the reading over again just to see what happened.  Ah'll be bahch.


Too bad you played Indigo Prophecy and not Fahrenheit, since

Carla and Lucas engage in steamy, fully nude sex after that :thumbsup:


"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Still, it's wrong.  They new each other for longer than a couple of hours.  It was

Carla's apartment in which Lucas awoke from his dream.  she was there, dressed for bed, coming out to her own couch to wake and reassure him.  Not only that, but she was half-naked.



I know, I've played it three times remember :thumbsup:


But it seems that way, and since David Cage used the "omg the players will see the date and figure it out" writing trick, you can't blame people for going... what the heck :ermm:

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I did the reading over again, and here's what tipped me off as to the whole thing:



Before the reading, Tommy talks to Carla about her love life and how she'll find someone. When he does the reading, he talks about a troubled man with a heavy weight on his shoulders. I figured that the game was setting the player for a relationship between Lucas and Carla. I just didn't know how he'd do it.


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Overall, awesome game (75%) and then a lame ending


That's about my score as well, and incidentally, it also describes the percentage of the game that I found truly enjoyable. Although the rest was not quite on pair, I am tempted to raise the score a little bit just because of the excellent music score and the perfect VO selection. Nowdays, it's pretty rare that a game has such a fitting soundtrack and so appropriately selected voice actors. For example, "Santa Monica" is a damn fine song, especially if you hear it

right before Tiffany comes to visit

and I think that Lucas' voice actor did a particularly good job throughout the game. Somehow, he always managed to hit the exact mood that the character was currently experiencing.


Too bad you played Indigo Prophecy and not Fahrenheit, since

Carla and Lucas engage in steamy, fully nude sex after that


Huh? Contrary to Eldar, I did play Fahrenheit and I don't recall that, unless you mean

the night they spend together in the subway. I certainly don't remember them hitting it off in Carla's apartment though.


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Too bad you played Indigo Prophecy and not Fahrenheit, since

Carla and Lucas engage in steamy, fully nude sex after that


Huh? Contrary to Eldar, I did play Fahrenheit and I don't recall that, unless you mean

the night they spend together in the subway. I certainly don't remember them hitting it off in Carla's apartment though.



I meant the night at the subway. Not in Carla's apartment, sorry for any misunderstanding.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I don't think that Lucas and Claire were looking to form a long term relationship. They were both in an extreme situation which one or the other could die at any moment and they needed a release from all the tension. Extreme situations can cause some strange bedfellows... and necrophila.

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I played the game... I got to the subway and reformatted... so right now i'm at dream sequence numbah 2.


the major thing that bothers me is:



late in the game your brother markus is either killed or saved depending on wether you chose Phone or Talk. But he seems to make a dissapearance from the game. Also this action really has no point as Lucas then proceeds to go suicidal trying to save Tiffany and when he dies he looses all his mental health ANYWAY....


Also, there are two sex scenes in the game, theres tiffany sleeping with you after she comes to get her stuff if you play your cards right, and then theres the one in the subway.



Just going to point out that the computer control scheme is created that way because it requires the least amount of translation from the ps2 control. the arrows=dpad the num pad arrows=X O Triangle and Square. the mouse stands in for the two sticks and the enter is a catchall.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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That makes sense, Calax. Did they port from the PS2 for this title?


Over all, I found Indigo Prophecy much better than Silent Hill 4.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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What problem exactly have people had with using the keyboard to play that silly DDR game, anyway? I don't recall having any difficulties with it. I don't remember if having the WASD and the arrow keys as the two circles was the default controls, but that's what I used and I never missed any of the sequences. Since the sequences only require 4 directions, I don't see how the keyboard would provide a disadvantage.


(Approved by Fio, so feel free to use it)

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No, the numer pad and the arrow keys were the default control. Like you, I reprogrammed the left hand for WAXD (close to WASD) and stayed with the number pad. I only remember missing my cues maybe three times. It wasn't difficult, but it wasn't my favorite scheme. For the most part, however, I used the mouse to move.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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I wsan't suggesting any performance issues.


I was asking if anyone had mapped the keys to a gamepad.


I bought the damn gamepad, and I wanna use it every chance I get. Normally I can't be bothered to transcribe 148 key combinations over into a configuration document, however, the fact it's only four keys might tempt me to do so.




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the ddr games were tough the first time for me because of my ADD... makes my reflex's garbage but when you got the feel for it I got to be very very good...



on a side note... when did bums in abandoned subways become the norm for saviors? there are like fifteen games that make these guys into heros of the planet or of a war or somthin...



And how the HECK did lucas knock carla up if his body had pretty much CEASED TO FUNCTION like a normal humans!? just imagine 60 years later:


Carla: I'm dying baby (to her kid)

Kid: but daddy hasn't aged a day! how can you die!

Carla:Technically your daddy was dead when he made you with me...




:kid tries to kill himself to find that he can't:


Lucas: eternal walking death ain't that bad... except for the occasional unquencing desire to eat a persons brain...

Carla: Lucas... when I'm dead you can do what you dreamed of doing with my brain.



One interesting thing I found was that whenever they had a model interaction of some sort they would make sure to somehow cover the interaction...


For example, Early on the character wants to grab a glass of somthing, when he does you see the camera get moved so that his body is blocking where the hand would grab the glass. When he either is holding the object or is done with it the camera finishes panning back to see his hand holding it.


This is also done in some kissing scenes. except that there one arm pops up to cover their lips by wrapping it around the lovers head.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Has anyone (that has a rumble pad) programmed it to replace the keyboard?


I have a Rumblepad2 and the game automatically detected and configured it, but it sort of messed up the button layout. So, I went to my friend's place, wrote down his PS2 control scheme and just reassigned the buttons that way. That worked perfectly.


BTW, the rumble function is supported as well, for example you can feel when Lucas' hartbeat suddenly accelerates during the restaurant scene.

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Has anyone (that has a rumble pad) programmed it to replace the keyboard?

I have a Rumblepad2 and the game automatically detected and configured it, but it sort of messed up the button layout. So, I went to my friend's place, wrote down his PS2 control scheme and just reassigned the buttons that way. That worked perfectly.


BTW, the rumble function is supported as well, for example you can feel when Lucas' hartbeat suddenly accelerates during the restaurant scene.


Oooooooo. Sounds vewy vewy appealing ...

Personally I don't think this game needs the rumble pad...

Shut up! RTFT!

I wsan't suggesting any performance issues.


I was asking if anyone had mapped the keys to a gamepad.


I bought the damn gamepad, and I wanna use it every chance I get. Normally  I can't be bothered to transcribe 148 key combinations over into a configuration document, however, the fact it's only four keys might tempt me to do so.




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You swine and your necrophilia scene. Yes, it did give me the creeps, but it was a minor point. Much more irritating to me was the design team's idiotic preoccupation with pushing their political agenda in an otherwise great video game.

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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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