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Freedom of Speech.


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They burned down two of our embassies in return, nevermind the flags, I couldn't care less if they wanna burn the Dannebrog or not, it's their money. But the embassies are Danish soil, what they did deserves a bigger outcry by far compared to a few lame cartoons.



It appears that I have not yet found a sig to replace the one about me not being banned... interesting.

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If anything, the extremists response hamstrung those of us who would otherwise have sided with Muslims. I'm Catholic. I think the cartoons were offensive and incendiary. ...But extremists call for blood. Not only that, they'll say that Muslims are a special case and that a Catholic can't understand the offense of seeing the prophet depicted, particularly in an offensive way. Yep, that's right, we Catholics and fellow Christians are happy when folks disparage and insult our religion, huh?

There would have been a lot of us on the side of Muslims world-wide, but now we have a choice between upholding freedom of speech or saying that Muslims are such a special case that our freedom of speech should be held hostage. I won't do that. I believe freedom is God given.


Extremists don't really understand that their response hurts all of us. Rail against the cartoons all you want, but realize that, if not for the extremists, I would have been standing with and not against you. Muslims around the world had a chance to unite in a common cause with other religious folks. Instead, the loudest voice advocates violence and mayhem. In addition, we Christians are essentially told to go screw ourselves because we can't understand the offense. The hell I can't. My Christianity is no less dear to me than your Islam is to you. The only difference is, I understand that killing folks over "Piss Christ" doesn't make me a better Christian. I don't defend or stand behind some nutjob telling me to kill abortion clinic doctors.


It's not just temperate Muslims who are hurt by the extremist response. It's all of us. Already, Europeans wage a war against religion and here was a real chance to fight back. Too bad the weapons of choice for so many Muslims were stones and not words. We could have won the important fight. It should never have been a war against freedom of speech. It should have been a war against anti-religious bigotry. Too bad for all of us that the extremists chose the wrong fight.

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It should have been a war against anti-religious bigotry.  Too bad for all of us that the extremists chose the wrong fight.

Sad but true.




"Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds described Kuriren's move as 'a provocation' by 'a small group of extremists'.


'I will defend freedom of the press no matter what the circumstances, but I strongly condemn the provocation by SD-Kuriren. It displays a complete lack of respect,' she said in a statement.

What do you guys think about that quote? Do you think it is imprudent for those press groups to publish material that is clearly offensive to muslims? Is it necessary to do?


I appreciate freedom of speech, but if it will offend somebody else, then I won't say something just because it is my freedom. It really seems unnecessary and brazenly impertinent.

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Eldar wins. :thumbsup:



"I appreciate freedom of speech, but if it will offend somebody else, then I won't say something just because it is my freedom."


I simply don't beleive you. i bet you've said, posted, or supported something that offended another.


Freedom is the right to offend, the right to be offended, and the right to do so without fear of being murdered.


One of the big anti cartoon warnings was that these cartoons would increase a hatre dof Muslims. Guess what? That didn't happen. In fact, any new anti Muslim feelings are strictly due to Muslims over reacting in violent ways in a holier than though egotistical way. Yet the funny thing is I don't see any mass violence against Muslims since.. Go figure.


Also.. Hypocriticlaly, Muslims say NOTHING when Jesus is blasphemed despite (IIRC) him also being an important figure (a prohet I think as well).


Go figure.


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I think that the extremists, regardless of religion, needs to grow up.  The more a country is secular, the better it is off.  Religion is an archaic institution that needs to be removed from human existance.  It served its purpose.  Time to move on.

Damn straight on that.


Worship me, the one true god :huh:

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I think that the extremists, regardless of religion, needs to grow up.  The more a country is secular, the better it is off.  Religion is an archaic institution that needs to be removed from human existance.  It served its purpose.  Time to move on.

Damn straight on that.


Worship me, the one true god :huh:

You have small lemons.

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They burned down two of our embassies in return, nevermind the flags, I couldn't care less if they wanna burn the Dannebrog or not, it's their money. But the embassies are Danish soil, what they did deserves a bigger outcry by far compared to a few lame cartoons.

An eye for an eye. Burn down their embassies, burn their flags, hold demostrations.

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They burned down two of our embassies in return, nevermind the flags, I couldn't care less if they wanna burn the Dannebrog or not, it's their money. But the embassies are Danish soil, what they did deserves a bigger outcry by far compared to a few lame cartoons.

An eye for an eye. Burn down their embassies, burn their flags, hold demostrations.

But...we have lives! :huh:

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Pakistan begs for our money billions in aid to their country with us shakey, we give it to them and then they get mad over a cartoon. Ok so they get mad, and..... so then they burn foreign buildings, and killing a few of their own uncluding an 8yr old boy who caught a stray bullet.


Why do these protestors care about what other people/journalists think IF the journalists do NOT control you in the first place. That Journalist may have just caused him to mourned from looking at that cartoon, but now the protestor has to deal w/ a sentence for killing an 8year old.


These people do not have to feel this way, and it is sad that they are letting the situation control them so strongly. They are letting the situation control them and it scares me to think what they might do next.


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Hee hee.  Am I the only one who sees the irony in that statement?  ^_^


I don't. You don't see me going door to door pestering people about my beliefs, forcing bibles to people, screaming at them to repent, bombing Planned Parenthood clinics, train stations, or slamming jetliners into buildings.

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They burned down two of our embassies in return, nevermind the flags, I couldn't care less if they wanna burn the Dannebrog or not, it's their money. But the embassies are Danish soil, what they did deserves a bigger outcry by far compared to a few lame cartoons.

An eye for an eye. Burn down their embassies, burn their flags, hold demostrations.

But...we have lives! :huh:

Not all of us.

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Hee hee.  Am I the only one who sees the irony in that statement?  ^_^


I don't. You don't see me going door to door pestering people about my beliefs, forcing bibles to people, screaming at them to repent, bombing Planned Parenthood clinics, train stations, or slamming jetliners into buildings.


Actually, I was referring to something else. Something mentioning growing up. ^_^


I'm hoping maybe this will finally help the rest of the world to realize just how dangerous and powerful Islamic extremism is to the rest of the world.  :huh:


Any religious extremism is dangerous and needs to be stopped.

Yes, but at the present, which one is the most dangerous? You're fooling yourself if you think any other religious extremism is more pervasive or posing a bigger threat to the world at the present moment. :huh:

Edited by Mothman
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The muslims will get over it, just like christians have gotten over insulting images, etc of god and Jesus. They will learn and evolve to the next level of understanding, some day. If you made insulting remarks to Jesus or god 500-600 years ago you would be considered a heretic and put to the stake.

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