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Whatever, GoA.


It's true, though, for the most part.


I've seen you make comments on here about "never" playing something, only to then make a post a month later saying you changed your mind because it's your prerogative and started playing it.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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If by a very very slim chance that Fallout 3 has the following aspects I will buy it.


1: Full use of the SPECIAL rules system, which includes true turn base combat as in Fallout 1 and 2.

2: Full 3D environment which we the player can set the camera angle and distance where he or she wants (as in Neverwinter Nights).

3: A Tool System.

4: Follows at least 85% of Fallout cannon.

Edited by Judge Hades
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How very true. They place would probably be spammed central for the Fallout die harders that nothing fruitful would be accomplished. Like I said I have very specific aspects that needs to be in Fallout 3 to make it acceptable to me. I think they are reasonable compared to some other Fallout nutcases.

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I think if they're smart they'll make the game their way and fallout fans be damned :)

I have a big FU to them if that is the case. And I would hope not. I would like to buy Oblivion but I won't if they take that approach.


Why should they listen to the fans? All they do is whine and make unrealistic demands? :o


I love fallout 2 (and by extension fallout) but that doesn't mean I'm immune to change.

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