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"It's not even a purposeful snub. It's just the fact that you get more exposure on East Coast teams. The games are earlier, sportcasters see more of them, blah blah blah. Any sportscaster in the business will admit that they see way less of the Pacific Timezone teams"


This a good point. :p


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...even more reason to call Jagr MVP as he does it alone.

Really? Then I apologize. Of course Jagr should get the MVP! Stupid me was under the impression that he was playing on a team called New York Rangers, not that he was the Rangers.


Win every draw, skate against five other players and still manage to score 54 goals, all unassisted. Wow. Does he even have time to stand in goal between his own goal scoring?

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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...even more reason to call Jagr MVP as he does it alone.

Win every draw, skate against five other players and still manage to score 54 goals, all unassisted. Wow. Does he even have time to stand in goal between his own goal scoring?

He doesn't need to stand in goal. The other team never get's the puck anyway so what would be the point?

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Jagr didn't get any points in Rangers loss tonight. Thornton has two points from the first period alone, in a game that's still being played. That means Thornton has passed Jagr in the points race. We'll see what he ends up with after tonight.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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In the most important games of the year the Rangers as a team as really sucking it up. To me, Jagr is alot like Kobe Bryant, in that he'll take most of the shots, get most of the points, but really won't make anyone around him better by playing as a team. Sure some guys will benefit from the "doubleteams" but not consistantly, not in the way that makes a team great through great passing. Plus Thornton shows up on defense, and as I remember hockey is one of those two way sports.



I'm a little surprised that with the big surge that Brodeur isn't getting more hype. If theres one team that wouldn't be anywhere near the playoffs without one player its the Devils, but it seems that people are pretty well used to him playing that way. All and all I guesss I'd rather see the award go to someone who wasn't a goalie, though

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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Yeah, I agree about the goalie thing. They're not really comparable to the rest of the players on the ice. I mean, they get to stand there for 60 minutes getting all the attention in the world while the other players play in 45 second shifts.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Not only did Jagr fall 3 points behind in the points race, but Cheechoo had a hat trick and is now two goals ahead for the Rocket Richard trophy. If I didn't know that Anaheim was fighting for a higher seed, I would think they rolled over on purpose. Seriously, they practically fed Cheechoo the open net goal in the last 5 seconds.


The Sharks are playing Nashville!

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Unfortunately, right now the Leafs are out of the playoffs anyhow :huh:


I can't watch the Hurricanes-Bolts game so I'm going to bed. I guess it'll take a miracle for the Leafs to make it now.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Unfortunately, right now the Leafs are out of the playoffs anyhow :huh:


I can't watch the Hurricanes-Bolts game so I'm going to bed. I guess it'll take a miracle for the Leafs to make it now.


Don't count yourself out yet! Carolina just tied it. If the Bolts don't get two points, they can still fall out of it.

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Unfortunately, right now the Leafs are out of the playoffs anyhow :-


I can't watch the Hurricanes-Bolts game so I'm going to bed. I guess it'll take a miracle for the Leafs to make it now.


Don't count yourself out yet! Carolina just tied it. If the Bolts don't get two points, they can still fall out of it.


At least I can take solace in Tampa having scored an overtime winner. :huh:"

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I'm still kind of proud of my Leafs. They really battled hard in the last 10 games of the season. 8 wins and 2 overtime losses in the last 10 (meaning 18 out of 20 possible points) is pretty damn good. Mats Sundin wasn't helped by getting that puck in his eye in the first game of the season, and he missed 12 games because of it. After that, it took a long time for him to regain his form and full vision on the eye. At least he finished the season with an 11 game long point streak (I don't care about the two remaining games) during which he scored 10 goals and added 10 helpers for 20 points. If only that puck hadn't hit him.. and Belfour would have been hurt MUCH sooner.. and and and..


It will be very strange to not care about the playoffs for the first time in.. many years. I imagine I won't watch a single game. See you in the autumn, NHL!

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"In the most important games of the year the Rangers as a team as really sucking it up. To me, Jagr is alot like Kobe Bryant, in that he'll take most of the shots, get most of the points, but really won't make anyone around him better by playing as a team. Sure some guys will benefit from the "doubleteams" but not consistantly, not in the way that makes a team great through great passing. Plus Thornton shows up on defense, and as I remember hockey is one of those two way sports."


Eh? Jagr does make the team better. He's the reason they have a chance to win the division, and have made the play-offs for the first time in years. And, oh, Jagr plays pretty good D. He doesn't have one of the best +/- in the league by accident (in fact, he's #1). Jagr has made players like Nylander, and Straka perform better than they actually are. Afterall, there's a reasonw hy the Rangers were supposedly going to be dead last this year. Jagr is the reason why they're one of the better teams.


Thornton has been awesome for the Sharks; but that team has other players that are actually very good.


Anyways, congrats to both Cheechoo and Thronton for the goal and point victories. Even more reason why Thornton doesn't deserve MVP (as great as he is); he isn't the only one producing. Just look at the Rangers' secondary RW and comapre it to the Sharks' secondary C.


Jagr still have avery slaim chance of winning the MR and Art Ross; but it is very, very doubtful now. The main thing is winning the last game of the season to win the division.


If MVP was for the last 10 games than sure Thornton/Cheechoo deserve it; but MVP is for the ENTIRE season, and is given to the player most important to their team's success - that is obviously Jagr. Though Thornton is a deserving alternative as well.





P.S. Leafs had a good run; but too little too late.


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Too bad some of the teams the Leafs were chasing hadn't lost a game once in awhile ;) but unfortunately the Leafs put themselves in the position where they had to basically go undefeated for the remainder of the season just to make the playoffs. Give them credit though, they did give it a hell of an effort, and it would have been nice to see them carry that into the first round. Ah well, the 'Canes and Sens must both be breathing a little easier right now.

I took this job because I thought you were just a legend. Just a story. A story to scare little kids. But you're the real deal. The demon who dares to challenge God.

So what the hell do you want? Don't seem to me like you're out to make this stinkin' world a better place. Why you gotta kill all my men? Why you gotta kill me?

Nothing personal. It's just revenge.

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"I wouldn't consider the +/- to be all that telling for defensive abilities. Gretzky was +98 one season, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of his monster defensive abilities (nor those of his linemates)."


True. It's not neccesarily the ultimate way to tell; but it sure helps. It's the only stat that even comes close to helping in telling.


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I think it more determines the ability to outscore (which is important). To be honest I think it's actually useless as a defensive measure. Many exceptionally talented defensive players do not have good +/- because their entire job is to shut down a player, and scoring goals is not typically something that comes frequently. A talented offensive line that attacks very aggressively will typically have much better +/- scores.


I'd rather look at takeaways and blocked shots as defensive stats, but blocked shots for instance are biased towards defensemen.

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Jagr doesn't play on the penalty kill all that much. The coaches want him dominating the game, and scoring. They have their loser players to waste time killing penalties.


P.S. The Sharks are 22nd on the PK... so, apparantly, Thornton and crew don't do a very good job 'defensively' on the PK.


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