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I too am glad to see Samsonov in Oiler silks. However, Alan, don't forget that he is very, very injury prone. But if there was ever a player suited for Edmonton, he's it.


And despite the fact that Reasoner never put up great numbers he is, as Alan said, a class act. Just lately he took a Pronger slapshot in the ear, went off for thirty stitches and came back in the same period. That's cojones. I tip my hat to you, Mr. Reasoner.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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He did have back to back injury riddled seasons, but hopefully that's behind him now.


He did miss some games recently due to a knee injury, but his recovery was quick and has only missed 7 games this season.


People were saying Pronger was injury prone too, though they'd have a bit more of a case with Samsonov.

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I think that Ottawa just got a lot better with Tylor Arnason and Morrison. And the 'Nucks made some deals to solidify their MASH unit defense. I knew I should have taken today off.


Edmonton really has two solid lines now. I just wonder how the PK will hold up without Marty spelling a lot of minutes for Peca and Horcoff.


Ah well, the RPM line was the best checking line we had since Marchant/Grier/ Moreau.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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If Hurlshot is at the Oilers/Sharks game right now I'll be soooooo jealous. The score may be 4-2 for the Sharks right now, but this has been a very entertaining game.


Great back and forth action. Radek Dvorak has played his best game as an Oiler tonight arguably during the second period and the same could be said for Ville Neiminen in the first.


During the second intermission (when the score was still tied at 2) the PPV crew treated us to a little jem from a miked Jarret Stoll.


dashes to the net




scores on beautiful one timer, celebrates with Dvorak


"I love you D-Vo!"


linemate Raffi Torres skates up two the pair


"That was a beautiful ****ing goal, man"


Best line I've heard during an NHL telecast this year.


Now Go Oil!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I could be at the game right now, but I wussed out because I get up so early for work. I even turned down free tickets ;)


Honestly I'd only get like 4 hours of sleep if I went. In fact, I better go to bed, it looks like they've got it wrapped up :p

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I hope you enjoyed the numerous odd man rushes. Yeesh.


The game was pretty good up until the end of two, with the Sharks carrying the play. The third period was a gong show. Poor Roloson, as he had a pretty good effort and made good saves (and controlled rebounds). Hard to stop those 3 on 1s and 2 on 0s.

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Ho hum, and we Leafs fans had to settle for a Richardson - Klee switch. I honestly don't know what they were thinking. Sure, if they had traded Aki Berg, I would have known (hrmm) but Klee has been solid. I don't know much about this Luke Richardson either, I guess I'll have to read up on him. I was expecting the Leafs to go after someone like Samsonov (Congratulations Oilers, that guy has some serious club skills), since they still believe they can make the playoffs and we lack skilled wingers like the desert lacks water. Instead they kept Belfour, they didn't do anything to 'youthen' up their roster and they didn't add anything powerful up front.


Disappointing trade deadline for the Leafs.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I just noticed that Ozolinsh got trade by the Ducks to the Rangers for pretty much nothing. That amazed me. Ozolinsh is a very talented defenseman and it's not easy to find good powerplay quarterbacks in this league. I know he had a substance abuse problem, but I don't think he's like Fluery. I'm very shocked, this seems like a major steal for the Rangers. Of course, New York used to be where good players went to die...but that hasn't been the case this season.

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The Leafs really need a win tonite..


About Ozolinsh: That defenseman should probably be renamed an offenseman. He's amazingly skilled in the offense and should probably have been a forward instead. He's not exactly a rock behind your own blueline.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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As long as the Rangers pair him up with one of their better defensemen,a nd mostly use him on the power play he should be alright. He needs to play the 'Leetch' role as the Rangers don't have a defenseman who can quite do that as well.


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Ozolinsh isn't a great defenseman, but he's better than most forwards. He also used to be pretty speedy in his heyday. I haven't seen him play much lately, so I don't know if he lost that. He could make a run at the net and still get back on D.

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I remember a few years ago somebody got ahold of one of Ozolinshs' paystubs. He had forgot it in a hotel room and someone copied it and sent it around. He was making a ****load of money playing for the Avs.


Tonight I'm jazzed for two reasons. For starters Sergei Samsonov makes his debut with the Oil and secondly the game is available on Centre Ice. Sweet.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Sweet? No, the taste in my mouth is most definately bitter after watching our defensive core go to sleep again tonight. Up three to two in the third, the Blue Jackets tie and then go on to win in the last minute of OT on a truly ugly goal.


On the positive side Samsonov had a good first period, but not a lot after that. At least the team should get credit for making the final playoff spot in the west a lot more attractive to other teams.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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At least the Leafs won. We beat the reigning Stanley Cup champions! That would have felt a lot better if the Bolts hadn't played like crap all year too..


Not sure, but it feels as if Sundin might have been awakened by the Olympic gold. He's played a lot better (in my opinion) since after the Olympics than he did before. Of course, the longer away from the eye injury he gets, the better he is bound to play.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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I just realized that when the Canadiens retired number five, Huet ended up getting his fifth shutout of the season. Look out Kipper, Huet is catching up. Only 3 more shutouts to go. :)"


Huet has been playing like a madman could be a while till Aebischer gets to play.. If Huet ends up with more shutouts then Kipper I will eat my hat .. I don' think he will though..


But Kipper is the man this season he should get the Vezina hands down .. I'm sure you can agree Deraldin (Ottawa fan) that if you had Kipper the cup would be your this years , Hasek's health is a big question...

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I just realized that when the Canadiens retired number five, Huet ended up getting his fifth shutout of the season. Look out Kipper, Huet is catching up. Only 3 more shutouts to go. :p"


Huet has been playing like a madman could be a while till Aebischer gets to play.. If Huet ends up with more shutouts then Kipper I will eat my hat .. I don' think he will though..


But Kipper is the man this season he should get the Vezina hands down .. I'm sure you can agree Deraldin (Ottawa fan) that if you had Kipper the cup would be your this years , Hasek's health is a big question...


Huet is on pace for 12-13 shutouts if he played the last 19 games of the season. I really doubt that will happen now that they have someone else who can actually play. I expect they'll want to get Aebischer some play time to keep him on his game but with Huet on a two game shut out streak... :) Huet has had more HON candidates on TSN in that twelve game stretch than most goalies have had all season.


If we had Kipper, Ottawa would almost certainly have the cup. The only bump in the road would be Carolina who has given us some trouble the few times I remember playing them this season.

Edited by Deraldin
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2 wins in the last 10 games. Now, more than ever, I need to don the rally caps for the Oil. On the plus side Samsonov had a beautiful goal last night, and not as many turnovers. I will refrain from talking about our defence, however.


At least the Flames lost as well.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Good thing the Flyers suck too or the Rangers wouldn't be first in the division still. I'm sure the Rangers, and Jagr will turn things around soon. Thornton shoudl take advantage of this while he can; it won't last forever.


btw, He's one point behind Jagr now. :) Though you are right about the two games in hand. That's what happens when jagr gets a measily 2 points in 5 games.


This proves that jagr is the Ranger, and League MVP. He gets few points means the Rangers score no goals.

Edited by Volourn


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If the Sharks make the playoffs, I say Thornton has as much claim to the MVP title as Jagre. But that's a big "if" because the Sharks are going to have to win at least 3 out of every 4 to make it in. It's going to be an interesting final 20 games.

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Aye, espicially if Jagr doesn't start piling on the points again. Though, a 5 game losing strek (2 in OT/SO) does that to you. Still, the Rangers are virtually guaranteed a play-off spot.


Though, I agree, Thornton is the only player capable of taking MVP/Scoring title away from Jagr. Though, he needs to lead the Sharks to the play-pffs to qualify as a contender for MVP, imo. Otherwise, he's no better than Ovechkin. Be MVP of your team all you want; but to be a real MVP of the entire your teams should at least be amongst the elite 8 of your conference.


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I have never really agreed with that school of thought.


I mean, if Joe Thornton had players of my calibre playing in every position around him, and he just barely missed the playoffs, then that would probably qualify as an MVP.....especially seeing as it'd literally be a one man team.


Though I'm not saying that that is the case in San Jose. Just using an example.


If Ovechkin's performance had them miss the game by one playoff spot, I think he should still have serious contention for MVP.

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