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Or at least get an NHL proven defensman out of the deal. Way to **** the bed, Kevin Lowe.


The Gonchar/Almstrong deal doesn't look so bad now, does it?


edit: Please don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, Pronger

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Good. Pronger is likely to find a team/city that's good enough for one of the best defensemen in the league. Obviously, Edmonton wasn't good enough. It's obvious that Oiler fans never liked him, and had no loyalty to him so why should he have loyalty to them? Good stuff. 8)




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Hey dip****, Oiler fans only started hating him after he wanted to be traded. There was no loyalty on his part, so why should we show him any?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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It's not such a bad deal after all. Sure, Pronger is good now, but look at all the ph4t 1007 Edmonton got out of the deal, especially in the coming years. I think it'll turn out alright, or even better than alright, in the long run.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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"Hey dip****, Oiler fans only started hating him after he wanted to be traded. There was no loyalty on his part, so why should we show him any?"


That's because Oiler fans are loyal to the Oilers (as they should be); not to him. All he did was ask for his release (with his contract it ended up being a trade). Pronger did NOTHING wrong. It's not like he threatened to not show up for next year. Heck, from the sounds of this, his decision that he didn't wnat to be Edmonton/an Oiler occured earlier in the season... but, he sucked it up, and played his heart out. Oilers, and Oiler fans obviously did not give him enough reasons to want to stay with the team or in the city.



"It's not such a bad deal after all."


Agreed. It's soild trade. Pronger is guarnateed gold, and the Oilers got a lot of potentials. As long as one of the players/draft picks work out for them; they did a decent job considering the circumstances. It's hard to get a real good trade when the other teams are aware that the player involved wants out. It's better this way instead of the Oilers forcing Pronger to play for them (which is their legal right). 'Cause eventually that would cause resentment on both sides, and would start effecting the team negatively.

Edited by Volourn


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Wow, the way I read it is Pronger never wanted to sign here in the first place. He just wanted out of St.Louis to get his big fat contract, and was impressed by Lowe enough to sign here. The way he put it he didn't plan on sticking it out anyway.


Quick LLyranor, call him a jerface!!


And an Edmonton Sun reporter, about sixth or seventh in the question que, asked , 'How is leaving Edmonton going to make things better?'



Pronger: When you ask your family what can be done to make things better, and they say move...its move. At the end of the day its something i needed to do for my family.

Edited by Kor Qel Droma


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Pronger: When you ask your family what can be done to make things better, and they say move...its move. At the end of the day its something i needed to do for my family.

Yeah, that one caught him off guard. He basically blamed his wife if you "read between the lines" on that one.


Right now I'm just happy to know he's out of Edmonton and I expect him to get boos like you've never heard 'em at Rexall this fall. Still, although I like Lupul a lot, I can't help but feel we could have gotten something better for the immediate future. Sure, a promising D-man and a few picks, but how do we know Smid will be a stud? We don't, so we'll have to wait and see on this one. I sure hope Anaheim fail miserably and our prospects come up big in the future, but at the same time that conditional pick might be gone if Anaheim mess up.


Oh, and I hate Chris Pronger.

^Yes, that is a good observation, Checkpoint. /God

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And you're picking up a solid checking line winger who can possibly score a few goals if the stars align in the proper way on any given night in Mike Grier, Hurlshot.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm starting to see the wisdom in Edmonton's move. Those draft picks are pretty serious.




Thank heavens San Jose finally made a decent move. I've always liked Grier. He might end up playing with Thornton and Cheechoo, although I wouldn't be surprised if the Sharks still sign a more offensive minded guy for that role. Finally, something for me to get excited about.


edit: Hehe, Kor beat me to it.

Edited by Hurlshot
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Hey, Rosie (that's Grier's nickname) had a few twenty goal seasons with us back in the day.


And howcome this guy on CHED can't stop talking about Tony Roma's?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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That's why I'm thinking Grier might find a place on the Top Scoring Line of Hockey. He's big enough to make some space, and Thornton doesn't need much to make the pass. It will be interesting to see anyways. Chances are he'll play with Goc and Neimenen on the checking line. That sounds like a pesky line to play against.

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Right now I'm just happy to know he's out of Edmonton and I expect him to get boos like you've never heard 'em at Rexall this fall.



Some people are suggesting cheering for him instead. I'm not one of them.

I've heard rumblings that Anaheim wasn't high enough on Pronger's list of teams to be traded to. All I can say to that is...too bad!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I'm just glad this whole thing is over. He came and had a great season at a hefty price. Of course, he didn't want to be here but gave it a shot. Now he's gone and we have draft picks out the yin yang. Let's trade them for somebody good, who can handle pressure in a hockey crazed city.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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"insulting a city that had come to love him in the process."


False. His family loves. Edmontonians only love what he can do for their precious hockey team. If they *truly* loved him; they would understand and respect the fact he's doing what is best for his family instead they moan about their poor city being 'dissed'.


Let's put it this way - if he had come to Edmonton and sucked balls; Oiler fans would have been the first to bash him.


So stop this nonsense about how much Edmontonians 'love' him. They never did. If this is what is cosnidered 'love' by sports fans they don't know what love is.


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What's sadder than Volo's posts is that this whole Pronger thing overshadowed Stevie Yzerman announcing his retirement today. I for one will think Detroit will be without a true leader now that he's decided to hang em up.


Thanks for the memories, Mr.Y. A class act through and through.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Yeah, at least Yzerman belongs in the Hall of Fame.


Ladislav Smid has played in Europe for a while (I've seen him play in the WJC) and if his development curve doesn't suddenly come to an abrupt halt, you won't be missing Pronger much in Edmonton. Smid is extremely hard to knock off the puck, he positions himself well on the ice and he has shown tendencies of having skilled hands. He's quite young though so he's still bound to make defensive mistakes sometimes, something which should only get better as he gains routine.


Rumours say the Leafs are trying to sign Anson Carter.. I think he might actually be a good fit in Toronto.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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