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Bao-Dur looks like a zabrak, but in the game they say he is an "Iridonian" can someone clear this up as to whether he is a zabrak or iridonian?


Bao-dur look cool like Maul when he's 100% ds.

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DS Bao-Dur looks like Darth Maul who all of a sudden became way too soft...




Dawes ain't too bright. Hitting rock bottom is when you leave 2 tickets on the dash of your car, leave it unlocked hoping someone will steal them & when you come back, there are 4 tickets on your dashboard.

he was IridoRian, not iridonian. iridonian are zabraks from the iridonian colonie. iridorian are a bloodthisty race. and bloodthirsty might not even be the proper word, they guys are nice

Just bought both Silent Hill 2 and Mercenaries:Playground of Destruction(both on xbox) for a meager 31 euros and Shadow of Rome and Onimusha 3:Demon Siege(on PS2) for about 45 euros. Now, I know the ones who're on the receiving end of these gifts will enjoy them, that's why I chose them, but I'm having second thoughts. Any thoughts?


Hell, why not use this as a general christmas gift game thread? Go on, shoot.


the fact he could not wear jedi robes just really pissed me off, and when kreia was able to take more punishment then him :) he was done for me.


all substance and no show don't cut it!

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