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Race Dilemma

Child of Flame

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I am filling out a job application, under the section where you tell them your race so they can send it to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission it has descriptions of the various races, and lets you choose one. There is:


"White - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East."


"Black or African American - A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa."


"Hispanic - A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race."


"Asian or Pacific Islander - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands, and Samoa."


"American Indian or Alaskan Native - A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition."




Now, I am about fifty percent Native American, composed of Cherokee and Sioux tribes, give or take a few percents. It is enough that I would get monies and scholarships and such from the Government if I had one of those neato Tribal Blood Certificate thingies, but my ancestors decided it was an awesome idea to pretend they were all White because they got persecuted less that way.


When I am filling out censuses and such, I usually check both White and Native American, I had no idea that you had to 'maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation' to make the blood in your veins authentic. I live in a pretty damn white community (the sole picture of myself verifies this) and if I am not mistaken about what the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission does, it might up my chances of getting a job significantly if I check the Native American option rather than the White option. The only reason I don't do it, is because if they do want actual proofs, I could get screwed over and they'll call me a liar and I'll lose the job anyway. Does anyone have any experience with this or advice as to what I should do? I cannot check both, so that option is out.

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Well unless you do maintain cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition (boy thats a mouthful)


Then I'd say you are plain old boring white as far as the form is concerned.


Well if it works like ours they have a quota of certain "races" which they fill. I abhor the whole thing since it makes a mockary of employing people on merit.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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I abhor affirmative action too, but I am willing to whore myself out to it if it helps me get a job faster. 


I just don't understand why you don't have to prove you are <insert minority here> for any of them but MY minority!


Because there are a lot of "white" people living as Native Americans. And I expect they have had people trying to screw over the system with people claiming to be native American and whatnot.


I'd take it as a sign and reconect with your tribal roots if you are able.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Sadly there's really no way to. The last three or so generations of my family have been for all intents and purposes white, in that it was their dirty little secret so they wouldn't be split up by the man. The thing most resembling 'official' documentation is a fancy geneology book that links me back to Pocahontas on the English side. Which also means that my ancestors are responsible for the Tobacco industry today, something else I get absolutely nothing for.



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Sadly there's really no way to.  The last three or so generations of my family have been for all intents and purposes white, in that it was their dirty little secret so they wouldn't be split up by the man.  The thing most resembling 'official' documentation is a fancy geneology book that links me back to Pocahontas on the English side.  Which also means that my ancestors are responsible for the Tobacco industry today, something else I get absolutely nothing for. 




That's kind of sad. You could probably find a tribe though.


Look on the brightside at least no one is suing you for millions of $$.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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  The thing most resembling 'official' documentation is a fancy geneology book that links me back to Pocahontas on the English side.  <grumbles>



Thats odd. A fellow I worked with about a decade ago found out he was realted to pocahontas as well, and he actually found out he was getting some money out of it.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Sadly there's really no way to.  The last three or so generations of my family have been for all intents and purposes white, in that it was their dirty little secret so they wouldn't be split up by the man.  The thing most resembling 'official' documentation is a fancy geneology book that links me back to Pocahontas on the English side.  Which also means that my ancestors are responsible for the Tobacco industry today, something else I get absolutely nothing for. 




That's kind of sad. You could probably find a tribe though.


Look on the brightside at least no one is suing you for millions of $$.



Yes, but if I was heir to a tobacco company, how many billions of dollars aside from the couple million in lost lawsuits would I have?


Am I right fellas? I mean, am I right?



  The thing most resembling 'official' documentation is a fancy geneology book that links me back to Pocahontas on the English side.  <grumbles>



Thats odd. A fellow I worked with about a decade ago found out he was realted to pocahontas as well, and he actually found out he was getting some money out of it.



Essplain please, at least in my case, I do believe the [documented] blood is so diluted as to mean nothing.

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Well apparantley this fellows grandmother had all of her documentation, and came to Canada as a child. His family found this out after trying to figure out her heritage after her death. He mentioned it once and then didn't speak of it for ages. He ended up quitting but I ran into him a few years later and he said he had just gotten his claim, which worked out to be about 8 grand or so american I think. Who knows, maybe you're related?


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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If its any consolation my Manager at work stands to lose 30% of his bonus because he won't complete the 'employee diversity' handbook. Everyone fills out the same sort of questionaire that you mentioned, except in Canada we have a few more minority groups on our listings. Anyway if you fill out Canadian its no big deal, but if you're last name is Lee and you don't mark down that you're from a minority group the company might not be in compliance ( I hate using that word when I'm not on the clock!!) with its government standard. Hence they tie it in to the store managers bonus to make sure it gets done. To which he refuses to walk up to Mr. Lee and say ' are you a member of an ethnic minority?' . Its one of his good points.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Well I'm not adding in the fact that he makes decisions based on how many rums he's had for lunch on account of he doesnt' fire my sorry ass for showing up six minutes late for work every day.


Hey I see Jodos back!!


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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I just sent this to the EEOC.


Dear Persons of the EEOC,


Would being scared enough of White people knowing you're an Indian to pretend you're White peoples count as oppression, if so, how would I go about proving  this?  Because my ancestors have been hiding their Native American heritage for three or more generations, there is really no actual documentation other than word of mouth within the family.  Back in the days of institutionalization, halfbreeds, and the Trail of Tears, having a lighter complexion than most Native Americans, it was much simpler just to pretend to be White for them.  The only thing that comes close to documentation of my Native American blood is a geneology book that links my blood back to Pocahontas, on the English side no less. 


Also, if there is no way for you to help me prove my Native American heritage, is there a way for me to get government assistance for being somewhat disadvantaged and whitish coloured?  I have never really understood how affirmative action works, as it would seem to destroy the concept of being accepted into a position/school/etc. on your own merits, and only takes into account the complexion of one's skin, not one's social standing. 


Thanks very much. 


Your best friend Jim, in Grass Valley, California. 



The heart is a fickle and ruthless bastard demon

- Topato


I am anxiously awaiting further correspondence!

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My friend Skylar is 1/2 jewish 1/2 cherokee, I wonder what he puts down on forms and such



The thing is he looks Irish as all hell

Edited by Laozi

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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A lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible.


I turned in the online app filled out with brutal honesty, worried tricks to up my chances of being called for a live interview would backfire, including checking 'White.'


I will probably never even get contacted, but at least I was honest...


What sucks is it's a really high paying job here because the wages are adjusted so it is crappy pay in the Bay Area, because the stores throughout the state pay the same wages. If I had filled it out so that I was a minority, I probably would have been one of about 5-10 people that did so in the entire town. So white.

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I'm part Russian.




Beat that, biatch.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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I'm part Russian.




Beat that, biatch.


I'm not


He shoots, he scores.




Seriously tho, am I the only one who will be calling CoF "injun" from this point on?




An Injun will chase a thing till he thinks he's chased it enough. Then he quits. Same way when he runs. Seems like he never learns there's such a thing as a critter that'll just keep comin' on. So we'll find 'em in the end, I promise you. We'll find 'em. Just as sure as a turnin' of the earth.

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