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Movies you've seen lately


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Mystery Men. It hasn't changed. It is still the greatest movie of all time.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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And I mean, Tom Waits is in it, so bonus!

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Say it with me. Hellar.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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The last movie I've watched is The Goonies.

One-eyed Willy!

Yesterday I hid myself off from the world, unplugged my phone and watched discs 2 thourgh 4 of my Firefly DVD set and then finished the day with Serenity.  I am a leaf on the wind :rolleyes:


"'Til I Die"

Time: 2:37 Brother Publishing Co. BMI

B side with "Long Promised Road"

Brian Wilson


I'm a cork on the ocean

Floating over the raging sea

How deep is the ocean?

How deep is the ocean?

I lost my way

Hey hey hey


I'm a rock in a landslide

Rolling over the mountainside

How deep is the valley?

How deep is the valley?

It kills my soul

Hey hey hey


I'm a leaf on a windy day

Pretty soon I'll be blown away

How long will the wind blow?

How long will the wind blow?



Until I die

Until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

These things I'll be until I die

Brian Wilson is a genuine genius.




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Eastwood's High Plains Drifter.


This has to be my favourite Clint movie, not his best mind you (that honour goes to either Bird or Unforgiven), thoroughly enjoyable.


What's not to love about a film where the lead rapes a woman and kills 3 men within the first 15 minutes?

Hmm. Favourite Clint (acting) movies?

Dirty Harry. Sudden Impact (for that culture-permeating quote, delivered by a professional that can continually make the neck-hairs stand in ovation). The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Unforgiven. Heartbreak Ridge.

I saw The Machinist today. That was a creepy film. Christian bale is awesome in it... his body is anightmare in itself. :ph34r:

I thought the weight loss from that show made it creepy . It made me think of Robert Deniro in Raging Bull, just at the opposite end of the spectrum.

I don't think the film itself is that spectacular, if one disregards the dismorphism undergone by Bale ... if that is even possible. Though considering it, the film is truly extraordinary.

I just saw 3/4 of The Island, with Mr. Obi-Wan in it. omg that's one of the worse sci-fi action flicks I've seen in some time with one of the most perposterous "falls from a height but lives" stunts. It's so bad I'll have to finish watching it tomorrow.

But Sean Bean was kind of funny...or cute...or something.

I cannot stand to watch Ewan Macgregor, he has a not-insignificant anti-Charismatic effect on me.

I've watched the following movies over the past three days:


Brothers Grimm

What struck me as notable in the film was Mr Gilliam's highlighting of how nasty the Napoleonic French were to the rest of Europe, and specifically the poor old teuton peasants. No wonder Kaiser Wilhelm thought it was a good idea to band together and pay back the Gauls ...

fantastic 4, lame corny and for kids - never really liked the comic anyway. But JEssica alba was hot!

Ditto. Mr Fantastic (oh, the irony) is the most wan actor since Mr Demi Moore ...

If you'd like I could email you my 30page analysis of Bergmans "Persona". Its very funny because I read an interview wity Bergman a while after writing it in which he explains what it was really about. Id missed the mark by a few hundred kilometers...  if filmvetenskap was really science I should have been flunked but I wasnt. Rubbish.




Today I watched Spiderman2 and it was quality entertainment from hollywood. Im disgusted to say that I enjoyed it very much.

You weren't flunked because your interpretation is just as valid (even if it doesn't agree with what the director was trying to deliver); in fact it is probably more valid ... :rolleyes:"


I liek Spiderman.




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"Nothing" w/David Hewlett & Andrew Miller

That was one friggin' strange movie. The first half was actually pretty damn funny to me, but the 2nd half/ending wasn't so hot.

Edit - I did like seeing Hewlett in something besides sci-fi. He's actually pretty interesting outside of it.

Edited by LadyCrimson
“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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March of the Penguins. Man oh man are the baby chicks cute. Almost as cute as puma cubs. Almost. Very good documentary film.


P.S. Morgan Freeman's narration helped a lot...he has one of the best narrator voices.

I would recommend you check out any of Sir David Attenborough's decades of breathtaking nature documentaries: more of the awe-inspiring insect-eye's-view of mother nature, less of the saccherinely-over-the-top-voice-over.


Nature is amazing without the spin. :devil:




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Nope that was Wrath of Khan.

Second best. I love the Shakespeare quoting Chang as the villian.

Ricardo Montalban quotes Herman Melville.


They were both pretty good.

Just rewatched Chicago. It's one of my favorite musicals, right up there with Moulin Rouge.



Is the spanish verion of The Passion dubbed?

Everything is dubbed. I understand what you mean about the atmosphere. I have watched dubbed movies, and then rewatched them in English, and sometimes things are lost in the translation. It's especially bad with wordplay, puns, in-jokes and slang. I have seen a few times when the dubbed line has nothing to do with the real thing, but those extremes are very rare.


There's not much to be done about it unfortunately, as the level of foreign languages taught here is rather low. And worst of all is, most people don't seem to care... :shifty:

I wouldn't be too concerned: everyone will be speaking Spanish pretty soon, anyway ... :huh:"


... Although it seems pretty silly translating latin into a Romance language, as they are just modern dialects of it. Italian partner was astonished that she could understand latin in the film (not having been previously aquainted with the language, owing to a deficiency of schooling. ^_^)

Midnight Run - Great buddy action flick. Robert De Niro and Charles Grodin were fantastic together. Also excellent suppoting cast. Yaphet Kotto, John Ashton, Dennis Farina,  and of course Joe Pantoliano.

Grodin is superb: "... white-collar criminal."


Not many people are aware of the (until recently) small cashe of films that are DeNiro comedies (before all the boring parodies of DeNiro's serious roles became the standard for his "comic performances", as in Analyze This).


I would recommend watching The King of Comedy, too. I saw it recently available on DVD, too, so there is no reason not to see it ...

Pretty Woman.  :huh:  I do love that movie, nice happy romance.

Oh, the irony ...




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My housemates forced the first hour of "She's All That" on me this evening... I've been trying to repress the memory of it but nothing seems to be working... that's an hour of my life that has been pointlessly wasted and I can't get back... :shifty:

Just have some other mental task to accomplish, and bring it to the front of your mind when the awfulness appears. (Shopping lists are an eay one: I tend to continue on some sort of scientific/mathematic/philosophical lemma or conundrum.)


Alas I wish I could say the same thing about the Blair Witch Project.  To this day I still can't understand what everyone was so freaked out about.  Sticks crack in nature all the time.  Get over it.


I think it was the deft direction displayed in BWP, where a low budget camcorder recording ("camcording"?) became a credible cinematic product that was so admirable. Also it certainly helped (spear-headed?) the "handycam equals gritty realism" phenomenon.




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The Thin Red Line


I can only watch this movie once a year or so since its so draining.

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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I caught the last hour of Grizzly Man on cable last night. I definately want to catch the whole thing. What was that old Dan Akroyd line from SNL? Never feed a bear by putting a marshmallow in your mouth. Or something like that.


There was a round table thing afterwords with his friends , although I don't know if it was in the DVD. I felt pretty bad because all his buddies were complaining about people wanting to hear the tape that captured his death. 'Morbid Curiosity' was their exact words.


Jaguars4ever is still alive.  No word of a lie.

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Ooo. Do tell. I didn't know about that (not all that surprising as I tend to ignore easter egg hunting).


I sat through the entire extended series of the three films a few weeks ago (my first re-viewing since I watched them all when the extended version of RotK was released way back last year when) ... had to break it up over two days (read: had to sleep in between!) ... it's just tooooooooooo long to sit through end-to-end. Almost made me want to buy all the cinematic release versions, in case I had the urge to watch the entire epic in one sitting. then I remembered the bits that weren't included in the cinematic release and thought better of it. (What was up with the final edit of RotK? What happened to Saruman and the Shire? What's with the cheap exit: he doesn't even get a line in the cinematic release! And what about the palantias? ... Oh, never mind. I'm starting to sound like a fanboi, and really I'm not: I just thought those bits were way more interesting than the tediously drawn out last 40+ minutes of the third film.)




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