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PC upgrading


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I have been gifted a video card by a friend. I opened up the 'Hammer of Bastards' and discovered there was no socket in place for such a card, although there was a gap and holes in the motherboard. Does anyone know if I can attach a socket, and if so how hard is it to do so?


I only have basic technical skills. Soldering and a steady hand.

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tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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I'm kinda lost since I need more details. Is this card a newer one? Is it older? Is your computer an older or newer model? Some older cards won't have expansion slots on the motherboards and older motherboards won't have expansion slots for the new cards.




PCI Express



Are examples of video card expansion slots.

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I'm assuming that the motherboard you have right now is equipped with an AGP slot, unless you have upgraded/changed/bought your motherboard within the last 1-2 years?


The card you've been given, when is it from? If it's a very new card it's most likely a PCI-E card, if it's a very old card it might even be a PCI card.


It doesn't really matter. The most likely case is that you have an AGP slot and the new card is PCI-E, which means you'll have to invest in a new motherboard to be able to use it. The same goes for any other unlikely combination too, since soldering new ports on a motherboard would probably be insanely difficult to do.

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It could be missing an AGP slot, as I once saw a relatively new Compaq computer without one (although the box listed it as having one.)


Seriously though, you'll need a new motherboard. If it's a good card, then a new motherboard is a pretty easy choice for an upgrade. You can get a decent one for around $70-$100. Be careful with the size and everything, some towers are very limiting on motherboard sizes.


If you post some more info. like CPU and current setup, I'm sure we can give more advice.

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Thanks for all your answers. The way I hear it you're saying I will need to invest in a new motherboard, but that this is not such an awful thing.


The Hammer of Bastards is a 2.8 gig intel pent 4. Has 1 gig of RAM (special offer). And was bought from Dell two years ago. A Dimension 2400, if that helps.


Thanks again for the advice. I can't really repay in kind, unless you are planning any military coups or somesuch.



EDIT: I'm trying to work out the specs of the graphics card. Hmmm... Something written on the back here "Walsingham's mum is a ..." No. that's not it. Ah yes.


GF4 MX440 AGP8X 64mb DDR TV


Note that I do realise this is not much, but


a) I have no card at all right now

b) It was a gift

c) I might be getting another better card if this system will work. Otherwise I shall have to wait and buy a completely new system.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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So the consensus is don't even bother unless I'm getting a better card? And then to get a new motherboard?

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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It's hard to put a new motherboard in a regular Dell. Many times it won't fit right, as Dell, Compaq, HP, Gateway, etc. are not made to be easily moddable. Some of the new Gaming rigs from these companies are alright, but the packaged PC's aren't too great for gaming. They also tend to have horrible air flow, so if you stick a fancy card in there, it might overheat and lock up.


But yeah, the video card is old school. It's not worth screwing with it.


If you really want an upgrade, this is what you should do...


Take the following things from your Dell:

Hard drive

CD RW/DVD or any other floppy drives




Buy these:

Motherboard ($80)

Mid-grade Video Card ($180)

Tower with many fans ($60)


Put them together, or have a shop put them together. That will make a sweet gaming system that should last another 3-5 years.

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If I were you I would wait until after Christmas/New Years when prices drop and they have sales.


Then get a new mobo with PCI-Express sockets and you'll have plenty of options for a graphics card.

I would concur with this advice: right now we have an IT conjunction, much like the vaunted celestrial kind, whereby some of the slowest-upgrade-cycle parts are about to crystalise into their next incarnations, like motherboards, SATA-2 and PCI-Express, etc.


Bearing this in mind, the new tech is still a little expensive, and the compatibilities haven't been completely ironed out yet. Also, after Xmas there will be even more discount on stuff released for the fat man's big night.


One item to be on the lookout for soon (as you are in the UK) is LCD monitors. The manufacturers are all over-stocked as people haven't been buying them at the expected rate, so they are bound to be reduced from an already great price. (Dell have their big 20" and 21" models, the former is 25% off and c.




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EEEnteresting. Vorry EEEEnteresting.


Waiting until after Christmas suits me from the money angle also.


I agree with you, Meta about the forthcoming shifts in tech. But I'm not going to be looking at those new sub-systems.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Some midgrade AGP 4x/8x cards


I say midgrade, but they're actually the best AGP cards I could find anywhere. If you don't want to spend that much, you could go with a 6600 or 6200 series card for much less, but those don't support some newer technologies.


Christmas is almost here, I'd wait until after that to get a new card.

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