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Im still playing The Longest Journey its damn good, the mood and story are both excellent.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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Been thinking of reinstalling C&C Tiberian Sun and play it. It's been a long time since I've played it.

Do it! :D


I'm thinking about it too now, i love that game :-


Not to shift the topic, but how can anyone like Tiberian Sun? It damn near killed the series.


It took a B+ sequel to Red Alert to breath life back into it.

Edited by kumquatq3
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Kumquat: I guess it must just be a personal thing then. I don't know what it is, but it just gripped me into it, and i just really enjoyed every aspect of it, although i only ever really played on the Skirmish :).


"It took a B+ sequel to Red Alert to breath life back into it."


What do you mean by this? :-

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"A good, but not as good as the orignial (No yaks, No greatness), help restore the good name of "Command & Conquer". "


I get you, although Red Alert 2 didn't really seem right, what with the cloning machines :-


I was sure it wasn't supposed to be set in the future...

You are talking about Red alert 2 right?

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I'm about to start playing.... Planescape Torment :D

I'd rather play PoR 2 before that.



I can't bring myself to click the exe.... I'll try System Shock 2 instead.

Or I could go to my parents house and get my dads hunting games. Those are so thrilling on the PC. Much better than PST sadly. :huh:

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Two more days till Pokemon XD.


Gun turned out to be very entertaining, but also about the shortest game I've played. Side mission pad it out, but much like an RPG the extra's make the main plot easier when you return to it.


Has potential though if they can work out the kinks for a sequel.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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Gun killed my PC : (

I feel for you. Gothic 2 killed my video card. Now the game sits at the back of the cupboard, destined never to be replayed. I'd sell it if I thought anyone would be interested.


I'm still playing Civilization IV. :) Getting heartily sick of the Aztecs, mind.

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