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Tell what kind of geeky evil you have done.


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You can get banned for that you know.


I suppose, if I were a moderator, I'd ban myself.


Of course, apparently, all of the moderators are my alt acccount as well.


Really, the moderators have a pretty good idea of who has which alt. IPs rarely lie.


On the other hand, my alt has been far less troublesome than me. If anyone were banned, it would be Eldar. The alt? He's a nice guy. Has not flamed a single person once on this or any board.

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


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Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Frankly, I wish I were my alt. ...But I find that the person behind the posts has multiple personalities. For that reason, I have my main account and Eldar as an alt. :D

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Evil and geeky eh? :)


Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on.


There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ).


Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day.


Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. :)"


Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Evil and geeky eh? :)


Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on.


There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ).


Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day.


Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. :)"


Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.


Ummmmmmm I think we have a all time "WOW" thing going here.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Ummmmmmm I think we have a all time "WOW" thing going here.

I drank waaayyy too much in those days :) .

Edited by tarna



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Tarna always was such a meanie. BTW: I'm surprised to see you in these parts. I don't think I'd seen you around for years. Unless you're someone's alt. hehehe

Fionavar's Holliday Wishes to all members of our online community:  Happy Holidays


Join the revelry at the Obsidian Plays channel:
Obsidian Plays

Remembering tarna, Phosphor, Metadigital, and Visceris.  Drink mead heartily in the halls of Valhalla, my friends!

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Evil and geeky eh? :blink:


Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on.


There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ).


Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day.


Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. :-"


Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.



This is an example of the greatness we can all achieve with a little bit of effort and crafty twisted innards!

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Evil and geeky eh? :blink:


Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on.


There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ).


Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day.


Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. :-"


Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.



You make my beaty thing hurt. I will love you anyway though! :-

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Tarna always was such a meanie.  BTW:  I'm surprised to see you in these parts.  I don't think I'd seen you around for years.  Unless you're someone's alt.  hehehe

I thought I was your alt. Dammit, I keep forgetting :) .

I stop in and lurk from time to time and this thread looked too fun to pass up.



When a man has no Future, the Present passes too quickly to be assimilated and only the static Past has value.

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Evil and geeky eh? :devil:


Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on.


There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ).


Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day.


Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. :-"


Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.



This deserved to be quoted at least once more. ;)

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Evil and geeky eh? :(


Years ago when I moved out of my apartment, I cut my neighbor's cable TV line and wired it into the 120 volt entryway light. I wasn't there when the timer brought on the light when it got dark out but I doubt there was much left of his television when the 6 O'clock new came on.


There was this jerk-off that I despised in high school. I was a programmer at the time and the school kept the grade point averages in the computer ( mainframe ) that was sent in to the colleges on request. I wrote a small program ( written in BASIC ) that every day looked at the date. The program sat in the 'system residence' and waited for this clown to approach graduation. Two years after I graduated, he received a GPA of 1.2 ( a low D ).


Had a boss back in in early 1980s that I really didn't care for. Americium 241 is a fairly easy radioisotope to obtain. I took a small piece of it and built a small coil with a ground and small antenna and placed it in the ceiling grid in his office. Did I mention that the company had a medium powered transmitter that we used constantly to contact our employees? Americium is a Alpha/Gamma emmittor. Every time the radio was keyed it induced a small magnetic flux around the isotope to assist in the draw of alpha particles into his office. Continued exposure to alpha particles causes lung cancer and he smoked 2 packs a day.


Had a kid throw a snowball at my car while he was stupidly standing in front of his own house! He and his friends ran inside and gave me the finger when I invited them out to play. I was coming home from work at the time so I had my tools. I shut the gas off to his house. Let the little brat tell his parents why there's no heat or hot water and why the repairman told them that the gas had been shut off. ;)"


Let's see...had a room-mate years ago that kept refering to my Korean girlfriend as 'the slope'. After I threw him out, I cruised aroung a few bars with his business cards. I talked about being a stock broker ( his job ) and handed his cards out to anyone that would listen. As I appeared to get drunker, I started talking all kinds of smack about the shortcomings of various racial groups. I'm sure his compaby got a few calls about his behaviour.


Wow...you're psychotic, and genuine sadist if there ever was one.





I like you.

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