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How about "Roleplaying" hmm???


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The usual "buttons" to press are roses, chocolate, champaign and candlelight. If stuck, keep repeating your undying eternal love (sincerily or not).


If pressing "buttons" don't work, go down to the store and swap her for another one :p


I better leave now... :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Yes and in the same way every game of Diablo2 is different. It's actually more different because you can change more variables than you can in FO...

Even if you allow for the multipath nature of the gameplay in FO your still doing the same thing over and over. Enemies will be the same, the maps will be the same. The items will be the same. So FO fits your argument for repition much better than D2 does.

Okay, first, have you EVER played Fallout? I mean, Fallout is repetitive???!!! Let's see: In Diablo, you can:


Be a warrior of some sort;

Kill things;

get things.


Ooohh. So many options...Oooh. So the dungeons are random...Wow... Still, the dungeon changes, and what do you do? Be a warrior, kills things, get things. Click,Click,Click...Items change, whoaaa...What happens, Warrior, kill, pickup. Kill,pickup,kill,pickup. I'm sorry, that's not an rpg. Someone who puts RPG on the cover of such games should be liable for a lawsuit.


Let's check Fallout, shall we. In Fallout you can:

Be a diplomat of sorts, be a gunman(insert woman you you like), be a fist fighter, be a sneaky thief, be a scientist of sorts, be a wilderness survivor.


In Fallout, it matters if you are a man, a woman, if you're smart, dumb, lucky or unlucky, agile or not, perceptive or not, strong or weak, etc. EVERYTHING changes SOMETHING in the game.


In Fallout, you can complete a quest in more than one way. You don't always have to kill, pickup,kill,pickup. You will have access to different quests depending on a number of characteristics you possess, items you have, people you've talked, actions you've taken, and so on and so forth. And you never have to go from dungeon A to B to C... You're free to roam. In short...


You. Can. Choose. Thus...Fallout = RPG.


That's what this thread is about. Roleplaying.

Now, mind you, I'm not judging people's tastes. Far from it. I'm not an exclusively rpg playing guy. I like variety. But I'm judging games like Diablo 2 by the standards of an rpg. You see, if you say Diablo is an rpg, well, then Diablo sucks sour frog ass. if you say it's an action-dungeon-isometric-fantasy-game, or whatever, cool, it's great, it's succesfull, and I would never spend a single penny on it. That's what I meant by comparing it to fighting games. If you judge a fighting game by any other standards than those of fighting games, the conclusion would be it sucks.

Finally, what I mean is that I don't want to be deceived into buying a game thinking it is one thing and realizing it's nothing like that. If you can't roleplay in a roleplaying game, it's not a roleplaying game. That should be easy to understand.

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Well, in both cases, success with them all depends on how you push their buttons... >_>

Yeah, and you would know :(. Let me check - hm, not finding any code here. Sorry, we have brains, not computer circuits. I'm sure you'll learn some day.

Your wannabe feminist activism and assumptions about what i know of women is, quite frankly, wasted on me. If you can't be bothered to accept lighthearted comments such as these, i suggest you don't even try.

If you can't accept teasing about jokes that you know are going to be offensive to someone, then I suggest you stop making them. People who can dish it out but can't take it are lost on me, I admit :). Oh, and I'm not a "wannabe feminist", whatever the hell that is. I am a feminist :).


Diablo 2 is an RPG inasmuch as you can shape your character's statistical development. However, I think we need a different name for this kind of game. Action-RPG isn't really cutting it.

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Apologies if i don't plan my posts according to possible exacerbated reactions on behalf of radical minorites, but as can be easily seen, if only one person out of 678 is offended, i think its obvious where the problem lies.


Also, there's a difference between being a feminist and just being desperately grasping for straws to try and attack something which is clearly nothing more than a personal problem. Or maybe your vision of being a feminist is more radical than that of all those feiminists i've personaly met (the most likely case). Whatever the case, i'd suggest taking things easier in the future, and to avoid these kinds of petty attitudes for things which don't really call for an attitude at all.

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Apologies if i don't plan my posts according to possible exacerbated reactions on behalf of radical minorites, but as can be easily seen, if only one person out of 678 is offended, i think its obvious where the problem lies.


Also, there's a difference between being a feminist and just being desperately grasping for straws to try and attack something which is clearly nothing more than a personal problem. Or maybe your vision of being a feminist is more radical than that of all those feiminists i've personaly met (the most likely case). Whatever the case, i'd suggest taking things easier in the future, and to avoid these kinds of petty attitudes for things which don't really call for an attitude at all.

Male (and feminist :() as I am, I still wonder if you should not take your own advice here about petty attitudes...


You teased, she teased back and now you are making yourself look stupid.


On topic though, I never saw the Fallouts as great examples of roleplaying games. To me they were a bit too repetitive, and with a bit clucnky storytelling and shallow NPCs. Decent character development, but quite limiting gameplay. And in fact way too easy, the way turnbased combat and quests were implemented.


But of course I would never name the Diablos RPGs at all. I would just name them boring. ;) And the Fallouts on the other hand were still fun enough to try a few different character builds in.

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You teased, she teased back


Sorry to bring down that lovely assumption, but I wasn't even talking to her, much less teasing.


and now you are making yourself look stupid.


Yes, pointing out the obvious to people impervious to it definetely makes me stupid. I should stop trying, honestly.

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I would rather not lock this thread, as I think it has stayed pretty true to the topic at hand. I would I request, however, that we do try to articulate without recourse to the personal. Pruning and editing, warning and policing is, after all, rather tiresome ;) So let's try to focus on:


How about "Roleplaying" hmm???, The best elements of Fallout 1&2

The universe is change;
your life is what our thoughts make it
- Marcus Aurelius (161)


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