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PS3 costs scaring away developers?


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I'm bored, so I decided to decipher one of Epiphany's more sane looking recent posts.


This one:

The X360 has the best development tools developers have worked with.  Many developers have backed this claim, including John Carmack, in a recent G4TV interview - in which they continually tried to get him to claim the PS3 was "better".  He simply looked at them and said developing for a console with better tools is superior than developing for a console that has marginally superior FLOP performance.

For fun, let's break down what Epiphany is writing in the above quote, shall we?


"The X360 has the best development tools developers have worked with. Many developers have backed this claim, including John Carmack..." - Epiphany


This, I assume, is taken from the QuakeCon where Carmack spoke about developing on the Xbox 360. So what's the real quote then?


"Carmack also praised Microsoft's development environment as easily the best of any of the consoles, thanks to the company's background as a software provider. Carmack said the 360, like the original Xbox, is easy to create games for thanks to a solid set of development tools. However, he went on, Sony is promoting the PS3 as offering more of an open environment for development, like the PC - and Carmack can't see Microsoft following suit." -Carmack at QuakeCon


Not quite the same, huh? Ok, the Xbox 360 is the easiest to work on of the current consoles, but where's the part about it having the best tools he's worked with? I'd say that's a pretty major detail, wouldn't you? Especially as Epiphany words it, as it sounds as developers in general think this. Epiphany also chose not to include what Carmack said about the PS3, which to me sounds like praise too, although in a different field.

(Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=60510 , http://techreport.com/etc/2005q3/carmack-q...on/index.x?pg=1 )


Let's continue on:


"...in a recent G4TV interview - in which they continually tried to get him to claim the PS3 was "better"." - Epiphany


And the real world equivalent?


"On the subject of whether the 360 is superior to the PS3, Carmack described the hardware as "comparable", but conceded: "PS3 is probably marginally more powerful, in terms of raw flops and graphic operations."" - G4tv


G4tv asked John if he didn't believe the PS3 was more powerful than the Xbox 360, one time during the interview. Continually tried to make him claim the PS3 was more powerful.. Right.


Also (the important part):


"He simply looked at them and said developing for a console with better tools is superior than developing for a console that has marginally superior FLOP performance." - Epiphany


Notice how Epiphany in this sentence conveniently 'forgets' to add that John Carmack, programming guru of ID Software, thinks the PS3 is more powerful in FLOPS and graphic operations. Not only FLOPS as Epiphany claims (or, as Epiphany calls it, FLOP...). Guess Carmack doesn't see the Xbox 360 GPU (Xenos) as such a groundbreaking feature after all. Of course, this goes against everything Epiphany has been preaching for the last couple of months, which is why he left that vital piece of information about graphics operations out. Guess the PS3 isn't just all about FLOPS after all..


(Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=61352 , http://www.g4tv.com/videos/index.html )

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Only Sony considers it a Xbox 1.5, or Sony fanboys.


Let's see, I own a PC, a Gamecube and a PS2... no console exclusiveness my way.


Your theory is denied. :)


The simple fact of the matter is the X360 can do, graphically, anything the PS3 can do.


Because you've played both obviously. :shifty:


  It's amazing how uninformed people are regarding the console,


Irony so thick you could cut it with a knife.


The X360 has the best development tools developers have worked with. 


Because you've used both dev sets ;)


The X360 will be in 3rd/4th generation games when the PS3 finally breaks out of its 1st gen games.  That's what great development software does for you.




That's what rushing your product (which appears to be sub-par) to the marketplace allows you to do.


If the Xbox 1.5 is only slightly better than the Xbox 1.0 it won't matter how many generations of games come out on it... Sony's system (and possibly the Rev as well) will match it and surpass it.


MS got greedy, and rushed their console. Fact.


But hey, reasoning and common sense never works here, so I don't even know why I try.


We all keep trying to use both on you, but you just won't listen. :wub:

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Coming out first definitely helped out the Dreamcast!



I'd have given him more benefit of the doubt on the "computers" thing if he hadn't already performed other gaffes to begin with. In addition, when I ask him serious questions about his expertise on various topics where he simply dismisses a concern made, I get no answer.



He also chastises others for misquoting, when he's done the same himself. And when shown to be wrong in a situation, he'll often try to backpedal the issue in an attempt to save face.

Edited by alanschu
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Dreamcast was so 1337. :(


Last console to truly push innovation and bat**** insane games.


What's funny is the worst part about it was the controller, and the Xbox's controller is pretty much a carbon copy of it, but instead of the gaping hole for the LCD card in the middle of it they had the jewel. :thumbsup:

Edited by Child of Flame
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I'd have given him more benefit of the doubt on the "computers" thing if he hadn't already performed other gaffes to begin with.  In addition, when I ask him serious questions about his expertise on various topics where he simply dismisses a concern made, I get no answer.



He also chastises others for misquoting, when he's done the same himself.  And when shown to be wrong in a situation, he'll often try to backpedal the issue in an attempt to save face.


Everyone should be man or woman enough to admit when they are wrong. Epiphany clearly didn

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